Save me /pol
MFW World War Three has literally just started
>tfw you were actually the bad guy all along
Looks like a generic proxy war to me. Why is this WW3?
Nothing will happen. Nobody wants to die for a country that sounds like Semen.
you might not be aware but our prime minister (saudi puppet) resigned today after blaming iran and Hezbollah. something serious might happen
Protip: Always root against the Saudis and you'll never be wrong
Checked, war monger bump
should the west ally with sunni or shia?
Or should we just lean back and watch. Please don't send any more refugees though
Yemen is the bicep of the gulf, it must be removed.
Let God sort them out.
why would Russia and China care about Yemen getting bombed?
depends, if you pro israely and like saudi who sponsor terrorists side with sunnis, but honestly i think is right it will be Muslim v Muslim and the rest will be for later
>anglos figuring this out just now
China/Russia aren't going to go to war with NATO over fucking Yemen.
Kill as many sandniggers as you can, both sides
they will go to war if iran is involved in a war against saudi arabia, especially if us comes in
He resigned claiming that he "feared for his life". His father was assassinated, so I guess the fear is legit.
rollin for my happening
check quads
Maybe the global banking elite realize the jig is up, and are flipping the geo-political chessboard whilst running to their underground bunkers. Could be related to the QC user's predictions.
Then it'll be a proxy war that involves troops on both sides in Iran/Yemen, but neither one of us is willing to attack the other. We've all got nukes.
the funny thing is, he throwed a hissy fit to become prime minister, and he became so after an agreement with aoun and Hezbollah to work together until he got dog whistle d by saudi arabia because he's a fucking traitor
But Iran is sponsoring terrorism too.
must be wiped out!
Yemen just had a missile intercepted over the Saudi capital, so I figure we'll see a higher level of aggression soon.
do they? tell us.
they only support Hezbollah and hamas to piss israel off, if you consider them terrorists is up to you. but you don't hear about Hezbollah or hamas attacking a European country, it's always isis isis isis, then they say Hezbollah is the same as isis and get away with calling them terrorist s
Not talking about Hizbullah. They in fact are also terrorists, yet for strategical reasons they don't attack in the west anymore. But Iran has supported Al Qaida financially in the past.
Also iranin proxies like hashd al-shaabi play an important role in the destabilzation of irak.
I know who Iran supports, wanted to hear from the other germancuck
and no I dont consider Hez as terrorists
Good luck with that
just 10-15 years more and you will remove yourselfs amerimudd
>consider hashd a shabi terrorist
> alquaeda isn't isis
up to you man
>lebanese reading comprehension
I said they are playing a dangerous role in Irak and for minorities it basically makes no difference after all if you see them as militia or terrorists. (Not that I care much about sunni traitoirs, but the rest)
The al qaida part i don't get
fuck off Hanz
>hating strangers you've never met this much
tell us more about how your parents neglected/abused you as a child
>bright spots in the middle of the peninsula
literally who/what
As an ancap you must really love money
No we aren't.
When will OP wake up and realize that Yemen has been bombed for years?
it's yemen bombing saudi right now
So salty, did we displace you? Or are you upset your government took in Ahmed?
How can you only just know this. We are the second biggest arms dealers in the world now. We sell huge amounts of arms to Saudis and they give them/sell them right to the 'terrorists'. Us and the US are the worst in the world right now.
Yemen is the place where the ancestors of the arabs come from
Arabs are from hijaz
Yemenis are arabized kikes
Britain is responsible for every problem in the world right now.
How does it feel?
Arab spotted indeed
The Arabs are semites
- geneticist Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona in Tucson found that the Y chromosome in Middle Eastern Arabs was almost indistinguishable from that of Jews
- Tracing the ancestry of Middle East populations
- Levant populations can trace their ancestors to an African father and European mother
- The Y-chromosome analysis results suggest that Middle Easterners harbour a gene pool with greater affinity to African fathers