Explain why this pizza has 8 slices
If you're so smart
Other urls found in this thread:
cuz u like 8y/o kiddies
brb telling fbi
so each serving size would be around 250 calories
because it's sliced that way
why not have 8 slices?
because it's on an angle
is this NASA math?? how do you know the total calories
Because communism.
Gotta share, bro
I just eat a lot of cp
but this is PCP... i think you need to recalibrate
because it was cut 4 times
Because of the jew
Because some pussy decided he couldn't eat a whole pizza without cutting it up
It is easier for humans to divide something into 2 than into 3.
8 slices is common because you only need to make sure that you divide lines evenly twice o. 3rd and 4th cuts.
Cutting into 6 pieces is more difficult because you need to create a wedge that is double the size of the other on the second cut.
4 cuts are the maximum number you will be able to do if you want equal sized slices in the 4 seconds you have to complete the task.
Stop being a faggot.
because whoever made it decided to cut it into 8 slices
NASA is fake, DAILY REMINDER that spherecuckoldry is not tolerated here and all spherefags should kill themselves
Because this guy has three friends and they each get two slices.
I wish I had a friend.
1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, 29, 37, 46, 56, 67, 79, 92, 106
So that OP could slide threads
Maybe the guy felt like more than 8 slices would be too much to eat.
Because of the pizza-Illuminati !!!!!
really makes you think
360^ / 45^ = 8
It's OP's 8th birthday today.
Becouse its optimal number of pieces to eat for me. Only burgers can eat like 12 pieces of it.
I ate a whole Hot 'n Ready pizza for lunch today. And I'm 20 pounds (10 kilos) underweight.
it represents the samsara wheel of suffering.
which each wheel you eat you experience a new
also chaos magick*
italians are evil occultists and pizza was created to
keep the feeble minded enslaved
>Explain why this pizza has 8 slices
Normal persons eat pizzas uncut folded in half like a taco. That pizza must have been prepared for numales or fags.
everytime i see this pic it gets my blood boiling.
Came here to say this
t. Pizza place manager (not the creepy kind)
Because the mods aren't doing their job
Each cut creates 2 pieces
4 cuts = 8 pieces
Someone explain the joke to me please
Because it's been cut in half 4 times.