yet he controlled crowds of weak anglo saxons like a king and could send them to battle by the flick of the wrist. Fuck off /pol whitie faggots. All races are dumb humans, time to get used to all races having horrible traits attached to them.
This man was a full blown gay Indian /pol
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Fuck off faggot. Don't insult the greats.
he was persian, not a pajeet
Freddie Mercury was a model faggot aside from the whole getting AIDS part.
he was persian zoroastrian he doesn't have any street shitter genetics.
> Anonymous (ID: J9dyIExb) 11/04/17(Sat)15:45:53 No.147949767▶
>he was persian zoroastrian he didn't have any street shitter genetics.
he was persian zoroastrian, only the eternal hun could btfo freddie.
I think he was a bi.
He did left his record deal or something like that to his ex girlfriend.
Great artist, though.
This man was a based faggot. He makes me proud as hell to be a, uhhh
His talented trancended faggotry, which is nearly impossible.
He was fucking good though
Get out newfag.
>When you find out Sup Forums unironically loves Freddy Mercuri.
The ancient Persians were white. Your average modern day Iranian is not a true Persian but there are still some that still remain. Freddy was one of them (Albeit he was a faggot and that is disgusting regardless of whiteness)
You're entitled to your opinion, but Freddie Mercury was one of the most gifted musicians who ever lived. Where do think he got that gift? The devil? Not possible. No good EVER comes from the devil.
What do you think about this?
God is just.
He was Parsi you mongoloid not Persian. His parents were literally born in India.
Modern Parsis have more genetic similarities With Rajputs than with Persians. You're catagorically wrong.
Parsi not Persian
>we wuz Persians n shit
His voice was great.
Never tried to promote homosexuality, until the media found out that he had aids.
why did the diseased pussies thread get deleted? we have so many liar threads about "diseased" men. everything is a jewish set up im telling you. if only he had truvada. it's ok it fails on women now