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dude looks like a mutt. Why are americans so confused?
He is not white, i dont like him
>le 56% face
>what is a tan
Trying going outside sometime Nigel
Because we are mutts, you fucking limey faggot. At least he has the balls to do it AND he doesn't live in a country which will put him in jail for expressing his beliefs.
What are you saying? That he's a normal white person with a tan? lots of white people look like this?
Is this seriously a white person to you?
>Black hair
Don't care about non-white allies tqbh
that curly black hair is just screaming to grow into an afro, kids got nog in him
I....is that really not a white person?
>the state of americans
Looks like a guinea or a (((fellow white person)))
I dont even think its nog, i cant tell what it is, mexican, cuban, italian, arab, jew, but i dont think its nog, not with that nose
>this is what people who call slavs non-white look like
Always makes me chuckle
Are Americans colour blind and facial feature blind?
non-white subhuman
i found him
We're Euromutts, you retard. That man is not white.
And if you're a mutt of anything other than European countries, I have news for you.
soon quadroons will be considered white
You are still not white though
If we left out all the people with black hair that did something for the world, you'd have nothing to brag about... Where's the Forbes 10 richest blonde?
Way to weaponize a minority, white supremacists
no, faggot
he is obviously not white, is this really the state of America were you think that is white? Would want your society filled with people like him?
I think it's a kike or maybe some kind of lah-teen-oh. Whatever he is, he's a perfect example of Le 52%
From Austin. I would have sworn I saw this guy in high school talking about doing push ups with his penis. He was one of the least pertebcious theater kids I ever got a chance to meet.
Minorities see more sense in ethnic pride than most white people.
Don't forget most white pride people want to compensate for being inadequate individual specimens of humanity.
He looks German. I would say he's white
Shut the fuck up retard.
He doesn't look White, but even mutts who are mixed with nuffin but European generally don't look White either.
no u
Shill gonna shill.
he has a black dad
>guy going against commies
>I don't care he's not white.
Shut the Fuck up you friendless dweeb
booty blasted amerimutt
you are obviously a poo poo man wishing desperately that i was a shill
Don't undermine a beautiful gesture from one of our coloured cousins, user.
He looks like his last name is Diez.
We'll let you be mutts when you stop being so vocal about whiteness when you're not
>Don't forget most white pride people want to compensate for being inadequate individual specimens of humanity.
What makes you say this? I havent seen this at all. It's usually just reading up on genetics or living near niggers.
Looks like he could be a swarthy German, French or Italian.
Stop trying to divide whites with ''you are not white''. Only jews do that.
I guess I am. I don’t even really care though.
I take back what i said in the begging, i appreciate what he did and don't have anything against him
hes just definitely not white
you even seen the sun up there pom?
This is definitely a white person
Fuck off
He's probably 50 Italian 50 serb
If that guy isn't white, then neither are you. Or maybe you think it's normal to have no UV exposure as you wither away behind drawn curtains in a musty room smelling of body odor and masturbation.
Fucken silly wanker.
>swarthy German, French
is Sup Forums really this much of a fucking joke now
maybe an italian with lots of black and arab rape in his family tree
>we'll let you
>Syrup Nigger land
Stop, you can't even if you tried.
how do you even find a qt redpilled chad in Austin this is the soiboi capital of the world wtf
looks like a mexican
God-tier rebuttal
>mohammed of londonistan tries to divide and conquer
how adorable
looks like a spagetthi nigger or a spaniard to me
That's Owen Shroyer on Infowars dot com
Looks like at most he could Jewish or Greek to me. But I assumed when OP said "allied" that he was acknowledging he wasn't white..just an ally.
I be half middle eastern half British White passing but not white. But To die fighting commies next to u would be my honor
its not even just the skin colour, if you made his skin white in photoshop he would look weird
he looks like an american
something between germ and italian
but thats the majority of them after all
"It's okay to be mestizo"
link to shroyer's stream pls
The muh white theories on pol probably come from race mixing holocaust sympathisers.
Anyone from Europe up until around Constantinople, all the way across Eastern Europe and into Russia, Ukraine... excluding most of the 'Stans... Is WHITE.
Anyone tricked by multiculturalism, falling birth rates and Islamic/kike conquest... Is white.
He broke rule 1 of IOTBW
>this is not about the person, it is about the reaction to it.
He looks like an italian jew to me.
He's white enough m8. There're different kinds of white people.
Shut up kike. He got it on TV and he is a fit young white male dresses in a polo.
>you Jews will all be fucking killed soon enough.
of course you'd say that sweden you fucking cuck
You mean Diaz
is this bait
t. Mohammed
Maybe half North African?
>See's Caucasians unifying to overcome threat
>Divides whites into sub categories
>hand rubbing intensifies
What's Israel like this time of year cunt?
In Portugal that guy would be considered a rich gypsy.
My uncle is a Rabbi, Goy. You're going to pay alot of Shekels for reminding me of the Shoah. Oy Gevalt.
>it's okay to be white
>looks like le 52% face
>not even a chad
I know a lot of Americlaps are legit dumb, but come the fuck on.
But america is a mongrel country he is white there
>mfw more tan than this guy, brown eyes, brown hair and def more chad
>spanish, english, scandinavian 100% european
stay mad you pasty inbred shit. Not everyones ancestors decided to stay on those no sun islands.
Slavs, nord, meds, why do idiots always try to divide us? I get the underlying ethnic tensions between "white" people but we have enough threats to deal with that the infighting is fucking dumb. Eliminate (((them))) and then the subhuman apes and insectoids
you should do a dna test
My skin is like industrial leather, probably have repressed skin cancers.
>Mfw not white
Reminder that this is considered white in murica.
I did nigger. That's how I know.
I'm only like 7% iberian. 70% english. 23% scandinavian. Myy family is blond or black hair with blue or green eyes. I got the iberian as fuck look.
if you say you are browner than OP and 100% european i think you are lying
>what is a sun tan
What do you even mean by that? Mediterraneans including Iberians.. very likely all had blue eyes, fair skin and fair hair if you go back far enough.
People have an obsession with the UK, and "english"... just a bunch of catholic, jew pope worshipping slaves to Islam.
everyone saying he's not white post your face right the fuck now
You are wrong m8. Iberia was europeanized by waves of celts, romans and germans. The original people of this peninsula were afro-asiatic neolothic farmers. Very similar to arabs.
You know how UV rays work on fair skin right? Tans aren't genetic you fucking dingbat.
This. That dude is white and a Chad. Post your faces, mongrels.
You're an idiot if you fall for the "only white if green/blue eyes and blond hair. You can draw those arbitrary lines in the sand if it makes you feel better though.
You went back too far, Im talking post-angloteutonic conquest of the peninsula.
Hold on cunt, I never said that. I simply said their origins are of generally accepted Caucasian traits. Unlike Africans, Arabs, Asians, and South Americans... We've gone thousands of years now, undergone Arab conquest.... there's much muddling in the Caucasian races.
Even then it wouldnt, The visigoths and the suebi were very few in number. There were about 10 000 settlers. Thats how they lost so easily to the moors. The jewish communities in Iberia disliked them so they supported Tariq.
If you're majority Brittish, European, Mediterranean, Eastern European, Russian... You're fucking Caucasian.... A tan from working stock yards doesn't turn you into a degenerate sub species.