What did he/she mean by this?

Was Seth Rich murdered and she's fearing for her life?


Other urls found in this thread:



Holy shit

She's just attention whoring. Whether she knows this or not:
You kill people to stop the leak, you don't kill people after the damage has been done. That's a sure fire way of incriminating yourself.

maybe a dead man's switch?


oh sh-

Oh snap, bump.

has his twitter always shown only 1 tweet?

Need proof for anything Brazile claims. She's a faggot.

never heard of sending a message?


>schizo memer trumpfag suffers panic attack and delusions
Stop the presses!

>shutting the blinds
Thats not going to stop a professional sweetheart.

I doubt Donna has anything useful to give. The biggest thing she did was prove that Hillary controls the whole thing. That's what was needed to wake the normies up. But we knew that long time ago.
If Donna has something more to hide, they must know. And if that's the case, they would have killed her before she can even drop the bomb last week. Seth Rich was killed like that.
They know how much everyone knows because most of them are in on it too.

Saw this on twitter. It’s the only tweet that shows up on their feed but they have a blue check ??


>I disgraced myself by helping Hillary cheat so no I’m going to write a fantastical book that makes me the victim
The left...

It means she does not understand FLIR scopes.

It seemed the world had forgotten about Seth

She wouldn't be paranoid about it if Seth Rich's death was just a random robbery gone wrong.

Who killed Seth Rich? What does Donna know?

You send the message at the beginning of a war, that was SETH RICH. Now the war is nearing the end and your enemies don't fear you, the message has no meaning. In fact, to kill her to "send a message" now would have reverse effect.

Donna Brazile is a Trumpfag?

> but they have a blue check ??

and like 500k followers

More than likely, considering trumpfags false flag all the time


>Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds to her office window so snipers could not see her and installing surveillance cameras at her home. She wonders whether Russians had placed a listening device in plants in the DNC executive suite.

She is trying to portray the murder of seth rich as a Russian job but is also putting this info out there as a threat to her own party that she has the dirt so they can't smear her in the media now or kill her

FLIR can't see through blinds, retard memeboy

◆◆ This , feels a little sorry for the black lady.
:( 》 she should be supported.

>She is trying to portray the murder of seth rich as a Russian job




wait did she seriously right this does anyone have proof i.e pic of the text in the book?

Her claim was already proven wrong. Turns out she's a moron and misunderstood the document she was reading. She thought it was about the primaries but it was a standard general election agreement on how the candidate can spend party resources during the general election. She read it and thought it was about primary election resources. So basically she's dumb and it was a nothingburger.

gotta keep the spotlight on her, when normies inevitably forget about this she is in serious danger of the ol' mid-air multiple shotgun blasts to the back of the head while falling from a highway overpass when taking your malfunctioning weight lifting equipment during a sporadic fit of suicidal depression that came out of nowhere

Sup Forums is NEVER WRONG!!!


sej wij

Now Fuck off.

Why bother with something that expensive when giving 50 dollars to a homeless nigger is enough to kill her?


Isn't the agreement supposed to be signed after the primary though when you are the presumptive nominee? Hillary signed it back in 2015.

The DNC needed money, Hilldawg had a lot after colluding with Russia over uranium. Problem solved, until Seth Rich gave Wikileaks the emails.



She's a pandering cunt, invoking the name of /ourguy/ to win her a few worthless points with idiot berniebros.


>not knowing who DRUDGE is
He's about as trusted as you get.

check out this active thread for Seth Rich please

Is it too late to "Seth" her now?


>Wheeler said that brother Aaron Rich tried to block Wheeler from looking at Seth’s computer, even though there could be evidence on it. “He said no, he said I have his computer, meaning him,” Wheeler said. “I said, well can I look at it?…He said, what are you looking for? I said anything that could indicate if Seth was having problems with someone. He said no, I already checked it. Don’t worry about it.”

>Wheeler said that Seth’s girlfriend told him that Aaron Rich had possession of Seth’s cell phones, but Aaron denied it and said “we’re not going to worry about the cell phones.”

>Aaron also blocked Wheeler from finding out about who was at a party Seth attended the night of the murder.

>“All I want you to do is work on the botched robbery theory and that’s it,” Aaron told Wheeler


t. shareblue

Bump for Seth

>Mexican Intellectual


>“There are no DNC or Podesta emails that exist beyond May 21 or 22, last email from either one of those groups. What the report says is that some time in late Spring… he makes contact with WikiLeaks, that’s in his computer,” he says. “Anyway, they found what he had done is that he had submitted a series of documents — of emails, of juicy emails, from the DNC.”

>Hersh explains that it was unclear how the negotiations went, but that WikiLeaks did obtain access to a password protected DropBox where Rich had put the files.

>“All I know is that he offered a sample, an extensive sample, I’m sure dozens of emails, and said ‘I want money.’ Later, WikiLeaks did get the password, he had a DropBox, a protected DropBox,” he said. They got access to the DropBox.”

>Hersh also states that Rich had concerns about something happening to him, and had

>“The word was passed, according to the NSA report, he also shared this DropBox with a couple of friends, so that ‘if anything happens to me it’s not going to solve your problems,’” he added. “WikiLeaks got access before he was killed.”

You have to admit, that was a lame attempt to deflect.


>According to a source close to the Rich family, Aaron works for Northrup Grumman, which was named as the fifth-largest defense contractor in the world in 2015. The source did not provide what his specific role is at the company.

>“It’s not just hacking and defending, there’s a lot more to it,” a cyber software engineer at Northrup Grumman says in a video on the company’s website.


A breaking report from America First Media Group appears to show that payments made to private cyber security firm Crowdstrike coincided with the dates of two mysterious deaths, including the unsolved murder of Seth Rich and the death of process server Shawn Lucas.
Disobedient Media previously reported on Shawn Lucas’ death, which occurred shortly after he attempted to serve former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz with papers regarding the DNC Fraud Lawsuit. Attorneys for the plaintiffs in that case later sought protection from the court, and in doing so had cited both Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas’ deaths, as well as that of Beranton Whisenant Jr. and others.

In their report, America First Media Group shows that the first payments made were preemptive measures on May 5th, 2016. They add that the next payment to Crowdstrike, totaling $98,849.84, took place on July 11th.
Their report specifically stated that:
“The relationship to this date happens to be the day after DNC Data Director of New Voter Registration Seth Rich was murdered.”
The reportindicates: “The final payment to date is August 3rd, 2016. This coincides with another murder in the District of Columbia. Shawn Lucas, who died on August 2nd of last year, was the DNC Process Server and close friend of Seth Rich.”
That Lucas and Rich were friends is an extremely important and noteworthy detail, and may provide some connection between their deaths which has not previously been considered. If true it is an extremely new detail in the context of their deaths and the political furor surrounding both men.

Golly! How is that possible?!


>Here, the Clinton campaign and the DNC retained the law firm of Perkins Coie; in turn, one of its partners, Marc E. Elias, retained Fusion GPS. We don’t know how much Fusion GPS was paid, but the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid $9.1 million to Perkins Coie during the 2016 campaign (i.e., between mid-2015 and late 2016).

>A friend draws my attention to an intriguing coincidence.

>In its capacity as attorney for the DNC, Perkins Coie – through another of its partners, Michael Sussman – is also the law firm that retained CrowdStrike, the cyber security outfit, upon learning in April 2016 that the DNC’s servers had been hacked.


Crowdstrike says what the DNC want them to say, here is DWS modifying the crowdstrike statement on the DNC hack

>From: Debbie Wasserman Schultz [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 5:46 PM
To: Miranda, Luis; Dacey, Amy
Cc: Paustenbach, Mark
Subject: Re: Draft Quote
Here it is with my changes. “The forensic analysis conducted by the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike confirmed that the DNC’s initial findings, which were the basis of the temporary shutdown in December, were accurate. The audit confirmed that one campaign gained unauthorized access to the data of another, and the audit further confirmed that the results of those searches were saved within the system and that data was exported. Following the conclusion of the audit that confirmed the DNC's original findings, the Sanders campaign withdrew its lawsuit.” - DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda


I fucking hate them for what they did to Seth Rich.


It's Matt Drudge you stupid dumbass. He's the one who broke the story about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky

WRONG! debunked by Assange
back to /leftypol/ you go, cretin

She should be afraid. Hillary's a serial-killer. The only thing that'll save Brazile's life is the claims of Hillary due to turn herself in on monday being true.

She said this in reference to Russians. She was implying she thought the Russians might've killed Seth Rich. Maybe she's too afraid to say Hillary.



>I'm definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.

You will drown in your lies

It's legit:

>Aunt Jemima bringing the whole goddamn DNC house down
fucking why?

because Hillary called her a buffalo or whatever?

>it's real

you dont think he would be a damaging witness in a criminal trial?

I bet it did Donna. You know as well as I do that hillary is a fucking murderer

True if big.

This is it boys.

This is fucking disgusting.
Read exactly what is written, she is using the murder of Seth Rich to promote her book and also implying it was the Russians.

IIRC, Drudge deletes his tweets pretty soon after posting.

Drudge is always purging his twitter history.

Coвeтcкaя cтpaнa cтaлa нaдeждoй вceх yгнeтённых плaнeты. Eё пpимep вдoхнoвил Гeopгия Димитpoвa и Эpнcтa Teльмaнa, Хo Ши Mинa и Чe Гeвapy, Фидeля Кacтpo и Угo Чaвeca, мнoгих дpyгих гepoeв бopьбы зa нapoднoe cчacтьe и cпpaвeдливocть. Цeлый pяд cтpaн cтaл cтpoить нoвoe oбщecтвo. Кoлoниaльнaя cиcтeмa pyхнyлa. C нaшeй cтpaнoй cчитaлиcь caмыe злoбныe «яcтpeбы» CШA и HATO.

Ceгoдня глaвнoгo зaвoeвaния Oктябpя — Coвeтcкoгo гocyдapcтвa — нeт. Mы eгo нe yбepeгли. Oнo былo пpeдaтeльcки paзpyшeнo. Ho пocтyпь вpeмeни нe ocтaнoвить. Кaпитaлизм пepeхoдит из oднoгo кpизиca в дpyгoй. Oн пopoдил тeppopизм, paзвязывaeт вcё нoвыe и нoвыe вoйны. Bыхoд из тyпикa пpeдлaгaeт тoлькo coциaлизм. И этo нe yтoпия. Hacлeдиe Oктябpя вдoхнoвляeт цeлыe cтpaны. Кoлoccaльны ycпeхи Китaя и Bьeтнaмa. Cтoйкo дepжaтcя Кyбa, КHДP и Beнecyэлa. Пoyчитeлeн oпыт бpaтcкoй Бeлopyccии.

Wait it sounds like she's blaming Russia for the murder not Clinton.

Yes, the Russians killed some faggy ass IT guy so they could start a grand conspiracy about how Hillary Clinton (known surprise suicide beneficiary) had him killed so that the DNC could say it was the Russians and not some leaker.

He deletes everything but the latest tweet I'm pretty sure

The key fact is she’s implying she viewed his death as an assassination back when everyone else was still claiming it was just a robbery gone wrong.

Maybe if she bought a dog...

It was a robbery but nothing got taken.

Classic DC.


>she thought he was killed for his knowledge
>so the rest of them did too
>so they were lying when they said they believed the official story
>and said it was disrespectful to the family to ask questions

She can try to divert to the "Russians" bogeyman because she's still trying to protect some people while rolling on others. Don't see it helping much, though, since it makes no sense. In any case, any attention brought to the murder is good.




Or spend the rest of your lives as cucks.

John Podesta wrote: > Agree. Happy to talk to the David’s. Call me crazy, but I think if we can > survive the next month, it will be possible, maybe even straightforward to > get our arms around this once there is an actual campaign. I’m definitely > for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real > basis for it. > > JP > –Sent from my iPad– > [email protected] > For scheduling: [email protected] > > On Feb 22, 2015, at 5:56 PM,

>Mueller's investigation focuses on the uranium deal involving Hillary and her cronies

>Mueller hands over sealed indictments

>the party officially throws Hillary under the bus with promaries rigging to distance themselves from her so she doesn't take the party down with her

>Hillary goes silent

>the Podestas go silent

>One Podesta possibly in custody

It actually all lines up nicely.