The next 2 names in the Hollywood sex scandal will be Johnny Depp and Henry Rollins. This will be bigger than all the rest. I can't prove it without revealing who I am but I'm a journalist. All I can say is watch for these 2 names in the next few weeks.
I don't expect you to believe me, so just let this thread die, but when it all comes out you'll remember, and I'll reveal more.
Wow, I wonder if Depp or Rollins is the bottom? I can see Rollins being a power bottom.
Aiden Perry
I'll give you more when it comes out. I'll post here what we're not allowed to print in the papers. This is just so you know it's real later.
I can say now that there's a murder involved.
Nolan Kelly
Is Johnny doing spirit cooking? Is he part of the Hollywood pizza knights? Was the murder an under age victim? Do you think you are allowing more crimes to be committed withholding this information from us?
Jose Ortiz
>Is Johnny doing spirit cooking? No >Is he part of the Hollywood pizza knights? I don't know >Was the murder an under age victim? Yes >Do you think you are allowing more crimes to be committed withholding this information from us? Possibly. That's not something I'm comfortable with, but I have to protect myself. I absolutely cannot be the first one to openly reveal this. I like my life.
Noah Jenkins
Aww. Not Wes Anderson and Ritchie. Not that it would be surprising.
Juan Sanchez
male or female victim
Christian Richardson
Quit larping
Grayson Lopez
Hudson Ross
>male or female victim Male
This is my last post, and I'll tell you one more thing - it was back when Depp was more of a musician than an actor.
I'll be back with the real stuff shortly after the story breaks.
Ian Cox
shut the fuck up larper
Luis Perez
You have to give us something if you want clear conscious. Tell us a date or location. Give a piece of evidence that doesn't compromise anyone but you haven't told us yet.
Jonathan Lopez
Did Rollins rape Corey Haim/?
Lucas Turner
>straight edge guy obsessed with weight lifting Bullshit
Connor Brown
Henry Rollins? Yeah right. That guy only shoves his ween in record holes
Daniel Scott
But are the record holes of legal age? You need to ask the tough questions
Joshua Harris
>current year >"believe me, I'm a journalist"
Ryder Morris
don't drag ween into this
Tyler King
NOT Rollins!! Black Flag Was The Shit!!!
Xavier Morgan
>but when it all comes out you'll remember
Jaxson Martinez
Black flag WAS SHIT, and so is he.
Gabriel Hall
Another member of the larper squad. This place is dead.
Dominic Ward
>I can say now that there's a murder involved.
Your speaking about Henry Rollins, and the murder of his roommate?
>Johnny Depp Johnny Deep was one of the (if not the) biggest supporters of the Memphis Three, those three guys who did a satanic ritual killing of the three little boys in Arkansas. It was Johnny Depp's nightclub, the Viper Room, where River Phoenix dies of an "overdose" and Johnny was there that night. Johnny Depp is close friends with Marilyn Manson, whom we all know is satanic.
Johnny Depp - in my opinion - s deep into satanism. Look how he looks now. He was a handsome young man who would have aged into a striking handsome older man, but his dark evil ways have manifested in his looks and he looks 20 years older than he is, he can barely speak a coherent sentence, and he dresses like a freak. He destroyed his soul.
Nicholas Clark
>has-been accused of beating his wife and a guy most famous 20 years ago are bigger names than Kevin fucking Spacey
I don't even care if its true, you must be a really old faggot to think anyone under 30 cares about Depp or Rollins
Gavin Lee
Christopher Powell
After the CBTS larp it is very difficult to belive you. Youve already given out enough info that if only a few people know, you'd be found out by any pi worth their weignt. What year was this murder? Male or femal? Age? Race? Location? Body found? Missing persons report?
Luke Bell
>fagz.jpg my sides user I'm surprised about Rollins tho
Angel Collins
He looks so awful. His looks are totally gone.
Jace Parker
what if it was river phoenix that got bumped off
Ian Gomez
Zachary Hughes
Uh oh
Lucas Barnes
>Henry Rollins *doubt*
Hunter Jones
Still think that was a lucky accident of a high profile that made a great cover story for the nightclub-business-as-usual old fashion mafia-style takeover. Follow the money. Hint: check the garbage bags in the ceiling! (Ala studio 54, lol)
Asher Rivera
If you want people to listen to you when you come back, make a tripcode now. That way when you return and use it again, it'll prove you're the same person. Otherwise, even if this turns out to be true, lots of people will claim you're some nobody LARPer trying to take credit for someone else's info.
Blake Taylor
Not really news bud, all who vehemently oppose our president are afraid ((their)) secret will be exposed.
Adam Thompson
OK I wasn't going to post again but you have a good point. Had to read the FAQ because I'm not a Sup Forums regular, so here's my tripcode.
He wasn't directly involved, but he'll most likely come out with something like "I was wrong to not come out with what I knew". He's known for a long time.
OK I'm 100% done now. Bye for now pol
Nolan Rogers
Henry White
Good they're both scumbags. Henry is a pathological liar / narcissist and likely a murderer
Oliver Fisher
Anthony Myers
"hollywood jews are rapists" >breaking news
Ethan Nelson
that's the thing HR's whole personality is built on "i'm a puck i don't care what you think" but if he knew something evil, and didn't rat- he cannot hide his shame from that
Easton Williams
The next name will be a woman "predator" if they can find one.
99% of these fucks are male, jews (and mostly hetero). They threw Kevin Spacey under the bus to obscure the obvious pattern. They need to sew more chaos and confusion BEFORE the dam breaks and it becomes obvious.
Cooper Cruz
> a film by roman polanski
Adam Thompson
>you must be a really old faggot to think anyone under 30 cares about Depp or Rollins Well if he was larping I'm sure he would have taken this into account and used names kids like you could relate too. Perhaps reporting that Bieber was diddled by Robert Downey Jr or something. Do you like that one better son?
Nathaniel Taylor
anyone have the running list of the trump curse
Ethan Garcia
Rollins has always been a spook. There's some research the family and the career. I mean, he even got a pass to jewish Hollywood.
The other fag is clearly a passive anal homo actor
Kevin Brown
giant if small
Ethan Flores
Rollins has always been am amoral crazy, mixed-up faggot, it comes as no surprise at all that he's mixed up in this sordid shit
Mason Taylor
ROsie o donnel
Kayden Wilson
Screencapped and added to an appropriate folder, documented in larp narrative repository. godspeed user.
You should give us a nametag or even get one now, otherwise in the next thread you will have to prove you are you again somehow, which might be dangerous and/or difficult.
hey i just watched that. soft disclosure. any good movies on the mansons and polanskis second wife?
I'd expect Depp to be a victim turned abuser, similar story to Michael Jackson
Thomas Watson
Rollins sucks
Justin Nguyen
Rollins' worst fear is that he has to return to a life of minimum wage retail sales just to eat.
Ayden Bell
That's drugs that do that not "Satanism"
Noah Reed
Spicy, I'll keep a look out user, godspeed.
Julian Jones
>Speaking of anal and homos
Fuck off jihadi, you're no better than jews
Hunter Jackson
Fucking faggot, i can't even look at his disgusting face anymore... To think that i watched his movies makes my stomach turn...
Wyatt Walker
I just watched american beauty. Knowing what we know now really changes the prespective.
James Hernandez
Great Film
Sebastian Baker
I think it is a combo of both. Most of Hollywood and the music industry are drug addicts, heavy drug addicts, yet many do not look aged beyond their years like Depp. On the other hand, many are also in satanism and look younger then they are. So, who knows? But something aged him. Maybe guilt, or sadness that he sold his soul.
Robert Barnes
not muh depp >PIRATES
Julian Sanchez
I know. I love the movie, "The Ref." I watch it every Christmas season. Can I watch it this year? I dunno.
Zachary King
Nice larping Frater-X
Depp threw a huge fifty thousand dollar party for his son's birthday and invited church of satan member Marilyn Manson, Hunter Thompson was a close friend of Depp's and patronized the Viper Room regularly.
Depp appears to be close friends with the child rapist Polanski. "Johnny Depp lends his support to Roman Polanski":
Depp as "Rango", th hints of Jhonny being into the club are everywhere. Fuck that jewish puppet.
Oliver Powell
art always surpasses the artist else, it wouldn't be art deal with it.
Brandon Gutierrez
Its not like we didnt know this already, but forcing a reaction and possibly an investigation would be FANTASTIC
>Hunter Thompson Don't forget, there is that story floating around form a supposed survivor of the child prostitute ring (ala pizzagate) who claims in the late 1980s he witnessed a young boy being murdered and the entire thing was filmed by Hunter S. Thompson.
If memory serves me correctly, that survivor is Paul Bonacci -- also witness to Johny Gosch's disappearance/The Franklin Scandal.
Adrian Gonzalez
Pierre, are you trying to say that Roman Polanski, after raping a child, was right to get an Oscar, because "art..something..bullshit"? Get fucked you mongoloid!
Dominic Stewart
relax, he got it
Camden Reyes
>Henry Rollins
Fuck ya.
Jordan Fisher
He looks like a meth addicted ricky ricardo
Jayden Collins
Noah Gutierrez
Johnny Depp -> Tim Burton -> the White House Hot Dog Party?
Sebastian Davis
>art Cool. It was always a fascinating to me that post-modernists stopped asking the question: "If an actor portrays a sin, does he himself sin". Seems hollywood found alternative ways to answer this... no bud, this is not art anymore once you know what kind of person did this, it becomes nothing more then sick exhibitionism.
Reminder that, that sick fucker got some satanist kids who abuse, murdered and defiled another kid out of jail along with Eddie vedder shilling for their release. Says a load abnout the cunt. He's a creepy fucker. Look at the gay shit he waers at his age too.
Eli Sanders
Why, Johnny? Why???
Dominic Reyes
Did Johnny killed Phoenix?
Parker Reed
>Why, Johnny? Why???
Fantard detected. Never admire Hollywood Jewry.
Carson Taylor
I remember seeing on pedos on Sup Forums saying johnny depp was a well known pedophile
Aiden Allen
Don't give a shit about Oscars but that doesn't make his movies any better or worse.