Sup Forums is wrong, yet again

A small but well-funded group planned non-violent protests today. Then everyone on here filled their diap about "muh lefty uprising". Literally no Antifa source promoted this and even warned their retarded followers that this was a conspiracy made by retarded alt-right people. Literally nothing has happened. I was reading about all sorts of stuff on here that was going to happen today, armed revolution, hoards of violent leftists in major cities, European Antifa fags coming here to fight, etc. Where is it? Very disappointing. Stop fear mongering, you make us look like morons, there's a reason we're portrayed as being paranoid nutjobs. Prove to me that anything like what this board said was going to happen was even planned. The alt-right has given nothing but ammo to the left, you guys are more of a problem than them. Stop fear mongering and prove to me that something like what was predicted has happened or will happen, that Antifa is anything more than shitty domestic terrorists organized by fags in college, and that Antifa actually had plans for anything close to the insane uprising that was predicted on here. Both sides are retarded. You're doing the same thing the MSM does with white nationalist events. Just a group of peaceful protestors marching around being portrayed as this giant hoard of deranged lunatics ready to slaughter everyone. Look at the live streams, they're just standing around chanting stupid stuff.

I love this picture

Zoom in on digusted_asian_man and this could be a Sup Forums banner

It has a little of nearly everything.
It's incredible.

You do realize the Nov4 threads were all antifa LARPs, right? If you made it past the OPs post you would realize everything in the threads thought nothing was going to happen either.
This is an embarrassing shill thread, we "predicted" a literal nothing event and that's exactly what we got today.

If that's the case, what's up with all of the threads for "keeping up on what is happening" and the people who are insisting that it's totally going to happen, we just have to wait? Sup Forums seems pretty sure this is real, idk where you've been

>republican senator assassination attempt
>protest all across the US
>a literal nothing
I'm not sure you know what that word means.

It was a coordinated LARP. The protest thing was already scheduled. Leftypol, Reddit, other leftist discord chats basically put it up

>LARP about massive democrat arrests/scandal
>Soros possibly in trouble and donates 18bn to his fund as a last ditch effort
>11/4 rally supposed to be very violent as Mueller has democrats arrested all over the place
>POTUS has to be out of the country to stay safe
>Has to declare martial law and orders the USMC to take control of violent 11/4 leftist protestors
>idiot children on /pol create 45 threads about nothing, fueled by other LARPers who continually bump the threads and fill them with meme pics and one line responses/other insignificant garbage

You do realize that it is just one guy that does almost all of the can tell by the way he writes. Even the "AMA I am a Chinese party official" thread that was here a little while ago--that was also him.

>when you're too gutless to carry through with your plans so blame the group of people you were planning to carry out your plans on


>>republican senator assassination attempt

I just got back from a fishing trip and haven't heard a damn thing about today, care to fill me in?

Half were LARPING shills, the other half were followers of Alex Jones and shit.

Even my newfag ass understood that it was being pushed hard here on Sup Forums, which means that it's antifa trying to speak big, and get some lone idiot(s) to make the "alt-right" look bad. The obvious response was to just apply some basic caution today, have your concealed firearm, and nothing more.

someone tried to beat the shit out of a senator while he was at home

Google Rand Paul assaulted at kentucky home

>You do realize the Nov4 threads were all antifa LARPs, right?
Of course OP knows that – OP was one of the ones making those topics!

This. Cripplechan /leftypol/ did the QAnon larp. We literally watched them ad-lib it.

But... don't let them pretend that the Nov 4 "end to the Trump/Pence regime" was a LARP. That was real, but they had disappointing turnout.

commie meme flags have been larping this shit for the past 2 months
nobody took the bait
kys faggot

You do realize the majority of people making those threads were just trolls trying to freak newfags and conspiracy fags out, right OP?

>”really goys it was a joke. The nyt page was just an expensive troll.”

Most likely scenario then: the 18 billion that Soros spent was designed to incite everyone, but people on both sides realized it was outsiders trying to incite all of us to violence and we all decided to stay home instead.

R U We Todd Did Son?

>protest all across the US
A protest in a handful of cities isn't really all across the US though. If like, 6,000 small towns also had protests, on top of several major cities, that'd be all over the US.

>MFW I see a shill upset after realizing they'll never get rid of our champions.

But is that
>a literal nothing
No, it is not.

>That was real, but they had disappointing turnout.
Fair enough.

Pretty sure even the faggots skipped this one.

I'm kinda guessing q user was a warning against sorosfags.

>Sup Forums was wrong
Is Sup Forums nothing but leftist shills anymore? Maybe a couple HAPPENINGfags wanted to believe, but nobody else here could honestly give a shit. I honestly hid those threads, never bothered to read a single one because they were blatant shillthreads

What a total load of crap.
Truth is, nobody wants to be a part of your pathetic, paltry, political movement.
This is precisely why Trump won... Bwahaha!!!


>filling their diap

Dude, we want the happenings. we want them dearly.
We want the end to come. most of Sup Forums just look for an excuse to die in a screaming horde of antifaggots while doing the world a favor and going down with them.

Sup Forums is the kind of board where the kids go who shoot up schools.

Then why did the New York Time print on the front page of the newspaper Nov 4th it Begins!!! Seams as though they are the ones that are hyping this up

>Literally no Antifa source promoted this

"ResistFascism" took out a full-page ad in the New York Times.

You're a shill. Your moms a shill, Your dogs and shill and your pet fish, is a shill.

Sage this thread men.

The day is still young.