A woman's vagina can give a lot of diseases. So keep your pant snap closed boys
A woman's vagina can give a lot of diseases. So keep your pant snap closed boys
worth it
just avoid anal and you're good
I'll keep my snap clasped thank you very much
i'd let her give me aids
>woman's vagina
What did he mean by this.
i have a hole in me that doesnt close on itself. THIS SHIT MAKES DISEASES!? whudda thunkit lol
he prefers dogs
Can eating pussy really give you threat camcer?
Thanks for the advise.
I was going to fuck a prostitute today, but I changed my plans after I saw this enlightened thread
Vaginas are degenerate. The only way to have babies is through in vitro fertilisation.
It's like a venus fly trap, except for your dick.
Sometimes a condom doesn't help.
This is why you date a pure Christian woman.
Women are literally walking death traps.
This belongs in Sup Forums
I'm legit worried about this have eaten over a hundred holes lots of them sketchy at best am i kill?
HPV can fuck up both cervix and throat iirc
stick to younger models who've been vaccinated against it
fuck yes it can. i love men. i dream that dudes go on their lawns and flash their boners and fap together. the benises always look so detailed. anyways. i love men. i want to protect you. and trust me it does. truvada works for us cool dudes too. but only for us pretty much
but it's the yeast man. all of em can get yeast
>tfw I can't stop fukin'
I'm clean now but I feel a disease will come soon enough
Are you ok?
the vaccine is only against a few strains of HPV not all of them
That's why I just slip it in their butts.
youre quite smart. although they only have a bladder and nothing else
You are dead Albert
Apparently it can increase your chances but only if you do it with a lot of different women.
I agree. I have chosen to go ironpill and monkmode in order to defend Western Civilization. It's been working. I have to beat tinder sluts off with a stick. Deleted the app the other day with 460 matches total, and I said no to every single one. Why? To prove a point.
Not avoiding all holes and only sucking on the feminen penis
>I am very badass
Stop with the LARP you faggot
>I am very badass
Nice reddit meme from what like 2012. Dude that shit is 8th grade lol
You can do it too pussyboi. Just start reading /fit/ and go to the gym and read a few books.
white women vagina is diseased like that.
Black woman vagina is even worse. I think like 2/3s of black women have some kind of STD
what is you boner angle? you sound like one maybe whose goes to its navel for some reason. those kinds are based
Got a list on those pokémon? Need to update my Pokédex.
Where is the "faggots are disgusting intentionally spreading AIDS" crowd when we need them...