You see this Guy sitting in a quiet German Cafe in 1934

>You see this Guy sitting in a quiet German Cafe in 1934.

What political Advice do you give him?

Wait till AFTER the war.

The nuclear weapons

Tell Japan not to attack America and you win.

>Implying Japan would obey
>Implying US wouldn't get involved anyway to save jewish interests in Eurooe

Don't stop..... believing.

Delay attacking Russia until Europe is unified and fortified against a sea based assault from the US.

Not not commit the same mistake that Napoleon had

Take the russian oil fields and forget moscow

go for Moscow not

Stop taking meth.

Just b urself, bro.

Don't invade Poland.

Don't invade Russia
Build a nuke

why is this thread posted everyday?

is memetic warfare true?

Buy Bitcoin.

Don't holocaust no body even small time. Just send em all to Africa or something.

Get rid of all the gypsies first. Not ONE person in Europe would go against you as long as you keep it on that level.

Never trust the anglo.

Don't let the English escape at Dunkirk.

>Don't invade Russia
>Keep Einstein close
>Learn the power of memes

its FBI

Don't stop at Dunkirk crush the British swiftly.
Accelerate research on the bomb.
Have the Japs focus on China.
Court the Americans but keep them shiting in their pants.
Keep the Russians tied up in a ground war then subdue them when the bomb is done.

Convince America and Russia to ally with you. If that fails, abandon Japan and don't invade Russia.

Just wait a little bit longer, build up a larger army, increase the stability of your government and military. Make more soldier, put a LOT of investment into RnD. Looked like it was going good places.

The Nuremberg laws are not strong enough, Italy is a shitty ally, get alliance with Britain at all costs.

Become a Neo Liberal

Germany, Italy and Japan cannot match the production capacity of Britain, America and Russia.

Don't try it.

go back to painting

Don't be so ambitious, don't declare costly wars. Build an empire with strong economy. Stop killing so many people.
Don't be racist. Your empire should have big population -> big economy.
Make occupied nations to be proud being in german empire. No bad nationalism.

Wait for spring guy. Russia bes cold.

go read Art of War , retard

>Art of War , retard
>War , retard
>r , retard
>( , )

thats russian grammar , you shitty language is not my first obviosly ! ! , retard ! !

and to think CNN believes guys like this can influence an election

Abandon your Roschtild overlords


we can only drink vodka and invade poor innocent countries near our borders

Holy fucking shit Sup Forums is retarded.

Give your men some god damned fur coats before you march them into an icebox retard.

Yeah, sure.
No. Everyone from Poland to Ukraine deserved it.

Dont attack Russia... I think is the most obvious ?

Fucking retard

Let Guderian run things on the Eastern Front. Also, ditch the V-2 and reallocate the resources and engineers to the Wasserfall. Also invest heavily in strategic bombers and, if necessary, hit the UK hard before they can hit you. Doenitz needs more U-boats. Roosevelt has sympathetic tendencies when it comes to your movement and nation. Give him a list of the scientists who were residing in Germany at the time, but would later become involved in the Manhattan Project. Heavily emphasize the importance of securing nuclear technology. Whether you like it or not, your attempts to sue for peace between you and the UK will be unsuccessful because of certain figures in their government. The Soviets will be willing to incur extreme losses and will readily send their civilian population to certain death.

Lastly, America must be kept out of the war and Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union must be prevented at all costs.

We have not bad education and 140 million population to select talented people.

Stay at home and build a massive beautiful army/ advanced warfare machinery THEN invade Europe. Or don't even do that, influence European nations economically.

Don't go any further than the Sudetenland

Don't invade Poland with Churchill in office as the British will declare war against you. Don't declare war on America as they'll have developed nuclear weapons by the 1940's. Instead develop nuclear weapons of your own and increase your propaganda efforts to spread fascism across the globe. Unite Europe diplomatically against the Communist threat and you can win.

>Roosevelt has sympathetic tendencies when it comes to your movement and nation
He was a literal socialist that appointed actual communist spies to important parts of his administration which allowed a total infestation of key US positions with communist sympathizers that at the very least allowed the USSR to get the bomb, therefore starting the cold war, at worst destroyed the United States from within leading to our current day.

Yo let me tell you about the jews

Trust your generals.

>Please Do not ally with Italy, they will not support you, they're just lazy italians.

It wasn't for the "right" reasons, but most modern scholars generally agree that Roosevelt had some sort of admiration for NS Germany. Look it up.

Sort yourself out. Stop being resentful. Stop being arrogant. Stop lying.

Because Hitler would take advice from a turk, right?

Sure. Things were different back then.

One of his mistakes was that he trusted the Turks, the Jews would be less likely to stab you in the back

Dont attack russia

If you are ever at war with Britain, make it total war, give them no ground, stomp them out ASAP. You'll win.

Stalin is a sellout

Can you link me a source you'd say was reputable on the topic? I'm open to evidence that is contrary to what I believe, it's just that most everything I read leads me to believe he had a huge, polio ridden boner for Stalin, and while he didn't actively undermine the US in regards to communism, he at least looked the other way.


>Anonymous (ID: wCn6wNlP) 11/04/17(Sat)14:58:08 No.147951358 [Reply]▶
start Operation Barbarossa 3 months earlier

Nuclear Weaponry and invade the British isles.

just chill out. dont start a war. dont kill the jews.

Let me tell you about the jews

some of you goys are alright, don't go to Russia tomorrow.

Fucking ignore Stalingrad. Don't declare war on the US just because the Japs did.

Japan thought America would be too shocked from the initial attack to retaliate and would instead push for an immediate armistice.

why exactly? I dont know very much about this anywys


Look, if you continue doing what you're doing, you will ruin white civilization. Calm down.

That’s retarded, why would they think that?

>don't let up on England out of mercy. They will not reciprocate.
>Russia is really cold in the winter.

"Slavs are friends, not subhumans. As long as you drop the Slav genocide policy, the people of Eastern Europe will hail you as a liberator"

Treat slavs better. Come to slavland as a liberator, to restore their pride and dignity, not as a colonial occupier.

>2 posts by this id
>Both of them are just calling people "retarded" without giving reason or an opinion of his own

Wew lad

During the Russo-Japanese War earlier that century, the Japanese won by decisively destroying the Russian fleet in a single battle. Since the Russians couldn't swing the North, Baltic, or Black Sea fleets over to the Pacific in time, they sued for peace.

The Japanese assumed that the US would fold like Russia did if they destroyed the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. Unfortunately for them, the carriers weren't in port that day, they didn't destroy the fuel depots, and they sunk all of those ships in a shallow harbor(meaning that the US could simply raise them back up with cranes and repair them).

The idea would have failed even if they did destroy the carriers, sunk the ships out at sea, and destroyed the fuel depots. The fact of the matter is that the USA's Pacific coast was industrialized enough to begin mass production of ships and had a large population to mount a defense. Not to mention that multiple roadways and railways crossed the nation. The USA isn't Russia. We don't have the same logistical fuckery to deal with on our Pacific coastline.

Don't declare war ever. Make due with the crowding issues and suffer through, because if you go to war, you cannot even begin to understand how good you have it now. Try as hard as possible for diplomacy with France and Britain. Forgive and forget, put your pride aside for the time being, it's worth it. Make for better relations with the US, and try to rally the west as a whole against the Soviets, as Communism is the true enemy.

I think it's quite obvious that you don't invade a country, when two bigger countries tell you not to, and then continue to occupy it, when those same two countries tell you to pull out. I think Hitler was retarded for not pulling out of Poland and not allying with Britain instead/

Your ambitions are entirely in eastern Europe. Keep your focus on building your anti-comintern alliance with the ultimate goal of crushing marxism and the Soviet union. If not friendship with western powers, then indifference should at minimum be the feelings you wish to evoke among Britain and France. The Americans are none of your concern and if keep out of their interests they'll stay out of yours. Keep out of alliance with Japan since you have no significant interests in the Pacific. Remember, the war in Europe is ultimately about Germany vs. USSR. Any hypothetically war in the Pacific would be Japan vs Britain, America or a combination of the two resulting from territorial disputes or cultural mistrust stemming from Britain breaking off it's relationship with the Japanese following WW1 and the 1920 naval treaty. Keep your diplomatic options open. It's possible if you play your cards correctly that you could find yourself in alliance with Britain and America against Japan as well as gaining support from those western powers in your war with the USSR, your true enemy.

As far as the JQ, you're going to have to be patient and mellow the fuck out. Don't let Britain turn you down repeatedly on Jewish Homeland in Palestine. Of wars in Europe and the Pacific shape up as planned, a Jewish Homeland in Palestine would certainly be on the agenda at any peace conference. Patience over persecution. You're a vanguard of western civilization. Act like it.

>Not Italy man, not Italy...

Exterminate poles, not jews
And do it quickly

Do not harm Silesians
Because as you can see, mein Fuhrer - we, Silesians are loyal to german nation

Pretty much this.

Though I disagree about the carriers. Without them, Nihon would have at least taken Hawaii. And with Hawaii, they might have been able to assault Panama. With those two, we would have had similar problems to Russia with deploying full industrialized might to the oceans. The East coast was still over 80% of our production facilities for Naval warships.

We still would have won, it just would have taken longer. The Japanese were doomed when Hitler didn't invade Britain rather then fight Russia. All that "we will never surrender" bullshit aside, all Hitler needed was 1 panzer division in London and the Brits would have caved.

Just attack the Soviets. Invading Poland started the war with the allies. They could have helped you and once the Soviets are curb stomped no one's going to stop you in Europe. The US doesn't have the balls to fight as hard as the Soviets did

Gas the kikes. For real this time.

I tell him to videodocument every fucking thing in the reich, have a tv channel dedicated to broadcasting everything in this archive.
Record all conversations with people for archival purposes, archive everything man

>don't start a war yet, it will fuck you up
>wait until Soviet Union will attack Poland, then you can mow down these commies with no consequences
>don't deport jews, put them in the camps, gas them, shoot them, but never let them go, they will come back and stab you if you do that
>and avoid allying with Japan, they may look useful and brave but they are also are batshit insane
Have a (You) fellow Silesian Germanic Aryan

I tell him to kill everyone at dunkirque, and tell him to withdraw troops in the east if he starts losing a battle. I also tell him not to trust Il Duce. Finally I tell him LEAVE THE MILITARY TO YOUR DAMN GENERALS!

don't invade russia, wait until you finish UK, after uk surrender, prepare you army with winter clothes, tell the retards Japanese to wait at least another 1-2 years before hiting USA, and tell the fucking Japanese to finish first chinks in that time.after japan finish china, both germany and japan attack russia, in 1 year at least, the war again russia is over, after europe and asia, go after usa, and you win the war.

He wouldn't have defeated us even if he did it right away. We're just too big. You can't invade us.

I'd suggest he should go hard on subterfuge, infiltration, espionage and creating insurgent cells in all countries aligned with the League of Nations immediately.

I'd remind him that international kikery declared war on Germany a year ago, and that it was only a matter of time before they have their shabbos goy nations do their bidding and force Germany into war. I'd tell him that the moment the war kicks off, he should "activate" all his saboteurs, assassins and insurgent cells around the world at once to cause maximum disruption among the League of Good Goys. I'd tell him that while this strategy was quite underhanded and ignoble, the Jews are prepared to do much much worse to Germany if Germany falls. Though of course, these infiltrators should not under any circumstances target civilians. They should target the military and the leadership of enemy nations. He could have hunted down the conspirators against him to the ends of the earth.

Those disgusting cowards, those mindless pawns Churchill, Stalin, FDR and their (((friends))) all deserved to die in utterly terrifying and horrific circumstances.

I would tell him that the French girl he fucked in "the" war gave birth to a son and he should go see him.