Is Bitcoin or the blockchain technology in general the most important invention of the 21st century?
Is Bitcoin or the blockchain technology in general the most important invention of the 21st century?
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Bitcoin/blockchain is 99% hype, 1% technology.
No, it is pure trash, wasting computing power.
By blockchain technology do you mean public key crypto systems? Then yes.
>Buying virtual currency with real money
Still don't get it
Bitcoin is shitty faggot monopoly money. Google Bookchin
It depends who ends up in control. And don't let anybody fool you that it can't be controlled. Nobody knows who invented it and who holds the most coins is a huge redflag.
Worst case scenario is it ends up as the world currency like (((they))) aim for.
spot the jews
because it's worth 7,000 when months ago it was worth 4,000.
Stop shilling for your stupid split, you greedy fucks lol.
There is an entire board for this shit.
It has zero impact on normie life. You can't go to McDonald's and buy a cheeseburger with it. WoW auction house items have more intrinsic value than this fake bullshit.
Does it really have any value? If no one uses it, it has no value. All it seems to do is drive up prices of GPUs.
Who would buy it for an inflated price and why?
Central banks of the world needed to absorb excess liquidity. They created bitcoin so people wouldn't invest in gold, thereby driving its price up
>WoW auction house items have more intrinsic value than this fake bullshit.
absolute savage, e-jew weeb shekels BTFO
I had an old computer when this bitcoin shit started. For shits n giggles I mined on it. Got a few hundred bitcoin. Then a friend offered me a couple hundred for the system to make a server with.
So I wiped the system clean and sold it to him. I never even thought of the bitcoin when I did it. And even if I had, I wouldn't have bothered to get info off it first. I already took everything that mattered off when I got my new system.
So I threw away what is now "worth" millions of dollars.
It's like regular currency, only better. Every transaction is tracked. Imagine going to the store and trying to pay with paper money. The clerk says that one of the bills is no good and must be confiscated, because it was used for X illegal purchase
I've seen clickbait bitcoin ads on porn sites. It's a pyramid scheme and a scam
>implying the price is inflated
I bought shitloads at $13 and im not selling til $40,000
well i cleared all of my student loan debt with bitcoin.
you sound butthurt bro.
bitcoin is currently being pump and dumped
other blockchain tech could be viable though
as an alternative to (the fed)
Can't buy cryptos without fiat. Cryptos are fiat.
Ok if you sell it for a profit then who buys it and why would they pay that Much
The hilarious thing is that tons and tons of bitcoins were lost this way, never bale to be recovered.
I had about 5 bitcoins total when I was like "fuck this dumb shit" and gave up on it. Now those 5 are lost forever. Im sure theres millions of other people that did the same thing. Id say probably 1/4 of "existing" bitcoins are gone, never to be seen again.
It seems the only reason it has value is because you can buy drugs with it on the dark web. If not for that it would have about as much value as digital baseball cards.
a loan you paid off in what? Bitcoin? No you used £, and someone somewhere lost money (real money) doing that.
he's probably referring to the distributed ledger aspect of it, trust less consensus mechanism, and built in escrow. (not necessarily all btc)
Exactly the question you never ask about selling EUR that went up against USD
>Every transaction is tracked.
Explain to me why this is a good thing? Think about the risks in this scenario.
Your example is stupid.
His name is Nick Szabo
this is what the history really looks like.
its pretty anonymous, especial if you use a mixer
which are being targeted by (FBI)
There are bitcoin clubs, where leaders of the club hold meetings about recruiting new members / investors to bitcoin. Like all pyramid schemes, the leader flaunts his many vacations, mansions, and brags about having 3/4 million dollars sitting around. People in the club give the leader a percentage of their bitcoin gains.. and when they try to get real money they pay a 4-9% fee...
Sounds legit!
did they?
I converted 10 BTC when they were worth $5000 to pay my student loans. They are now worth $7000.
I'm debt free. The buyer has gained $20,000 in value.
Exactly who is the loser here?
If it was such a great investment there wouldn't be daily threads from sellers desperately trying to convince you buy.
Why should i explain this to you?
All dat COPE
Niggers, bitcoin is a pyramid scheme. You dumb fucking scum will create an entire economy on a volatile market with no real tradition other than "OH SHIT I CAN MAKE MONEY NOW AND MORE PEOPLE WILL BUY IN".
That's not healthy.
It's good if you are the police state and/or big brother
Yes, please explain how I am debt free because I mined BTC and kept it and cleared my debt and how somehow this is a bad thing......
Once they hit $10k I'll sell another 10 BTC and buy myself a house.
Keep believing in fiat that is backed by the promises of (((central bankers))) if you like.
Try harder, no one will bite.
The current holder of the bitcoins.
you are wrong. Crypto will replace fiat by the end of the decade.
Anyone know how low fees will theoretically be on B2X assuming the chain gets adopted? At best wouldn't they just half of what they are now? That isn't good.
That's what I was alluding to
You're shilling too hard
Cyrpto is a scam that could be legislated out of existence overnight.
no different to an investor buying a stock that crashes really. Buyers know there is risk.
Fiat never was real either, it's a system based on trust. If people dont use it, it loses its value. Bitcoin is a hype, a meme, just a new tech one.
Blockchain is already used by japanese banks and large corporations
>real money
just enjoying the thread bro
>I'm a neo-Confederate who wants central government authority to dictate to everyone else what they can/can't do because UNITY
Central banks stand to lose control with bitcoin. Why the fuck would they create it?
>Exactly who is the loser here?
the bank
Genuinely curious about it. How does it work? Is it a scam? What does back this currency? Please enlighten me I'm too stupid to understand how it works.
It is more important than the internet itself. Crypto will make banks obsolete, secure the internet-of-things so your car cant be hacked, automate most white collar database entry and security jobs including non-mangerial accounting, securitize currency so simply holding fungible tokens is also being invested opening up most of the world to capital markets, etc
It'll reduce government purpose to security, legal systems, and public emergency servics again. Tax evasion will be so easy that the state will have to really sell public works or get the people on board.
I am against democracy in the form of a state, but economic democracy is true freedom from the owners of this planet.
>things I never even insinuated
Cyrpto gets fucked when government becomes unfriendly to it.
/polfags arent ready for data proofed hashes that get anchored into a ten minute extra strength bitcoin blockchain so any type of data can be timestamped and preserved. Let the /pol wagecucks continute to be broke. I'm gettin rich while they continue to talk about mub white race problems.
What is driving bitcoin price? Looking at order books I don't know. I have like a quarter of a btc. Big deal. I won't sell it. I won't ever use it for fuck all. Most people just hold it. It's either a meme that is being pumped by normies or it will be a prequel to a new global currency. It boggles my mind
Government can barely do anything about crypto right now and it's only going to get even worse for those thieving violent goons.
CRISPR-CAS9 is the most important invention of the 21st century and likely to go down in history as one of the greatest scientific advancements of all time.
These stories make my dick hard. So many people were in the right place and time, but never imagined it would become what it has.
I remember seeing threads for it on Sup Forums years ago, seemed completely pointless to me.
Central banks still have a form of control on them, Everyone knows who they are, where it's located. With bitcoin all these things become unknowable. If you think € and $ are creepy. You're deluding yourself.
Give me all your money then if it doesn't exist.
If its for bitconnect (lol it is) then yes, its a scam.
Bitcoin will not be the crypto which gains global adoption for fungibility, but will always retain value as an index to fiat.
Any user want to help a poor user out with fake currency you can
Don't know. Maybe. Here's what I do know. I remember Bitcoin threads way back in 2009, 2010, and the very same naysayers were saying the very same bullshit they're saying today. It's useless, it'll collapse, the bubble will pop anyday, don't waste your money. Back then I was dumb enough to believe them. If I had bought $500 worth of coins then, I'd be a millionaire today. Fast forward to 2017 and the same negativity is said in every Bitcoin thread. It's useless, it'll collapse, the bubble will pop anyday, don't waste your money.
I will be buying the dip after the fork.
I disagree. Bitcoin is one step closer to a cashless society in which every transaction is tracked. A central banker's wet dream, no black market
its not a scam
Think of it as limited edition beanie babies that can be traded over the internet. Every 10 minutes or so a new batch of beanie babies is discovered and added to the pile. People pay lots of money for them because other people are willing to pay lots of money for them and theres only a limited supply.
ZRX is a protocol for decentralized exchanges.
There will be crypto tokens which retain complete anonymity, which can then use smart contracts to trade at whatever the local crypto exchange rate will be, covering tracks of any transaction if you so wish.
Wasn't that the plot of wolf on wall street, Getting gullible people to buy worthless stock?
Seems like bitcoin is the same thing.
But I don't understand why people want to buy them. We spoke about it with my father precisely today and we have the chance to start producing one of the new currencies with a powerful computer but I wonder up to which extent is it worth it. Are alternate options to bitcoin (for example the ones the chinks produce now) going to ever have value?
Hal Finney too
Enjoy being poor.
They will all have the capitalization value of what people will pay for them.
Bitcoin will eventually be an index, yardstick so to speak like the CPI for USD PPP.
Bright future ahead, if you survive the initial collapse
Sorry, the chinks apparently also produce bitcoins.
I wouldn't give you my USD or my BTC.
But that's what I was discussing about with him. Bitcoins are indeed valuable nowadays, but alternatives to bitcoin (for what I've gathered there are lots of them now) are ever going to gain as value as bitcoin has? What is your opinion, are they worth producing?
Same reason people want to buy limited edition beanie babies. It's popular and collectable.
There's literally a thousand other crypto coins and some of them have value while many of them do not. But Bitcoin is the OG beanie babies so people want it more than others.
Privacy currencies like Monero already exist. This isn't an issue. Open ledgers are necessary for business and governments to operate on, so this is good at least for bitcoin.
>end of the decade
I'm not even joking. You are retarded.
The military industrial complex and CIA niggers will have your head on a spike for trying to undermine the US economy.
Don't betray us for your globalist paradise.
I think so. I even think Satoshi was from the future and brought bitcoin to us
This. No one ever made a convincing argument for blockchain tech. The point of it is to make things decentralized, but that causes its own unique problems (scalability, byzantine fault, oracle problem, etc.) There's no long-term benefit to using blockchains because everything always heads towards centralization anyway.
I want some too, I have 0 so I would love 0.000001 :^)
Check out CloudCoin
It's literally garbage. BTC will crash, blockchain technology could be used in other niche applications though.
>there will be literal GMO uber Chinamen within our lifetimes
>imaginary internet drug money is even close to as important as that
Get real, niggas.
Why not?
The value is speculatory based on estimated value vs fiat, also some hype.
I would not be worried about a "bubble" until btc is over $75,000 per
Wht gives the dollar it's value? The faith of our institutions? The blockchain doesn't need faith.
The question to ask is what devalues the dollar. And that's the Fed. You can't fake bitcoin or good cryptocurrencies.
Whereas the Fed can literally hit Print.
Ignorant fuckers. There are plenty of books about blockchain, it is revolutionizing our society.
I've always wondered, let's say hypothetically you bought a small amount of bitcoin 5-7 years ago and now you have a few million dollars worth of bitcoin would you ever get that money?
pls be nice, I don't know shit about crypto