What do we have to do to get government to accept *real men and their two+ breeding wives who are trying to make up for the immense amount of man children?
Does Sup Forums support two wives (To compensate for man children)
i'd do it. my wife has two friends that are single non-degen. i'd breed 'em
joseph smith was a good guy
I would probably consider it, but I was not born into one of those communities. I'm really not sure about how open they are to outsiders.
Whatever anyone says about him, he was not stupid.
Statistics show at least 15-25% of women are bi . Who can blame them? Seems like chances are it can be a win win win (extra win for kids and their two mothers)
Those non-LDS Mormon women aren't into that, even if they believe in plural marriage
>Have two wifes, life like a boss
>One bitch gets pissed of for no
>Finds chad, divorce you
>Takes half yours house and now you and wife #2 lifes in some aparment
>#2 Gets angry bc she was spoiled and shiet
> forces you out via divorce
Buts its okay bc one fews times had treesome
while it's a nice fantasy. It's muslim-tier degenerate and destroys loyalty.
They would be shunned, similar to what the Amish do
Shunning has existed in societies since time immemorial for a reason
>It's muslim-tier degenerate and destroys loyalty.
I was friends with a Mormon from one of those communities
He told me the mistake a lot of them make is having separate bedrooms, the old timers always had one bedroom if they only had two or three wives, because splitting up time/nights was the main cause of jealousy
Do both wives get 50% after the divorce?
>15-25% of women are bi
its three times that here, being Catholic country and all
You can only legally marry one
But the other wife could still take you for child support
Your friend openly admitted to the crime of polygamy?
Yet you live in modern society there divorce rate is like 50%, plus roasties would spill so much shit on you that you would neck you self mate. And believe marriege is hard even in best scenario
t. Guy that married a virgin
if you can dream it you can do it
It's not a crime if you don't marry them. If it were, every Tyrone with multiple baby mamas would be arrested over it.
He wasn't married tho, his family just practices it.
The women in those communities are very religious, trying to bring an outside woman in is where I'd imagine you would have problems.
Female hypergamy has already fucked things up this will make it worse.
>taking turns getting pregnant
>one wife nurses the other
time to fap
Sure, but you'll have to remove the legal basis for divorce, and make cheating illegal.
>if you add them all up, they make an 8/10
I thouth what ops question was about in lawing it by goverment. If some religiuos or travelers groups do it is they business, like churkas letting for quest yo fuck they douthers and wifes to prevent inbreeding but proles would be against it
That is so fucking gross. Look how fat they are. I'd rather be in prison. Sick of paying for bitches peoples shit.
>they get progressively uglier from left to right, including the guy
it's perfect
>Does Sup Forums support two wives
Of course, a man can own as many cunts as he can afford to support.
>non-LDS Mormon women
Dumbass, Mormon is a synonym for LDS, you mean "fundamentalist LDS", the only true LDS.
>implying cunts should be allowed to initiate divorce
How can a piece of property decide you no longer own it? That's ridiculous.
Yeah, they don't refer to their relationships as "owning cunts"
You are a horrible LARPer
hypergamy is already a thing you dumb ass. how are you not aware that the top 1% of men are already breeding the top 50% of women. you know that one girl at work that isn't an old lady that you and the other guys fawn over? realistically she's a fucking 4/10 and you only put her on a pedestal because all the hot chicks are getting their brains fucked out by chad in NYC after a night of club hopping that would've costed your salary
>heh wouldn't it be cool to find TWO unicorns instead of just one?
yeah it would be cool, good luck
I think white men should have two wives to breed more white children.
The sooner the better. I supprt strong men taking care of and breeding as many women as they are able to.
>most men aren't able to keep one woman happy
>think that divorce rates will get better if you add a second woman into the mix
If she is a single mother maybe, but anything other than that would be stealing a potential waifu from someone that could have been a decent father.
Yeah, I'm not LDS. Did I imply I was? I respect the real ones for their stance on polygamy but I wouldn't be one of them.
And, fuck, c'mon, if it is online it can't be Live Action Roleplaying. Why do you retards keeping use this phrase incorrectly? Do you not know what the acronym means?
I'm so sick of this shit
The higher the ratio of children to adults in the household, the more r selective
Stop trying to import nigger behavior. Fuck off.
Given that they kick out their own boys to have an unnatural male:female ratio, pretty sure they wouldn't be happy if a random dick showed up to the party
>Give delusional women the destructive hypergamy they desire instead of learning to live with a man in their own range
No thanks.
On the bright side it would spark a violent beta uprising which would collapse this entire society.
It is. No fault divorce and the sexual revolution caused it. The betas are already opting out of the rigged game where they get leftover women, other men's children, cheated on, divorce raped, etc. It's going to collapse very soon.
Even when things start to collapse and women know what needs to be done they'll refuse anyway. They would rather see the entire world burn than ever have to settle for a man of their own stature again.
Fuck that. Two wives? Twice the crying. Twice the me "listening". Twice the weaponized pussy. Better to beat the meat in peace.
>Given that they kick out their own boys to have an unnatural male:female ratio, pretty sure they wouldn't be happy if a random dick showed up to the party
That's mostly on the communes AFAIK
Not gunna lie, the thought of two wives is super fucking hot
No. Unless you are ok with two husbands.
I would probably give half my shit to have regular threesomes.
the optimal scenario is monogamy, so not really
Literally nothing wrong with it.
Sometimes a man has enough love for two women, what can I say? If you put your mind to it its possible, helps a lot if your wife is bi though. Also helps if you are rich to pay for multiple women and their children.
Really though, if I had the money to just pay them off, I would breed at least 3 different women for maximum genetic diversity. Redhead, Blonde, and Raven haired QTs.
If your wife approves of your mistress voluntarily, inject some quality semen into her
Dont force your wife into cuckoldry though, only let her hint at it. Like when you do sonething impressive she might say how desirable you are and how it turns her on
Soon that will translate into "How do I get to be the only woman in the world that gets you inside me" and then eventually "Show me what a king I am married to, conquer those hot young sluts and show me I bear the seed of a REAL man!"
Women are crazy and its fun if you can ride the tiger
>implying men and women are the same
You already fucked up, Catalonia.
No, if your wife has had enough children for her then hiring a surrogate would be more efficient and effective than having 2 wives.
I do and have pictures of the trio, but Im 100% disabled from killing shit. A house needs two bodies, I finance.
Im thinking a small island in Indonesia.....OR ASGARD!
It's a nice fantasy, but I'm appalled at how many people in this thread actually support it because, if it was a thing, everyone here would be doomed. You realize that right? 80% of the women (or at least all of the hot ones) would go to the 1% and hollywood Jews.
Polygamous communities cause rampant genetic disorders because everybody is eventually related after a few generations. The West is superior for many, many reasons. Why copy shitskin practices?
That's not even getting into the fact that no self-respecting man or woman shares sexual partners. Shitty people do that. It's degenerate.
>Polygamous communities cause rampant genetic disorders because everybody is eventually related after a few generations.
>when mormons were doing it for years until the US government decided it was bad.
>support two wives
Most men can't even support one ex-wife, let alone 2
Why have one 20 years old wife
When you can get TWO 10 years old wives
this is the problem
there are enough MGTOW types so that it really wouldn't be a problem in terms of society, but short of a woman who was having trouble finding a husband open to the religion seeking me and having job connections it's not that feasible
ive always have and will stand for mult wifes
> old testament
> are current numbers are so low as whites its could be only thing that saves us
>one manchild ruining the lives of 2 women is somehow a better solution
Also, you pretend as if womenchildren aren't as much of an epidemic as manchildren. A brainlet like yourself shouldn't be proposing grand schemes on how to make society better.
Begone Kike. Whites used to breed like rabbits and we need to get back in the habit before we degenerate into a race of niggers.
On average kids from larger families are MORE socialized and successful than those from smaller families. Kids don't need to be over protected as an only child or even 1 of two, it's better to have a larger number of siblings to be social with.
Nope, bad for society. look up mormon lost boys.
O no they kick out their soyboy beta males and lazy NEETs. The terror.
So that means Tyrone A. Celeb, Schlomo Shekelstein, and Fat Mcblobmillionair get all the +7/10 white women and everyone else gets nothing? Good idea, Cletus!
You still watch cartoons don't you.
You are the man child that is part of the problem.
dude in this photo , Adam, is a awesome PUA.
I would straighten myself right out for a fundamentalist qt tbqh
Also, I only watch Lupin III and Leiji Matsumoto anime these days
Tho occasionally I rewatch Honneamise for inspiration
they almost add up to a ten
But those are the people who get wrekt by divorce and are edge cases. on average white men are higher SMV than minorities so we would benefit the most from socially acceptable polygyny. Imagine if the top 20% of white men take multiple white wives, well then the bottom 20% of white men who would otherwise be brideless can then just take an Asian wife. Now we're eugenically improving our own race through selection, we're maintaining a stable population and we're creating an ever increasing number of mixed race people to bleach the other races. How is that not a win in every way?
How fucked up does a woman's childhood have to be to want to be with a self proclaimed pick up artist?
>Whites used to breed like rabbits
And now they don't. However, niggers and spics breed like super rabbits. How is allowing polygamy going to benefit whites and not just turn niggers and spics into super rabbits x4? If you somehow made a law saying that only whites could have multiple wives, then okay, but good luck with that.
Niggers can't even hold one wife you think they can hold 2 or 3? It takes a man completely in control and high in SMV to be able to pull this shit off. I just don't see spics and nogs doing it in large numbers but even if they do it'll be the econominically viirle ones doing it (which is good) and it's way better than the current method of a single mother having 8 kids from 8 different niggers.
It only works if you belong to a religion that incorporates it
There is literally no difference between someone having 10 baby mamas and them having 10 wives aside from a few legal issues
>What do we have to do to get government to accept *real men and their two+ breeding wives who are trying to make up for the immense amount of man children?
user, try to get one first before dreaming about the 2+
They're usually a package deal when you go with fundamentalist Mormons
It's a religious lifestyle, basically
Would you support two husbands to compensate for whores?
>implying I didn't just run into this with a girl who had lovers and an "emotional boyfriend" at the same time
There are enough of those types of men to go around already
Yes there is, but the people here aren't talking about having ten wives, they're talking about probably having two wives and all living together which is 100% different than any kind of degenerate single mom shit.
I see what you're saying and I respect it and I wouldn't even mind being that bottom 20%, but I just can't see that being the way it works. I'm not a total beta, I'm fit and good looking, but not very suave. I'm lucky to have a girlfriend at all. It's biased, but I can't see my prospects being very bright in a society where polygamy is the norm and I'm competing against elites that I would otherwise wouldn't have to compete against in a monogamous society. Women could be with me or they can take a few seconds to go online and sign up to be a member of a 1000+ harem for a super rich guy. I just don't see it working out.
chad up beta cuck.... sig and get you 2 roasties
You are completely missing my point
Polygamy as a religious concept practiced by fundamentalist Mormons is utterly different from some arbitrary legal distinction we call marriage
Equating the two is nonsensical
Used to have two long term girlfriends. Its pretty cool most of the time but too much hassle dealing with both of them so had to let one go and settle down with the other
>Women could be with me or they can take a few seconds to go online and sign up to be a member of a 1000+ harem for a super rich guy.
Mate have some confidence. Most women don't want to be in a relationship where they share a man. The giant harems don't happen anywhere except in extremely poor areas where a girl is happy to be wife #60 just for some meals to eat.
if you look at say mormon communities where this stuff is common, only the very very top guys get over like 8 wives, that is they pretty much have to be a religious leader and be extremely economically well off at the same time.
No I'd highly recommend you do some practice public speaking stuff and hit the gym. It can help tremendously with women and your career. Toast masters and the Dale Carnegie course are both great for this.
I'm working on chading up as we speak, Cletus, but there are so many chads already and only so many women who'd be down with polygamy to go around. Not every woman has had daddy issues or been brainwashed by a cult.
Thanks, I'll take your advice.
I understand that, but if you have a huge number of wives and they all live in seperate houses it's still better than those girls all being single moms. Maybe only a little bit better but still better. That said basically everyone else here is just talking about bigamy where you all live under one roof. That's still pretty damn close to normal traditional marriage.
tons of ones with daddy issues
>you gotta brain wash them yourself