What if the Nazi's sent all the Jews to Israel instead of death camps

Sup Forums I have been thinking....

What if instead of relocating all of the Jews in Europe to Madagascar or attempting to exterminate them the Nazi's used their resources to pacify Israel/Palestine and just set the Jews up there instead.

Think about it. Everyone wins.

How the fuck did they not realize of this?

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They did try to send them to PALASTINE.

>use their resources to pacify Israel/Palestine

Bro what about ancient Israel.

the brits DID give the Jews Israel in ww2


Somebody is about to discover history...

Hitler did exactly that, he gave them 7 years to take their shit and their wealth (you read that right, they were allowed to take all their gold with them) and go to Israel, and many infact did. That's why lolocaust is a joke because when the war and "concentration camps" really started there were no more than 1.5 million Jews left in Europe...

Hitler was a good goi


the nazis actually did try to do that.
they was only one problem

and the bloody brits didn't allow it to happen because they didn't want to upset the poor little arab locals that were living there.

but even if the brits did agree, i doubt it would actually happen without turning israel into some kind of slave-state with a hell-scape

OP here.

I kind of figured that might have been the case but here's what gets me:

Germany knew they were going to go to war with Britain anyway. Who cares if the British objected?

A personal question if you would: Does knowing this affect you as an Israeli in any way - psychologically or personally? I'm to prepare a report on the "psychology of collective guilt" for someone and your post made me hope I could win you over as a participant.

never existed

>Do you even read replies or do you just enjoy asking questions?

All your questions answered here:

> thegreateststorynevertold.tv/

2 Words OP

Havaara Agreement

It's almost like the Haavara Agreement was just the beginning or something.

Shlomo, you forget about the minority of jews that stayed in Palestine. They too opposed the migration, because they had an uneasy peace with the goatfuckers.

well in order to get all the jews into palestine without biritsh permission would require the land to be CONQUERED

and seeing how the nazi africa corps were stopped in Al-Alamein it was practically impossible.

doesn't affect me at all.
i don't feel guilty at all.

if you think nazi-controlled israel would be sunshine and rainbows you gravely mistaken.

just seeing how terribly the germans treated the Slavs in the occupied terretories would be a good enough hint

it will just be Auschwitz 2.0, with less gas chambers, and more slave labor.

in fact, when the jews in palestine heard that the nazi are getting near. they planned on fighting to the last man

they in no way opposed the migration, they tried to get as many jews in palestine as virtually possible.

the brits were the ones constantly trying to prevent it, in fear of upsetting the fucking towelheads

>american education

Brah what about the Canaan which came before kikeland?

>Every nation and empire in history has expelled the jews
>But it's totally not our fault, goy!

Keep this in mind......

"When the Jews return to Zion", what follows?

search the author Leni Brenner, that is (((Leni Brenner))), interesting book(s)...

Check the year, you fucking illiterate meme collectors

Who said it had to be Nazi controlled.

I'm talking about the Nazi's aiding the Jews in establishing a fully autonomous Jewish State.

Israelites(TRUE Israelites, Adamics) have NOT returned to 'zion', Khazar and Kenite LARPers paid for by the (((Rothschild))) Talmud deceivers of the worlds population bringing forth (((their)) moshiach(messenger) Ein-Sof have though

as in (((Theodore Herzl)))???

are you telling me Germany didn't try it and Zionist establishment wasn't the one haraming it?

Option 1: ship all de jewrats to jewratistan. Sit by and wait as they form a world army to wipe you out for being the woke goy

Option 2: send everybody in the country to defend against the jewrat, keep pet jewrats to fill in the labor force and to prevent jewrat rebellion.

>everything looks so good, it's impossible to choose

that would never happen. the nazis conisidered jews as subhuman vermin, they would never allow jews to have an independent state that could negotiate with the third reich as equals.

Never forget this actually happened you fucking racists

sounds like the way fake (((Israel))) thinks of Palestinians and a state called 'Palestine'....the similarities are striking...

>groups of kids get kicked out from over 100 schools
>it's just anti-spoiledbratism goys!

Are you sure the good guys won?

the HOLODOMORA did happen, yes. (((They))) took the food away from Ukrainian Christians in 1930-1933 at gunpoint and starved 10MILLION to death!!! (((Lazar Kaganovich))), (((Gingrich Yagoda))), (((Nicolai Yezhov son of a rabbi))) at the order of (((Josip Djugasvili aka Stalin))). See the monument called "The Mask of Sorrows" in the Ukraine...

canaanites all dead and we called dibs

They tried that, also they tried deporting them to other nations and were paying other nations to take them, but no one wanted the god damned Jews in their back yard.

by "we' that means Khazars and the 'serpent' Kenites from Cains' lineage?

Yep. But when we show a list of 50+ communists that were responsible for all of this and ALL of their real names were originally jewish...well that's just hitlerism.

The holocaust will be disarmed by this generation. I'm proud to say that almost EVERY person I talk about this with agrees that it's bullshit. Actually, /pol would be surprised that EVERY black person I talk to in poverty blames jews. You'd find it hard to believe, but nogs accept this.

They tried. The Kikes refused.

khazars is a meme created by jealous goyim

it cracks me up that they were so insecure about their new country being legit, that they had to name it "Is real"

Why does everyone deny the holocaust? I mean fuck wouldn't you want something like that to happen.
Fuck the Jews I know the holocaust happened and I thank hitler for it

israel would happily have a palestinian state neighboring them if they didn't try to kill us on a daily basis

You may have seen my name on this board.

My mission is to distribute the red pill like AIDS on a playground.

I ask /pol to contribute by offering truth bombs that can be summed up in a single image.

Black German soldiers, other countries volunteering for Germany, jews running free in Berlin to the end of the war with stars identifying them, etc.

I want to make a binder, a sort of chronological picture book of international jewry that leaves people speechless and in as much gut-wrenching realization as the rest of us.

Who can contribute?

Khazars ARE goyim, and 'gentile'... Adamic Israelites are not... search what fellow countrymen and co-religionists Eran Elhaik, Shlomo Sand, and Dr. Oppenheim have to say on the matter...not to mention Benjamin Freedman...

>being this new

Look who's behind this!

>i hate jews so much i will make them not jews

let's do the math. 6 million jews supposedly died in the holocaust. the holocaust lasted about 4 years. to reach that number, assuming they were slaughtering jews nonstop 365 days a year, they would have had to kill over 4,100 jews per day. they would also have to cremate or otherwise dispose of those 4,100+ jews every day, regardless of how they died. now mix this in with going all-in fighting a war against three fucking continents and you'll start to realize why people start to wonder what the fuck really happened.

Israel is like the one alien egg that survives at the end of sci fi movies, a few years later you're back at square one.

Israel is like a vial of the black death in some secret government facility.

For the sake of humanity we must wipe out every last trace of them, it will be gruesome, the people doing it might very well kill themselves from PTSD, caused the horror, but it must be done.

Every time I try and rationalize away the organized extermination of the jews I fail, I can't risk my peoples/humanity's future for my own comfort of being seen as less radical, or sparing myself of this terrible duty.

You can write me off as an edgy fuckboi but it's truly with a (somewhat) heavy heart that I write this, they simply have to die, the sooner you get to terms with this the better.

Did you subscribe to me last night? Retro...something?


It was called the transfer agreement.


No idea who you are or what you're talking about




That's what Hitler was planning you retard

The Jewish commies that 'freed' the camps of East Germany reported the gassed GORILLION and this lie was created for them to be given not only Israel, but to provide another step to their script of prophecy. And now Hitler is evil because he wanted to kill them all when he wanted to deport them

Holocaust means burnt offering, and according to ew prophecy , 6 million Jews had to be burned for them to get their holy land. So they faked it because it was real in there minds Nd to further their false prophecy. This is also why they try to destroy Christianity because their (((Messiah))) will supposedly come when Christianity is destroyed. Basically, Jews lied about the Holocaust because they want their Messiah to come in the future and this just another step in their plans. The holy book is their script, and these false events that everyone believes is true is part of it.



America is the jews bulldog. The Blaster to their Master.

But if you say this, you hate our troops.

>if you don't stand behind our troops, stand in front of them
>I'll break your fucking face for making me consider that all of the infants I incinerated with white phosphor were innocent
>the holocaust happened and everything about it is inexcusable

Glad this checks out


Pretty sure that was the plan. Only problem is trying to round up millions of people who control all powerful institutions of the country.

US zionism BTFO

Meme this

see (((Ilya Ehrenberg))) Minister of Propaganda for the (((Soviet Union))), (((Ilya))) is celebrated in (((that country))),imagine that, this so called '6 million' was claimed many times before WWII going back well into the 1800s, (((their)) moshiach is Ein-Sof and holy book is the Babylonian Talmud. All ((their)) LARPing and pretending and treachery with 'religious' rites and rituals does not and will not make (((them))) Adamic Abrahamic Israelites covered with those covenants and promises. Kenites(Cains seed), have been trying to corrupt Adam and Eves' seedline since the Garden and Khazars converted to the Talmud in the 700s AD have been the soldiers to continue the hostility to Adamic peoples...Occupying the Holy Land and LARPing the false Talmud messenger , Ein-Sof is continuing the Luciferian deception...

the following may be enlightening....(www.texemarrs.com/092017/mystery_babylon_doomed.htm) & (www.texemars.com/102017/rise_fall_of_synagogue_of_satan.htm)

I mean, If you really want to get easy:

Give every citizen a knife, make a law to stab to death one jew.

No more jews, and Palestinians and Madagascans, and Europeans can live jew free and within their own homelands without that parasite people seeking to destroy them.

by definition a person must be a descendent of the person Judah and/or the tribe named Judah. The person Judah was Adamic, seed of Noah, seed of Abram(Abraham), but so were the OTHER 11 tribes of TRUE Israelites and descendants thereof... the total group of ALL 12 tribes of the REAL, ACTUAL Adamic Israelites are NOT named for one person or tribe called Judah. Why did the Rothschild contingent NOT name (((their))) new state in 1948 Judah or more correctly Judea, after the 2 tribes of Judah and Benjamin after the 12 tribes split into 2 kingdoms in the Old Testament times? The 10 northern tribes were actually called 'Israel', true Adamic Israel...The Assyrians took the kingdom of Israel and then the Babylonians took the kingdom of Judea...

Lest we forget that agreement or the fact that they try to play off hitlers involvement as minimal

>implying they didn't.

Two sides of the same coin


It was called "The Transfer Agreement", OP. Any Jew who left for Palestine got to take his property with him. In exchange, the Rothschild Zionist gave Germany a payment for each Jew delivered.

Jews didn't want to go. They weren't stupid.

Ok so you're all going to pretend you can't read this because muh pixel density


No, Hitler expected UK to support this, because Lord Rothschild was behind it. Nope. And Palestine was under British rule.

>How the fuck did they not realize of this?
They considered it, they tried it, but the Arabs were strongly opposed, and they realized that all the Jews of Europe could not practically be moved to Palestine.

I believe it was the intention of the Nazis to establish a European Jewish homeland in Poland, where there was already a large population of Jews, and where most of the Jews in Germany had come from.

Likewise, I believe the "death camps" were the centers of organization of this effort, temporary holding areas for Jews transported to Poland. They were made out to be "death camps" after the war because it served the interests of Soviets, Americans, British, and Zionists alike: it allowed the Nazis to be demonized, it made a case that Israel was needed to prevent genocide, and it shifted blame away from the Allies for the tremendous civilian casualties resulting from their strategy and tactics (strategic targetting of food supply, transportation infrastructure, fuel supply, and foundational industry, scorched earth, herding masses of unwilling, undisciplined, undersupplied, disorganized, and drug-addled Soviet conscripts into regions where they could seek compensation for their troubles in the form of plunder, rape, and murder).

>How the fuck did they not realize of this?
It's kind of hard to transfer millions of reluctant people across a war torn continent. They did plan on doing this, by the way. After they would have defeated UK.

Check Steve Pieczenik and the Transfer Agreement. They tried to do this and the Zionists said no (they were worried about consolidating what they had, not just building numbers). Also, generally no Eastern European Jew wanted anything to do with Israel, they either wanted a Communist government position or they wanted to come to America.


Fuck you OP seriously FUCK YOU and all of your kind


then the Irgun Warriors and Stern Gang started killing and murdering British soldiers, didn't (((they))) ???

But dem khazar tites


>nazi fart

now if we could just train, equip, and arm the Palestinians to fight to the last 'man'...

You are almost there OP, just keep questioning and you will get to the truth. Then you are here forever.

after the War ,WWII, ever heard of "Operation Keelhaul"?? The 'Allies' were so 'pleasant' with those who had escaped (((soviet communism))). General George Patton had some interesting things to say in his book "The Patton Papers".

and this is exactly what (((they))) built with (((Rothschild))) help...

Palestine was a British colony, if I remember correctly Adolph and Neville met in the early 30s to work it out.

fuck off you stupid baitposting faggot cunt