are mentally, economically and societal week.
How long are your country’s summer vacations? What do your teachers do in the summer? Here, they have to do training to be better teachers. Can’t have them take 6 weeks of vacation.
are mentally, economically and societal week.
How long are your country’s summer vacations? What do your teachers do in the summer? Here, they have to do training to be better teachers. Can’t have them take 6 weeks of vacation.
Other urls found in this thread:
>not taking summer courses
youll never make it
>How long are your country’s summer vacations
4 weeks and 1 week in winter time
Oh, you were talking about kids
Longer the shittier
>taking summer courses
make some friends user
countries with short summer breaks usually have more breaks, or longer winter/midterm breaks.
the longer, the more value is given to the nuclear family and culture/tradition
Actually, we just make our kids learn the value of long, hard work all year round.
Summer breaks were originally put there to let kids go help out in the farm.
>modern germany
>"""""our""""" kids
work more goyim!
Germans only have holiday to work on the stuff they don't have time for when they work.
>I want more public indoctrination
gas yourself
and that's why you're happy to be invaded by shitskins, you like being fucked so much you want to bring that excitement home
Based Russia has 14 weeks.
Shaddap you cuck.
the shorter the summer break, the more joyless and bland the nation
you have to admit that july is disgusting in this humid shithole
it should go from july to mid august in germany
don't respond to americans they suck nigger dicks harder than vacuum cleaners
German kids have no or very few classes in the afternoon. Your lack of breaks is just needed to compensate that.
Historically, they were that long to enable farmers children to help with the crops.
It's obsolete now
this desu. summer breaks are where kids make their best memories with their friends and really live their childhoods. short summers are soulless.
about 10 weeks. i think i had even longer vacation.
same here
germany has shitty summer so we stretch it over year
countries like russia has nice summers and children should be free at this time.
spring and autumn are is gay
>countries like russia has nice summers and children should be free at this time.
Russia has shitty schools. That is why they speak not a single word of English.
America's is 8 weeks,, but how much of that is due to the black leeches is not determined yet.
That's the princess of Spain.
Can you even find a blonde german kid in 2017?
I remember really hating summer break as a kid because it put me into a very complacent and lazy state that made coming back to school very difficult.
I think it's better to have it shorter.
Do teachers and students not deserve holidays?
No, ...duh... which is why I posted the princess. Pic related is a German girl.
or maybe is it that their culture is not subverted by american imperialism.
>Do teachers and students not deserve holidays?
6 weeks is enough, it should be 4 weeks of summer vacatiom as far as I see it.
lol no wonder the netherlands and germany are filled with in-the-box thinking cucks and retards
Close to the truth, but not always. There are good scholls in big cities. Poor English is mostly because Russian is in different language group. When you know German or French as native, English is too easy to learn. Also, Russia is too large, you in live in the place where people in the distance of 1-2000km from you speak only Russian, no other European languages. When you live in EU you have easy access to different people in a few hours by train or plane and many foreign visitors in your own country who speak English, that is a huge motivation to pick up language.
>countries with 6 weeks summer vacations for kids commit self-genocide by migrants as adults
spain in june is a sauna no one can study here
> t. feel happy to leave his children in literal Gulags
Crazy germs.
I hate this country a little bit more everyday
school is literally slavery desu
>putting hundreds of thousands of euros into a kid’s educatiom
ok, dude. Kids today thank God every day they are not worked to death for 14hrs a day in some mine.
This is what amerimongrel education accomplishes, everyone
>14 weeks master race
It was probably more when I was a kid. Feels good man.
Get back to wörk Hans, the refugees need you
Thx, I am on my way. My third job as a back-up engineer in the local nuclear reactor starts in 40min.
>My third job as a back-up engineer in the local nuclear reactor starts in 40min
Not sure if serious or not
You're basically claiming that Romania is better than Italy... Which makes your argument false.
But I'll concede Germany is economically strong, and so is Scandinavia. However, they are ethically weak and mixed to the bone.
What should I make of it?
Enjoy your lack of sunshine and the mental illness deriving from it, Kraut.
No. French 'people' don't speak English.
People literally faint and get sick on early summer in highschools during may and june heatwaves. Luckily more schools are starting to have AC but it's still not common.
Other Europeans will try to tell us that we do such a long break because "we are lazy", they really don't understand what we have to deal with. Every summer month we have at least two big Saharan heatwaves which are pure cancer. The origin of the "siesta" has also a similar origin, to avoid the heat peak during mid day by resting, working would be counter-productive if not impossible anyway.
Whis is german royalty mammadou.
Germans and Brits want their kids constantly in school because they want their children raised by the state to be conformist fags.
Good families with good morals dont need kids in school all year round