Break their spirit…save your money
Why are you still giving money to the Disney Jews?
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The pro-refugee n diversity message of this movie is too obvious. Fucking space swede cucks.
i'll focus on evil kate blanchett 2bh
>giving money
I'm waiting for a torrent that isn't in russian or spanish
I might go see it only because I have free tickets.
But capeshit holds no appeal to me anymore.
At least the Sam Raimi Spider Man movies were all white people.
>We Waz Vikingz and Sheeeeeit
do people on Sup Forums even go see Disney movies?
Watched it last night. Was actually really fun.
i downloaded the theater rip copy earlier this week.
it was an ok fun movie.
yeah i never watch cams or even ts versions of the rips until the hdrips or bdrips come out... but i had fun watching it anyways even though parts were in russian... or spanish.
No. There is degeneracy even in snow white.
I haven't seen it yet. Explain?
checking my own post!
lol @ all the goy rushing out to see this propaganda
I don't. My entertainment consists exclusively of playing videogames, lifting weights or carpentry while listening to american nazi podcasts talk about shit that doesn't affect me.
Saw it last night with gf. Had 2 free tickets. Total cost for 2 is like $26 for a couple of fucking chairs. Plus snacks are like 500% more. Fucking Jews
First trips. Praise Kek
it felt like a white nationalist movie that was changed in post script to add more brown people
I only watched it because of the director, did What Do We Do in the Shadows a few years back. It was the funniest Marvel movie in years, worth a watch.
larpagan cuckoids
There wasn't any degeneracy in Disney films until at best the 90s.
I can't think of anything overtly degenerate, I actually like Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast (the non Jewed one), etc..
i've boycotted everything but food and utilities...
starve them dry
It's not that I intentionally boycot them, but I stopped going to movies because they don't appeal to me.
It's a setup for a plot from the comics where asguardians move to Oklahoma.
Its not about refugees, it's closer to native americans. They basically form their own city state thats its own country.
I'm going to see this movie tomorrow and I'm going to masturbate when brown hiemdall comes out and black woman thor in front of odinson the cuck