What snacks, drinks, food etc.. do you have for today?
>Nov 4 Antifa Riots - protests occurring
>Solar Flare Drill - Nov 4 - 6
>Potential Martial Law Shenanigans see "Calm Before the Storm" Larp Threads
Antifa Website (Protest Times / Locations)
>Riot Watch - youtube.com
>InfoWars (Alex Jones Incoming) - youtube.com
>Police Scanner - youtu.be
>BP Network - youtu.be
>Ruptly - youtube.com
>Gloomtube - youtube.com
>QT stream - youtube.com
>Periscope - pscp.tv
Antifa Press Conference NYC
Long Wave Radio
Who comfy here?
Ok some protesting but its not antifa tier people (no riots yet.) I think antifa is arriving. MANY CITIES WILL HOLD PROTESTS AT 4PM. We await the cover of darkness.
The shills are still saying we've been trolled but cant explain the people protesting against trump/pence? I don't know how shilling works.
U.S. states they are protesting in and full page Ad they put in the NYT to come.
Rumours and news
>Nov 4th is the 100 year anniversary of the Bolsheviks Revolution.
>President trump is out of the country this weekend.
>Berkeley sky banner during protests saying "it's ok to be white" happening at 1:00-1:20pm
>Rumoured 2600 black block German antifa have made their way over to the USA for the protests.
>Rumoured antifa in germany in consultation with ISIS refugees have now trained with ISIS in the middle-east.
>Rumoured antifa are gunning for a South Korea style impeachment of trump.
>Was the nambla antifa banner a false flag?