CBTS #45: Watching TPTB go down



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why are there still threads? wasn't it all just a larp by a random idiot on twitter?



A storm is brewing germananon. A storm is brewing good. Just some patience.



> Calm
> Before the
> Storm

Was Trump hinting about giving the scoop to CBS?

Apparently the MSM is sitting on the Podesta indictment


Antifa's "surely this is the end of drumpf!" protests have been a nothing burger so far. Mostly just waiting for more information if anything is posted, or for anything to hit the MSM.

Its not happening. Antifa completely pussied out. Whatever is going on right now is small. You might as well be at comic con then at a "revolution"

I netflixed during the 30's threads, who fessed up to being Q on Twitter?

Am I the only one who was worried abt the False FBI flag in Seattle?


But there's zero evidence to suggest he's even been arrested. For all we know, it's LARP'ers feeding information to Jimbo and Alex Jones.

The MSM as a whole wouldn't sit on a major Democratic bundler getting swept up in money-laundering allegations, especially not in the wake of the Clinton Victory Fund leaks.


Donna Brazile totally flipped.
She has been holding back and was probably in contact with people she shouldn't have all this time.
It is proggresing slowly but it is all coming down eventually.
Fuck man at least one of the podestas are indicted we know that for a fucking fact. A year late but still something to be glad about I guess.


I'm a bit confused as well but I'd guess it's this guy


We know he is indicted for sure.

>McConnell: No need to pass bills to protect Mueller


I didn't know if it was him or James brower??

It was probably a LARP, but I wouldn't go anywhere near that stadium. It's probably nothing, but why even take a chance. Game is on late. Keep an eye on it.

i was following this since #1

but now i just a larp

i know it is hard for you to accept it anons but

just let it go

>Right now
Commiecrats need the cover of darkness.

Why do you think that VA State police copter crashed, that shit wasn't an accident.

It's "all but confirmed" but no one's pulled evidence the indictment was unsealed, and there's not even a "hot tip from a friend" suggesting Podesta was led out of his home, etc.

I'm not saying it's impossible. We aren't talking about Nazi Moon bases. Most everyone suspects Manafort has serious dirt on the Podestas or Tony wouldn't have stepped down. I just don't see any evidence it's happened yet.

Or this?

Not Q

am newfag someone please continue baking.

That means we did our job.

Which would give Q more credibility, "70%". Alot of guilty people know whats going down, and flipping sides, or atleast blaming others. Even if theres no military takeover while Trump is flying overseas, this is a good sign of whats to come, aka Mueller being /ourguy/.

No it was all good info until the very end something was compromised doesnt nullify everything at all

>Why do you think that VA State police copter crashed, that shit wasn't an accident.

11/31 breadcrumbs hinted a uniparty flips to keep government functioning and to pass agenda and to keep Americans from knowing how bad it truly is.

i too thought that it was some guy on twitter, however I also read from other anons that he did not claim to be the source, someone hopefully has caps of it.

I went to bed last night and some retards were saying it was Sally Yates

You're not referring to that right

Literally 1 random user goes "I KNOW WHO Q IS" and you guys spend the entire thread screaming "SALLY YATES"

Would it be possible to torture information out of the Podestas if Martial Law is invoked?



Think about what that copter would have/might have seen. Was it equipped with a camera?

Not Q. Some have suggested he LARPed the whole thing, but I doubt it. Doesn't fit his twitter profile...likes to brag about his scoops, why would he sabotage himself just to troll anons? Doesn't compute.


he says it isn't him but that "Q" is legit

I can't stop thinking abt it. It seemed legit to me, the way Macron drops was just handed to us like, plz spread this info.


sauce, faggot.


James Brower is from MA, the only city listed on the antifa list with a state attached is small town Falmouth, MA. One of these things is not like the others...


Which Q?

11/31, 11/1-2, or Later?

I am sorry user but Manaforts indictment was leaked also. It was leaked beforehand just like the current podesta situation. But since he was supposed to a 'trumps guy', media jumped on it and made a fucking parade.
They are currently silent about the podesta indictment and I guess the reason is blatantly obvious to many people here.

kek. now kys.

Thanks 4 taking the initiative, I was wondering WTF was going on. Thought the mods were blocking.

Somebody attempted to assassinate Rand Paul today.


Find me any info on the crash, anything. All there is is two guys died and it crashed over a wooded area on the way to Cville.

Breadcrumbs faggot.




Who the fuck is that?

7 days in may?
3 days of the Condor?

Ignore the thread I made, there were no threads when I made mine

The die has been cast! We must ready our ass cheeks!

shitticaine abrewin

What about Hannity? Tucker? Some of the bigger names that are pro Trump?Why aren't they saying anything?
I would say because they are part of the MSM still but they have gone off the narrative before.
Only thing that makes sense is that if he said no media and he would come quietly that is probably what was agreed upon

Possible FF?

>What is this Army Colonel talking about?


Is it happening yet?

can't find it in the news

Who is this twitter fag and why should we believe him?

What does "actionable" mean? Is it absolutely synonymous with "arrested today"?

Were new sealed indictments added to list?

burn belize move to house!

its legit

you know I posted all the way back in the first 4 threads and yeah it was fun then but serious there is zero evidence this is anything other than another nothing burger larp-fest. I sincerely hope anyone who reads this comment understands enough to leave this thread immediately.


>The suspect was identified as 59-year-old Rene Boucher of Bowling Green, Kent., according to a statement from Kentucky State Police reported by the Bowling Green Daily News.

H-hes just a crazy guy right, right?

They aren't giving it much attention are they? Such a small paragraph for assaulting a senator

10/31 was the one who mentioned 70%. Wasn't the narrative pretty much the same with all of them? If the whole thing turns out to be a larp, it was a fucking brilliant one, but atleast it seems like atleast one of the latest "revelations" is true. /Mueller/ putting the right people in jail seems to be the case. Guess its for the better that it goes down peacefully.

>I can't stop thinking abt it. It seemed legit to me, the way Macron drops was just handed to us like, plz spread this info.

I am doubting it now because I've gone back and isolated the Q posts from 29 Oct (first crumbs, 3 posts), and then 20 posts on 31 Oct. Everything after that is suspicious, as could be counter intel.

When you look at those 23 posts, Q never once mentioned false flags. So I have lower degree of confidence that there will be false flags as cover. Not ruling it out, but I wouldn't be overly concerned.

I still wouldn't want to be in downtown commie seattle tonight.

Someone give me the basic gestalt on the Huskies game. I have tickets and plan on going

Calm before the nothing.

Calm before the latest Sup Forums larping bullshit.

That's where you are wrong
They know now for sure the plan
They've shown their "cards"
The enemy is scattering
Beware of FF
As the noose tightens, people panic
>ANTIFA has been infiltrated by MI and allowed to operate
>yesterday story drops about ANTIFA meeting with Isis & other terrorist organizations in Germany
>This is probably a warning for all to hand themselves over quietly
>showing what Trump & co is prepared to do


I saw an article (searching for it now) that listed all of the people retiring or not seeking reelection. It was a large list. I believe Q mentioned this.

Any good Chicago streams?

One day it will happen!

I'll find the link, hang on

gimme a sec


Chicago is a dud. I'm in the burbs and nothing has been going on.

Checked, local sauce


Hey would someone watch the video at least. its from Nov 3 and he is warning people of martial law and he's ex-military. Come on guys! I thought you cared about this thread CBTS

>The newspaper reported the attack happened at Paul’s Bowling Green home at 3:21 p.m. Friday.

>Kelsey Cooper, a spokesman for Paul, said in a statement that “Senator Paul was blindsided and the victim of an assault. The assailant was arrested and it is now a matter for the police. Senator Paul is fine.”


Much better way to maintain order than chaos in the streets. There will be no burning this bitch down...

would like to see this too

>tfw seeing some patriots playing "America fuck yeah" and having a good time
Wish I was there tb h

Multiple sources confirming, my dude

Me to that's why I asked, figured it wouldn't amount to much

you are an inbred cretin. wut fucking helicopter crash in VA? I've been in since #0, mother fucker.

sauce or get necked

Very good chance shits going down in Atlanta, the left is already posting agitprop.

Be prepared if you're down here guys.


ask /leftypol/ they'll tell you they did it