Pakistani canadian gay DESTROYS the Alt-Right

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the only thing he destroys is his cousins underaged vagina

>gay paki

He'll be killed by his own soon enough

"Canadian" is the worst adjective in your thread title.

I remember this guy from my Sargon phase. From what I understand he's an ex-Muslim essentially seeking refuge in Canada. Makes sense why he dislikes the alt-right because he doesn't want to get kicked out, but his arguments were extremely shitty and not well informed.

This, also


>worthless e-celeb
git out

If someone no one ever sees or hears "destroys" someone else, do they really destroy anyone at all?

>begin your argument with the identity of the arguer

Not much better of an argument than what he gave.

55% of Pakis outside if Pakistan are married to their 1st cousins.

Children of 1st cousins have, on average, -13pt IQ

They are 400% more likely to have IQ less than 70

They are 1300% more likely to possess damaging recessive traits.

This is the MAJORITY of Pakis - remember that.

If they're a Paki, chances are they're sitting at ~87 IQ.

Don't give sodomites attention.

Mashallah, he is brave

Only outside of Pakistan?


He looks like a fag.

Opinion discarded.

If massdeportation doesn't work ethnic cleansing seems like the best option.

There's no hope for Canada anymore

Pew probably has data inside Pakistan. I came across these stats somewhere. might be UK Pakis only, at 55%. But there's a lot of pakis in the UK so it's probably higher elsewhere.

They're like 200 million, how do they even life? That's so fucking much inbreeding

See the problem is that they started inbreeding at some point due to necessity. Then when there were more of them they found they were too retarded from inbreeding to stop fucking their sisters. Quite a pickle they're in.

How the fuck do they still breed? Don't they have some issues with that since they're inbreds?

Its not a secret
Its either you gtfo of my land or I kill you .

What's not so clear about that.
Taking my girl was the worst mistake you ever made , boy .
I really wonder at this point how there are no large organisations of white men to work out and beat \kill niggers and brownies

and oh god, this faggot is so fucking ugly omg,the ultimate shitskin

They know that if the whites start to rebel it's going to be a shitstorm

>tfw no one actually can beat the alt-right in arguments
Feels fucking bad man.

I want to unswallow the redpill

hi fags take my daughters. fuggen GRABBEM and make sure it's jewish ivanka so i can join in too. so much attention only the electoral college made him a shitty "president"

Hi paki boi

>white people are still breeding so white genocide doesn't exist checkm8 altright
what a faggot, paki brain.

you look like a fat ass pedo bottom bitch vaginally jewish yeasty diabetic cancer cuck filled with aids because truvada doesnt work on him. you look like an original degenerate sinner too banished for these very reasons. gay never existed as a term until the 1880s. by a jew. but the concepts existed. how convenient to tack it into bible. even the reprobates are reptile worshippers like you so you called them gays. i could go on and on. we were blessed. keep ignoring the significance of Christ and eating bacon. excellent arguments.

I'm so tired of these faggots who critique ideology when they fail to understand the crux of the problem.

The guy doesn't understands one basic important thing, that he's white.
See American definition for white:
>White" refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. It includes people who indicated their race(s) as "White" or reported entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan or Caucasian.

Arabs, which includes Pakistanis are white in USA.

that your wars put brownies here. you ignore everything about hospitality. go to aipac. are hypocritical degenerates. and allowed them to make fiat money interest payments? be specific you weak haavara fuck

This just depresses me because it reminds me that Rage will never come back

Don't really care what the paki nigger is saying

The "alt-right" is just objective truth and resistance against oppression, colonization, and genocide of European peoples.

ok bibi. bibi dindu nuffin. hitler never signed off "jews" to create israel. nosiree bob. the masons pay me. so. isisrael is "based" it is!
>muh masculine sounding woman defensible buzzwords reeeeeee

What happened to her btw? I know that she went to a police station but what now?

You can't even write at a 5th grade level. DROPPED.


you dont need to answer anything when all you do is accuse like a baby too and then pretend like a kike we're discussing particle physics. here's something you guys never answer with this tactic of yours. WHAT PARTS "confused" you so much? all generic. unlike me. all the time

>20 seconds in and theres already intentional strawmen and manipulation of statistics

stopped watching, the majority of Pakis are inbred.

She didn't get in any trouble. She just realized that she would not be able to continue her engineering studies and her job if she continued her internet presence. And she would get in legal trouble. So she stopped.

>my culture is Canadian culture
>weed, hip hop, and "nontraditional" architecture

Nice """"""culture"""""" you got there leafs

Once again, I can't even fucking understand whatever point you're trying to make, because you can't use proper English. Kindly fuck off.


Does it get any worse than this?

you dont own this place. you cant make points. initiate a debate. ad hom. lie. be a bitch coward. repeat your shitty lies and cowardice. and then pretend your jewish ass doesnt understand english. even when you get asked to elaborate. if all you wanna do is admit youre retarded then kindly fuck right off yourself and go back to a cancer vagina

How do you know?

He's a regular Hitler!


What the fuck twilight zone dimension is this???

Well, he thinks the alt-right is gonna try to kill him. Is he right?


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

I was following it at the time. Tara and Tree of Logic who had personal contact with her that she was not in any trouble, she just decided to delete her stuff. She also said she'd be back, but she probably realized she can't do that without jeopardizing all of her IRL stuff.

ask Tara McCarthy on twitter she has her contact information


That thing is not Canadian, that thing is an economic low IQ "migrant".

Part of the browning of the West

Yup, non-existent culture is why I hate this place.

Low IQ, appearance, temper and like 1/3 of babies with genetic problems in the UK are Pakistani even though they are only 25% of the population.

I don't want to harass her myself, I just wish she came back cause she was excellent propaganda. But I understand why she doesn't.

Can I get a tl:dr so I don't have to watch the vid?

"Ethnostate is not plausible because the non-whites would have to be removed by force" is the gist of the argument.

The big secret is there is no alt-right.

That's just something the left made up after Hillary lost to try to divide the RNC and try to produce in-fighting to make the RNC as fucked up as the DNC is.

It's all just more leftist social engineering and manipulation.

>cause she was excellent propaganda

lol you got a crush on her

I could also ask myself since Tara is following me on twitter. but I don´t think Tara is actually going to reply anyway

Top kek

>the right of a white nation

You Burger never were a "white" nation in first place.
The Dutch West India Company brought Slaves to the USA way before the whole 1776 shit.
Other than the European Colonies in Africa you brought your slaves to the homeland.
Same can be said about Germany in future.

>Import 3rd world shitskins
>complain that you getting out breed


If you want a white nation, go where whites lives, found a nation and never let brown people immigrate.


Stop projecting. She has a boyfriend and I have nothing to say to her. I just want her to come back and put the skeptic cucks in their place.

I watched 2 minutes.
>the alt-right is hypocritical because they attack BLM
Because BLM is factually and objectively full of shit.
>israel isn't an ethnostate because they have a bunch of arabs
no idea about this, don't really care, but sounds stupid. the whole point of Israel was that it was supposed to be an ethnostate for Jews, if they fucked that up for themselves already, that's on them.
>no one in the alt-right has a plan for bringing an ethnostate into existence
he literally just showed Spencer on screen when he said this, and Spencer talks all the time about ways to bring about the ethnostate.
didn't feel the need to keep watching.

>what's the solution

both sides have the same answer. See everyone at the civil war

>Pakistani canadian gay

Yeah, that sums it up.

>slaves were citizens
Good argument, dude. We should also not bring domesticated animals, right? Because then it's not an ethnostate, we're not even all the same species.

First few seconds of the video
>Because White people aren't minorities [YET]
>They are not being replaced
This is the power of inbred-arab intelligence.
No forethought of consequences.

I can tell you right now without a doubt, this faggot has nothing to say about indian rights. This foreigner forgets that he is in Canada, first nations people lands. We were here before you, we were effected by whites coming over to the "new land" and now we have to tolerate ass fuckers like this fool who thinks they have every right over ours.

You know what, fuck you Mr. Paki ass fucker, you give money to the first nation bands land you are living on. Crown land needs not apply. It's all band land.

Fucking SWJ make me so angry.
Hypocrites, all of them.
I'm angry.

t. 100% Cree

stop thinking with your dick

unlike other alt-right trainwrecks, she managed to sell the ideas really well... until that one video

Native Indian Canadians lived well with the White Canadians before the third world migration right?

>niggers aren't people/humans
Nice straw man faggot

intellectually nothing

you're lost, redskin. fuck off before someone trades you a handful of beads for your heritage.

that wasn't my argument. blacks didn't have the same status as whites. just like animals don't. you should learn what a straw man is.

>Spencer talks all the time about ways to bring about the ethnostate.
For example?

pick one

oh lad

you believe in two spirited people dont you? your fucking picture. the sign of covenant is still there. pence had his little period and disappeared. you dont circumcise do you? isnt that a bit gay?


Fuck goat fuckers pakis!! we will nuke the shit outta them . Nuclear poo bomb!!!
fuckin radical theocratic asswipes sucking the holes of left

Absolutely. Going to public school in my youth during the 80s and 90s were the best times of my life. White people are okay these days. Aside from the banter, which is acceptable, us indians rely on the white mans ability to sustain this so called "western culture" so that we may continue to live in a simple peace.

I know people will joke, haha fucking injun, go drink some listerine. Whatever, we say the same about white folk. The point of the matter is that we live happily on our reservations and are just as equally disgusted by the current mainstream narrative.

Don't believe me? Go find a band office or a friendship center, whatever is in the states for this type of community, I am sure there is something and speak to elders, speak to anyone that is there. you'll find similar sentiment.

The one thing that unites all sides of the right is this, which he never addressed:

We don't want to kowtow our labor for ungrateful foreigners that don't respect or want to respect the host nation. The pandering and patronizing his leftists and identitarians are leaning on is what pushed us right. The only way to uproot this kind of communism in the most extreme form is violence. For him to say "lol what are you going to do, kill us?" means that's one of the few remaining options that the left can't get through their skulls. This is the road to violence.

> blacks didn't have the same status as whites.

But cowboy your goverment gave them the same status as whites on December 18, 1865.

You would have to abolish this amendment to justify your ethno state which would make you a nazi.

For example multiple videos that I've seen in the past. I don't have links, just go find them on the altright youtube channel.
He's not even the only one offering solutions. Some people are talking about giving nonwhites a place or a few places, maybe a state, maybe reservations, but making them second class citizens with no right to vote. More importantly would be the financial incentives to get them to leave the country entirely.

The nazis got BTFO by a gay homosexual trump supporter.
And he is NIGGER. Nice.

it was actually the most popular video she ever made, even the mirror has more than 100k views. the only problem is that it was taken down for hate speech strangely enough

just weird she deleted everything she could have become bigger than black pigeon speaks & gained more influence than most alt righters on YT

>that pic

I have a different story from another guy:
"A lot of natives just hate whites.i try explaining to the ones at my school "you think the chinese and Indians when there a majority will want to pay taxes to you guys?" And they don't care even if they crash and burn they want to see "whitey" crash and burn too"

>You Burger never were a "white" nation in first place.
t. dumbass
You know our country existed before 1865, right? Time for you to be quiet, Hans.

>There are only two ways to achieve a white entnostate

This guy is retarded. How about allowing those interested in a white ethnostate have a chunk of land? That's not an option though is it? Because we know for a fact that it is white men who keep everything running smoothly. They pay the lions share of all taxes, and receive the fewest benefits. If they all decided to take off to have their own nation they would have a lower tax burden, greater benefits for themselves, and a safer, more prosperous life.

I wonder how he would feel if pakistan got overrun by a bunch of Hindu's...What? It's just hindu's living in pakistan...what's the big deal?

>You would have to abolish this amendment to justify your ethno state which would make you a nazi
What's your point?

The thing is that he's not even a leftist, if you watch his other videos he's more of a cultural libertarian who just wants to "live and let live" and hates both SJWs and the alt-right.

these idiotts are worshipping left cz they have an ideological difference since the beginning of the islam.
these wahabist can't tolerate democracy as we have see idiots carrying sharia march in UK!
and left are 69ing with them cz they need some rebellious turd on their side.
Theocracy plus communism/left against right wing!! what a shit load of poison we have to purify!!!
cz these assholes know that alone they cannot defeat us so why not get together to defeat us.
fuck we will throw down the flags of KSA itself one day and liberate the world from theocracy and left for once and for all
and yaa fuck porkistanis

Of course we believe in "two spirits" you fucking goof. Don't get it mixed up with what SJW rhetoric that they spew these days. Nothing has changed for hundreds of years. Every child goes on their vision quest and gains some kind of spirit animal, thats what its all about. Its not furry garbage, you fucking nasty ass butt fucker. How do you plan on supporting your tribe if you're too busy fucking your cousins brother in the ass and not making babies with your cousins at the next pow wow while you teepee creep. Stupid faggot.

Nah how about you let your mutt Jose fuck your sister while he cuts your grass, you lazy, pork eating, booze drinking, albino.

Wow, what a shocker. Another resentful person.
When will these people learn to get control of their own life and stop relying on others?

Start a farm
Grow some food
Tend to the land
Build a home.

Stop wallowing away in your home like a manic depressant loser.

alt right is a spook and they're punching shadows
goddamn lefties are braindead

He's an atheist and don't really like Islam and religion in general (well, he's gay after all)

>If i watch

I won't, he's a retard. I picked up on the "live and let live" message in his video.

This is the same problem I have with Ben Shapiro.

>Who cares what color we are, its the ideas that matter!

As if anyone but white nativists would carry the torch for free speech, enterprise, and anti-socialism.