When will Germamy pay war repatriations to Italy, Poland and Greeks?
When will Germamy pay war repatriations to Italy, Poland and Greeks?
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That word doesn't exist. Like legitimate Polish claims to Silesia and Pommerania.
This, we need to have another war with Poland.
lol @ dagos, P*les and Gr**ks thinking they will ever get a dime out of the cumskins
When will Poland pay war reparations to Germany and Russia?
Fuck off with your slide thread
>It's ok when Germany does the same
The only thing you are getting is another blitzkrieg faggot
We promise to field troops this time.
And Austria, we're the first victims of the eternal prussian
about 300 billion euro for each
are you even white?
both, bulgaria and germany never won a world war
kek, you're not wrong
3rd time's the charm.
Don't you think Germany has done enough already?
WWII happened over 70 years ago, Germany has already paid huge sums to various countries as compensation, most Germans feel a collective sense of guilt and outright refuse to express anything that could be remotely construed as "nationalistic," etc. Why can't you just forgive them at this point?
Germany is not your enemy, it's your friend. If you want an enemy, look to the east.
Checked. Confirmed. German and Bulgarian expansion imminent.
>war repatriation
??? What
>WWII happened over 70 years ago, Germany has already paid huge sums to various countries as compensation
They paid us nothing, null, zero, nill.
When you take refugees.
Greece will destroy Germany in [check last number of post] seconds.
And they call us the gypsies
When you tell the truth about polish death camps
Never now fuck off and give us our stolen land back
With gypsies?
Bulgaria is really our best ally
The truth is that these were german camps on occupied territory. This retarded meme should die asap.
I thought reparations were given up so that the German government would accept the new borders on the Oder-Neisse line after WW2. I recall there being a ton of displaced Prussians after the war. I also recall the voices that called for the return of those territories died down after the Commies took hold of the region.
If you want some cash you could probably sell some of that land.
Pic related
Fuck off Ikibey, you have to go back.
You know it.
pic related is what europe will look like in 50 years.
If they give their clay to Germany, so they will get paid.
Did I hit a nerve there, turkroach-gyppo rape baby?
>war repatriations
what? you mean you want money for them to leave Germany and go back to their own countries.
If Poland pays back its debts it will cease to exist.
>Picture related
As it will be returned to the way it should always have been.
If anything we should give reparations to them for the asskicking we gave them.
My three year old grandmother was gassed on spot by Obersturmfuhrer Karl Von Tilla for not having blue eyes, justice was never served
I am totally fine with this.
Funny, coming from a turk larping as a turk rapebaby...
We might just seize Adrianople too to piss off the turkish larper off... But this map is oddly aesthetic.
i dont call you gypsies
neither romanians
they are not turkish rape babies
they are uglier
turk rape baby should be a compliment for them
though they seem to have some gypsy mix
So this can happen?
fuck you dumb fucking pol, what do you call all that land you stole
Seems we have subhumans here baiting hard. Keep trying faggots, German-Bulgarian friendship has been a long bond and it won't end anytime soon.
Unless you get it in the next twenty years, never.
Because Jamal and Achmed won't be able to pay shit.
>kill all slavs
>use thousands of polak children to make germans more blonde
If you really are from poland you should now that the only reason your country exist is to host the occasional war between ruassia and europe every 100/200 yrs
Italians are white you fucking kike.
if you hate germany so much, then do it and kill urself.
fuck off
>be now dutch swamp monkey
>be exactly as cucked or even more cucked as before
>everyone speaks like he's drunk now
>nothing else practically changes
Yeah, whatever.
but you are subhumans
i actually feel bad when insulting bulgarians since the last weeks
you are just inferior
fuck off turk. Don't ever put gypsies and romanians in the same post ever again.
dutch flag looks much better
We don't care about money, we want what's our and it's wasn't given to us because of America in ww1
Germany already payed and is still paying for the war.
Germany will pay additional "repatriations" once Germany gets his Land back. It fucking used to be nearly twice as big before the war.
Get that cash Poland bro!
Kill yourself Ikibey, your bait is weak.
it was Greek before shitalians existed or Rome came to power
>looks at foreign trade deficit these countries have with us
>sips beer
This, genocide turks and gyppos when?
i really feel bad
cant take you guys serious anymore
we enriched you with our culture. donĀ“t be so unthankful and racis man.
German colors don't fit with a naval country like Netherlands. Dutch colors don't fit with an industrial country like Germany. It's good as it is.
You ceced all you claims after the payments made in the 70ies, I believe it was
>inb4 the Soviets made us
Guess what The Soviets also made the GDR giving you Silesia and Pommerania, so lets get back to that too
Hurry up and pay Kraut, you needs to be paying for all of EU now that Bongland is leaving you with the French beggars.
Don't listen to achmed, bulgaria is bro tier and good axis friend. Sofia is coming along nicely too - the only thing you really have to do is kick those zigeuner back to pakistan and india.
Never won a world war,
constantly got fucked over,
burdened with post war rebuilding and reparations.
The actual funny thing is that we are still doing fat better than most European countries, and suddenly the amount we paid for the war suddenly isnt enough anymore.
Lol what are you even serious? they were and are italian go read some history book
Why is everyone around us killing themselves.
Guys stop :-(
bulgaria is in eu and turkey has the second biggest army in nato
ruhrgebiet really is a big industrial sandnigger shithole
If Poland returns the land rightfully owned by Germany it will only be better.
>Poland CTEs
>Germany owns rightful territory
>Money otherwise used for politicians wallets will be used to rebuild Poland correctly
>Win-Win for both the Poles and the Germans
of course I am white. I have english ancestry, the only true whites.
>pokes you in the chest
thanks, Frankfurt is awesome too, haven't visited Berlin.
>The actual funny thing is that we are still doing fat better than most European countries
its because unlike other countries
germany is importing thousands of cheap immigrants
its like a growing company
a company doesnt care about genetics
just growth
>and suddenly the amount we paid for the war suddenly isnt enough anymore.
you didnt even pay them back then while israel
my history book says that you claim Greek lands
the english are among the ugliest people on this continent
Angelsachsen are germans burger. Franks too. Every white person is germano-celtic - the anglo is a meme ethnicity.
>destroys your non country in 10 seconds
thats wrong
most of them are pink skins
Where is our gibs, Germoney?
To be fair it would most likely be better if all of Europe would become part of Germany.
If Poland would become part of Germany it would most likely do way better than it would on its own within the next decade or century.
Same with most other countries like Italy Greece etc.
only south Italy and Sicily
Everything you know about your genetic ancestry is a lie. Anglos came first and migrated across the English Channel around 700 BC
when we realign our borders to pre-1918
>*casually pushes you out of the balkans*
do you know about the Greek colonies in dalmatia?
You're of course right, the continent was completely devoid of human life, before the island ape discovered a way to cross the channel and built all the stuff that was already there for thousands of years.
wake up balgar
it was just a dream
>poorest regions in Bulgaria
>filled with t*rks
>still believing the Hun-centric europe meme
Daily reminder the whole refugees welcome to germany shit was pushed in the anglosphere with 96% of social media activity coming from there, directly to illegal immgrant smartphones, financed and coordinated by soros and the other filth.
dalmatia is not in italy
thats like all of bulgaria
Not really, t*rk
>When will Germamy pay war repatriations to Italy, Poland and Greeks?
When you make them, user
ok but Greeks were the best Romans
shitaly is useless and everything after the fall of western rome is mostly trash
turkey is richer than bulgaria
let alone western turkey
oh look it's another germany & russia vs poland thread
Shut up kuffar