- Four men have been arrested after allegedly taking it in turns to rape and sexually assault a drunk tourist at a popular Spanish holiday resort
- Officers say the men, said by police to be Moroccans, took advantage of the fact she was incapacitated by alcohol
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It look like someone photoshop Michael Phelps
No photoshop here
Nafri is naturally ugly
It's all about genetics
Nafris are ugly inside as they are already outside
Bad genes indeed
stop, you're pathetic, you're literally the only person on this board who uses that word or posts these pictures, always with the same EU flag. Go be autistic elsewhere, no one cares.
>you're pathetic
Nafri spotted
>Go be autistic elsewhere
Go back to north-africa
>no one cares
Then don't post
- Fifteen teens treated for rabies after GANG RAPING a donkey…
I heard that early jharjites escaped to Tunisia during persecutions. Could this be a reason for so many Tunisians in ISIS?
Muhammad you have to go back
NAFRI is a legit word watzlaf. deal with it. and yeah: they are like a hundred times more likely to turn into a sex offender than the average indiginous west european.
Most of the soldiers of Daesh are nafris
- The fundamental problem in those people especially the youngsters is that they are easily convinced or brainwashed, most of them are being recruited online through Social Networking sites
- Under the deteriorating economic situation in North Africa the Salafist\Wahabi ideology has managed to spread rabidly among the people.
- The rise of extremism in North African countries like Tunisia has pushed many of them to go to Syria and to join Jihadists groups for ideological reasons
- North African fighters are present in many Jihadist groups like 85% of them are with ISIS and 15% of them are with Nusra Front, Ansar Deen Front, Jund al-Aqsa and Ahrar Sham
Halloween Festivities Interrupted by Nafri Hordes
Multiple Sex Attacks Reported
yes nafris are bad
Nafris are not nice
Nafris are lice