ITT: Jews you'd let live.
>Mel Brooks
ITT: Jews you'd let live
>Adrian Brody
Woke as fuck Anti-Jew whose anti-Isreal/leftist remarks have banned him from hollyjew after being their Holocaust frontman
If Hitler won there would be no Mel Brooks films and no Max Brooks zombie books. So no Israeli anti zombie wall.
That’s Rick Moranis
that one r9k tripfag, 5m450n or something, he's ok
No, it's Mr.Radar.
Anne Frank. If she was miraculously still alive she could tell the world that her dad wrote that fucking book after the war to get some war sentiment sheckles.
false. hitler wanted greater israel
Sister Shapiro
Num num num
No need to call him a moran, user.
Bobby Fischer
He's gone to plaid
I choose Bobby Fischer too, but he's dead now. Rest in peace, you magnificent kike.
Trump's grandchildren.
Hi. It's my birthday today and I wish I was dead. Kill me instead of one of these jews please.
Mel Brooks has never made a good (or funny) movie
A leaf has never made a good post
Khazar Milkers.
Whaaaaaat? Never heard about that. Can you provide sources?
Only movie I liked him in was Predators, but it pissed me off because the only two who survived were Jews.
Laura "Making Rat Stew out of Every Economic Marxist Jew" Loomer
Gilad Atzmon.
Check his talks on YT. He is a "proud self hater".
Pretty good jazz musician as well.
I'd breed her
Benjamin H. Freedman
This is a shill thread
Happy birthday faggot.
This is a trick question.
Mel Brooks is very anti white, and want him in a guillotine first wave with the rest of hollywood
fuck the lot
>tfw will never look into Anne's beautiful blue eyes after a night of passionate lovemaking, placing my hand on her massive, hard, and swollen belly, feeling the child that's the only thing keeping the two of us from being even closer together kick responsively, running my fingers through her curly chocolate hair, kissing her and listening to her purr as our three hearts beat in unison.
You don't understand what you're dealing with. A jew is not just person but one that is possessed by a malevolent spirit. Bernie Sanders is another great example, looks innocent but started gay parades and thinks about how women love to be raped. These are possessed people and we all need to wake up from their spell
>History of the World parts 1 and 2
>Blazing Saddles
gr8 b8 m8
I would like to know more about this.
Sup Forums is a board of peace. Give the jews Madagascar and let them live in peace and isolation.
Are you the user that has the fanfic of impregnating Anne frank in the attic?
You mean the copypasta?
Larry David
Give us the Levant and look the other way, Hitler and stalin will look like amateurs
Oh... Let's see: Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager and of course, Jesus Christ
>history of the world 1 and 2