The guy at the 7/11 told me Feudalism was actually the best possible system and how it should be brought back. Does Sup Forums think it was a good system?
Should Feudalism be Brought Back?
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It's too late now. No nation would survive reverting to it.
It worked for the time. You'd some collapse for it to work nowadays tho, modern communication system would make half the appeal of the feudal system (Direct authority int he region when getting a message from the supreme leader could take weeks or months) pointless.
We have something similar. Working in a company for a share of the income of that company is kind of the same thing. The difference is that if you don't like your company you can quit your job and go work somewhere else. In feudalism you couldn't leave your lord's land to go work on some other lord's land.
actually you could
This would work fairly well if you wanted to make a right wing commune (there are already a few out there) but the basis of modern civilisation is that food can be produced by a tiny percentage of the population, freeing up everyone else to make other industries viable.
Not in every feudal society and not through all of history. That's besides the point anyway. What would even be different if we switched to feudalism anyway other than the land being privately owned through voluntary transfer of ownership instead of through divine mandate and why would that be better?
Yes. Feudalism is real democracy. If you're a bad leader or king then you get deposed or no one will support you, plus you can get into really epic Feuds in a dramatic way
Yeah it will be just like my fantasy novels.
I want King Trump!
iPhone was a mistake, I want to be a farmer.
*We hath been
what are the other reasons you support feudalism.
Feudalism was probably sometimes good and sometimes bad. Revolts happended if this got too bad.
Due to industrialisation and post-industrialisation, I don't think feudalism would work in modern day.
>Anarcho-tards in the comments don't get that it's making fun of them
How is it making fun of them, the peasant did have a point. Kingship is pretty bad.
Feudalism is adapted to pre-industrial agrarian societies.
It's not nearly as bad as it's presented today (feudal society were actually very collectivist and included a lot of mechanism of social protection and despite the frequent regional conflicts it wasn't total wars like today) but it's an obsolete model.
However a neo-feudalism could appear in the future with transnational corporations supplanting states and basically controllng the entire life of their employee, something often explored in cyberpunk.
No, because it halts social movement.
Retards are evil and having retarded children should be punishable by them sperging away all wealth and power of your lineage.
>Kingship is pretty bad.
You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums.
This. Feudalism was okay: farmers would farm, city dwellers would craft, and we had pretty good times until 13th century or so. We cannot have this back though.
you cant just bring it back. It sprung up because of the conditions surrounding it. Maybe after the next great plague when all countries fail & new warlords rise up out of the ashes, claiming their little fiefdoms
Burger constitution bans royalty
>That's right goy, work the land and give (((us))) some of the food you grew for nothing
Kings and Queens do not have to follow constitutions.
it bans any nobility, one of the reasons the south who saw themselves as a revival of aristocratic traditions didn’t like the northern government.
It was literally for cucked people. Dudes would invade your land, the dude at the top would distribute the land to the dudes he liked the most and the conquered people were used as slaves in all but name.
>against materialism
>for the reich
But i thought the whole point of Hitler was that he brought Germany out of the depression, aka giving Germans more wealth to buy material goods
feudalism is tribalism with castles.
It is the extreme decentralization and achieving much more than plowing dirt is hard
Yes. It can be brought back by using up all the oil.
Any story that starts with "the guy at the 7/11 told me" is gonna be some dumb shit
Banned nobility and royalty I believe. But why would the South see themselves as aristocracy? Didn't aristocracy mean bloodline or something
enjoy ban
The women are not degenerate
look its another retarded royalist
Every post by an arab is also probably gonna be some dumb shit too so...
Even the most far-right among far-right wing groups will tell anyone who wants feudalism to fuck off.
How's Abdul's dick taste?
They weren’t really republicans they mostly saw themselves as a continuation of european feudal tradition (which was still dominant in Europe over republicanism). They saw themselves as a new aristocratic elite ruling over their subjects: the slaves.
strict historical strict feudalism is no good. there still needs to be mobility between the castes
really what he was probably thinking was Manorialism, which would be the best possible system- it works almost naturally with human behavior
the major difference I think here is that the company risks very little by making you unhappy, with a massive cluster of power and legal protections over you, while in the 9th century you could just stab the shithead fief with a pitchfork
Feudalism worked because the lower classes were kept uninformed. There was great effort to prevent lower class people, from being able to organize. The reason feudalism would fail today it that the lower class can organize easily and can bypass the columns to gain information.
In the information age? Unless you maintain a completly homogenic society with low population you are bound to fall into corruption. Its an utopia at this point.
Oh that's kind of messed up. Glad the North won.
Fuck NO, how is this even a topic.
No a fucking million times.
You hear about that shit on TV and movies but it still happens in some circles.
>Oh user I already know you're a insertnamehere you've got the same beard/eyes.
Unless you want to structurally depress the economy to the point that $10 blow jobs and $20 GFE are the norm, I suggest you stick with OPEN MARKET CAPITALISM. Proof? I live in the Philippines-the last bastion of Feudalism this close to Singapore
If the country becomes poor then no one will have the money to buy blowjobs.
>Should Feudalism be Brought Back
What do you mean "should"?
It is being brought back, why do you think everyone is being encouraged to live in cities and give up their cars?
Agenda 21, look it up bro.
feudalism is agarian.
Definitely, since it's pretty much a universal, as well as the most long lasting, form of social organization within civilizations. Feudalism is a pretty loose term tho, you'd have to specify a century and a geographical location to properly discuss it.
People often forget that the key thing isn't the fact that (much, but not all) power is concentrated to a single person, but that this single person has his ruling mandate bestowed by god (the church as the agent of the divine). This gives him a transcendent right to rule which also ties him to certain strict standard of behavior tied to tradition. In addition to which the king is restricted by the church since they can revoke his mandate, the nobility who can replace him and finally the peasants who can overthrow him if the king is too bad a ruler.
But as many others have pointed out in this thread, it wouldn't work in an industrialized society. Fascism is a secular effort at this, but it's lacking the religious aspect which is the most important thing.
A society needs a monolithic symbol to unite the people under a single idea. The race, will of people or somesuch secular enlightenment notions can never replace a transcendental basis for right to rule, since only the divine can't be questioned and fought over.
Wow, redpilled Francebros who don't shill the, "Muh Revolution" propaganda about the Ancien Regime.
What do you think is going on right now???
The EU? Communism?
It's all just Feudalism in disguise with the difference being that this time it will be more oligarchical (although the oligarchy is basically the extended royal aristocracy dukes and duchess etc) rather that a monarchy.
Flood with shit skins to destabilize and grow dependents while eliminating identity. Push socialism and deconstruction of basic rights. Every one winds up on welfare working for the state which provides all your needs. No different from serfs.
So who's the new oligarchy?
wow it's just like how things are now
>It's all just Feudalism in disguise
Dude, the fact that there is a corrupted elite fucking over the poor does not mean we live under feudalism. Rather it means that the societal structures we have are fucked, the elite doesn't have any loyalty towards the poor, the poor don't respect the middle class and the middle class just wants the rich and the poor to go away. In essence no one trusts one another and everyone is driven into cliques promoting their own interests. This isn't a society, it's a dying society with parasites already drinking deep from the body.
A healthy society has a monolithic socio-religious object (in feudalism this was the king bearing a divine mandate from the church), towards which the whole society orient itself towards and consider themselves to be a part of a healthy whole.