a group of 20 people from 8pol leftypol. They organize on discord and blast 80 anti-Spencer meme with different IDs to drown out rational discussion about him. If every second post screams "SHILL" or "CIA" they can kill any pro-Spencer discussion.
You can recognize them by the character-assassination conehead shops and retarded posting style/memes. Their infamous shills like Moarpheus even admit it.
This is by Vincent Law (writer for altright.com), not Spencer. Still a good article, though.
I think Spencer posted something on Twitter about it.
Jackson Watson
like pottery
Dominic Morales
who's this aryan mammarian?
Adrian Cruz
I'm just posting before moarpheus faggot comes in here.
Matthew Butler
That pic is from KTH.
Noah Carter
Milk please
Benjamin Russell
Carter Perry
Benjamin Foster
Jordan Anderson
pol isn't alt-right pol isn't white nationalist pol isn't pro-authoritarianism
stop trying to slap a label into us.
pol is a board of peace
Elijah Murphy
>someone doesn't know what might makes right is
If he has the platform to do it, what are you going to do about it but bitch? If it helps our Race then what? I couldn't give a fuck about Sup Forums, only our Race.
Sup Forums is a tool.
Zachary Brooks
for context
Juan Clark
Show me where this has happened.
Brayden Davis
Sup Forums falls under the umbrella that alt-right describes. it's not a club with memebers and leaders, it's just a general description of the marketplace of ideas in the new ethno-nationalist, far-right zeitgeist.
There are plenty of good reasons to not take on a name or identity with a specific ideology; it makes you easier to attack and classify. Sup Forums has historically never identified as alt-right and never should. The terms that describe this amorphous rightist zeitgeist are going to change over time, and so will the movement.
But- if you genuinely think Sup Forums isn't a part of what "alt-right" currently describes, you're delusional, like some leftists going "HEY DONT LABEL ME MAN, I'm not a COMMUNIST, I just believe in a global revolution of the proletariat seizing the means of production".
Kayden Jones
Woah. Spencer also has a weird obsession with James Bond. Is he autistic?
Behead the egghead. Infidel spencer must be brought to justice in the eyes Allah. I would beat him with my shoe
Ayden Carter
Nolan Richardson
Sup Forums it's not a tool nor your personal army.
Adam Davis
The problem with that way of thinking is that you can’t stay amorphous forever and maintain relevance in the long run. We’re at the point where we have to take off and fly or we’ll crash on the runway.
Luis Clark
>We’re at the point where we have to take off and fly or we’ll crash on the runway. Well I think we will if we can stay on point all this stupid infighting from people like moarpheus trying to stop us from getting our msg out there is really fucking up peoples ideas. Its very annoying.
Carter Russell
Colton Ortiz
Sage (((Spencer threads))).
>>In before 'disinfo meme'
Samuel Price
Jesus she's filthy, and her clothes are outrageously cheap and make her look even more disgusting than she is sage worst thing i've seen all day
Charles Martinez
IE has been doing this stuff or at least 2 to 3 years probably longer.
Jackson Anderson
Based, thank you user.
Easton Torres
quit lying.
Matthew Long
Waiting too long to organize is what screwed us over, our enemies are just filling the power vacuum with kikes
Connor Fisher
I think what we are doing now is fine but more people will rise up. DESU I don't really understand why you'd expect someone like Hitler or really any really good leader to rise up when we live in such a shit society.
James Jackson
This. There is something really off about her.
Jaxson Torres
Spencer is the most obvious controlled opposition I've ever seen. Hail victory? Really?
Kayden Watson
>lose relevance in the longrun Yea cuz electing a president and majority republican house and Senate and helping get scumbags ousted for an entire year and helping to crumble the democrat party is smallime.
The only people who stand to gain by creating "a movement" are book writers and talking heads on TV.
Water has been amorphous since the beginning of time and it still rules us all.
Take your movement bullshit and take a long dive into a trash can. Nigger.
Charles Jenkins
Kek, saved.
Spencer isn't perfect, but the moarpheus shilling in e celeb threads is annoying because it makes it impossible for real criticisms or strategic discussions, etc., to be heard. I wish someone would poison that dude's cereal so he would die.
Andrew Cooper
Like clockwork.
Ryan Clark
Typical french faggot, where's your rainbow flag you cockmongling homo
Leo Foster
Yeah, she's off muh dick.
Michael Ross
Elin could be a legit 10. How tall is she? Looks kinda stumpy on some pictures.
Colton Myers
>president and majority republican house and Senate You can't be serious! You bring up the fact that the republicans own house and senate yet they have done nothing at all. What did President Bush do? What did all the republicans do for the past 50yrs? Nothing absolutely fucking NOTHING. If you honestly believe that having republicans in office means jack shit you are a fucking cuckservative retard.
Owen Rogers
Luke Collins
She's probably a 4'8'.
Cooper Thompson
Stay mad jack.
Austin Lewis
>article includes Murdoch Murdoch video "Metamorphosis" in it almost makes up for this faggot writing an article about Sup Forums and muh 'meme wars'
Mason Diaz
They can fill them all they want, but if WE the anonymous collective do not recognize the Jew as a master, then he is not in power... no matter how much he tells us that he is.
Hunter Clark
Everyone says hail victory. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Josiah Lee
>>Left-right political spectrum >>Never heard of the Nolan chart
Ryder Peterson
What's the name attached to those breasts?
Camden Gray
Are you a Spencer fan or D&C because you aren't making a point
Joshua Williams
That's ridiculously short, and of all her pictures you post the one where she's hanging out with some dude. Posting friend/boyfriend pictures is the worst offense Instagram models do.
Oliver Hughes
Jack and Cernovich actually believe that shit along with Spencer being some kind of deep state planet. I'm guessing they are using Saul Alinsky's 12 rules for radicals most if not all alt-lite is deep state.
Lucas Rogers
That makes 12'.
Hudson Lee
I'm making a point it just fly's right over your fucking head. I'll simplify it for you. Republicans = Democrats they are the same.
Noah Rogers
>retard talking in caps cringe
Dylan Reed
>Spencer fuck that controlled op faggot
Landon Jones
>literally sieg heil in English >everyone says it Okay.
Ethan Williams
All grandstanding social leaders taking our talking points are suspect.
Spencer had been confirmed for controlled opposition LONG ago.
Wyatt Gomez
>Spencer had been confirmed for controlled opposition LONG ago. Just because you say it is true doesn't mean it is. Absolutely no proof at all.
Elijah Stewart
>>Larp-flag thinks his words have value...
Reveal yourself, faggot.
Jackson Moore
Lol you need to read rules for radicals because you understand division but you stick out like a sore thumb running down everybody against everybody. Fuck read dale Carnegie while your at it fag.
Leo Robinson
>All grandstanding social leaders taking our talking points are suspect. Do you also believe that Jared taylor is a controlled opposition as well or what? Is trump also controlled opposition? Whom isn't controlled opposition to you?
Brandon Martin
I guess what I’m lamenting isn’t how effective Sup Forums has been (the anonymous collective has succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest dreams) but rather our apparant inability to manifest worthy leaders for the next phase of conflict. I get that spencer sucks, but what happens when our anonymous platforms are removed? Who will lead us when the real war starts?
Levi Carter
>>Being this new
Chase Evans
>what is desensitization >what is a measuring stick
Aaron Diaz
Fuck having leaders. Anonymity is our strength.
Mason Harris
I have no idea what you are talking about. I said that rules for radicals is being used by the alt-lite. Deep state plants are like Cernovich or Jack.
Jackson Davis
Interesting file name shareblue.
Jeremiah Carter
My Falcon eyes say fake and gay.
I wish she Was real tho.
Nathaniel Torres
>being this retarded >thinks spencer is controlled opposition because he saw an infographic with some out-of-context quotes/picture
Kevin Harris
Equating Donald Trump to Nazi Germany is both completely innaccurate and just gives liberal ammunition to use against us.
Noah Edwards
Herp derp I'm just pretending to be retarded.
Democrats = Republicans, just ignore the nationwide protests against the Republicans and the deification of the left going on outside your door.
Go home and be a family man you don't have what it takes
Asher Sanders
oh fuck off. He's a wannabe david duke
Hunter Robinson
It’s only strength until the assassins show up and kill you and nobody even knows who you were or what you did. For some reason our enemies are letting this platform survive, we either transcend it, grow beyond it or fall into whatever trap they’re planning
Luke Hall
Our anonymity is why we've survived as long as we have, but we'll never take a step forward without leaving the shadows. It's not time for that yet though, lives will be ruined needlessly. Ironically we need a leader we can rally behind, but either every potential 'leader' is alt-lite or a fucking retard because only a retard is willing to expose himself as a literal nazi right now.
Thomas Stewart
>>Social leader Grandstanding as a social leader with someone else's ideology vs running a political platform with said popular ideology. If you want to apply sophistry across the spectrum, then yes, anyone is controlled opposition.
>>We've been wildly successful without leaders. >>...but what happens when we have no leaders? Truth and reason is the only leader necessary.
Julian Clark
You fundamentally have no idea what you're doing. Now we got alt-lite to go with your alt-right and this one and that one. Nigger post a pepe and show me you even belong on this board. Nobody likes being talked down to by an ignorant troll.
Jeremiah Torres
>Suspicious nose and rubbing hands peaking out from behind a pyramid.
I can't be the only one seeing that, right?
Juan Cox
I'd love to now the IQ of you people because it seems to be that you can't tell the difference between people doing things outside of Sup Forums. Spencer has never said anything about being Sup Forumss leader outside of representing many ideas that are experienced here. Is it a problem that he used pepe or something? I'm not really sure where you get these ideas.
>reddit spacing >Herp derp I'm just pretending to be retarded. no idea what you are talking about here. you believe that the republicans are the saviors either shows how young you are or how fucking stupid you are.
>Democrats = Republicans, just ignore the nationwide protests against the Republicans and the deification of the left going on outside your door. its always been like this you fucking retard. Republicans just want to get to point B a different way. They are both progressive shit stains get the left/right shit out of your fuckhead faggot.
>Go home and be a family man you don't have what it takes I'm sure you don't have any kids at all being 17yrs old and all.
>Grandstanding as a social leader with someone else's ideology vs running a political platform with said popular ideology. If you want to apply sophistry across the spectrum, then yes, anyone is controlled opposition. Do you honestly believe that the ideals that are promoted here is strictly from Sup Forums itself? Of course not these ideas are nothing new but its really weird you'd think it is.
Nolan Hernandez
>oh no we're going to make him equate trump to hitler it will ruin everything How has that worked out for them? It just made them chimp more and move people even further right.
Trump may have learned something from Cohn: "I bring out the worst in my enemies and that's how I get them to defeat themselves."
Evan Powell
You must have completely missed the meme war...
David Green
>Now we got alt-lite to go with your alt-right and this one and that one. What exactly does this fucking mean? >Nigger post a pepe and show me you even belong on this board. Nobody likes being talked down to by an ignorant troll. you have no argument.
Carson Turner
Yeah and notice how 90% of the greatest oldfags are gone and the content here has suffered since? How many oldfags got the bullet?
Alexander Jackson
What discord do you guys come from?
Charles Young
How much do you larp?
Nathan Russell
Nou is not an argument
Jacob Morales
You don't have an argument at all some insane inane shit .
Ethan Jones
You have to have your head buried in the sand if you haven’t noticed the purge that’s happened
Bentley Campbell
We are an ebb and flow culture:
When happenings hits, the old fags return. During no-happenings, we're left with new-fags and paid shills.
Carson Martin
Who is this hacker Spencer?
Hudson Watson
Leftypol discord. It's such an obvious shill narrative. They're responsible for almost all Spencer hate.
It's a huge D&C attempt.
Evan Adams
She better become a mommy soon.
Noah Barnes
its called we have had a reddit invasion that won't fucking lurk instead they treat the board exactly like lebbit. I'm an oldfag and Im getting sick of this shit.