When did the term “alt-right” come into vogue and who created it?
When did the term “alt-right” come into vogue and who created it?
Hillary Clinton
It is a new word to call people Nazis and sounding “cool”
The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during the 2016 presidential election, particularly after Trump appointed Breitbart News chair Steven Bannon as CEO of the Trump campaign in August. Steve Bannon referred to Breitbart News as "the platform for the alt-right". The alt-right was exceedingly vocal in support for Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. During the campaign, Hillary Clinton attacked the alt-right as "racist ideas ... anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-women ideas" and accused Trump of taking the alt-right "mainstream".
Media attention grew after the election, particularly during a post-election celebratory meeting near the White House hosted by Richard Spencer. Spencer used several Nazi propaganda terms during a meeting and closed with "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory". In response, supporters of Spencer gave the Nazi salute and chanted in a similar fashion to the Sieg Heil chant used at the Nuremberg rallies. Spencer defended the conduct, stating that the Nazi salute was given in a spirit of "irony and exuberance". Following the episode, the Associated Press described the "alt-right" label as "currently embraced by some white supremacists and white nationalists" that "may exist primarily as a public-relations device to make its supporters' actual beliefs less clear and more acceptable to a broader audience". The AP said that it has previously called such beliefs "racist, neo-Nazi or white supremacist".
>Hillary Clinton
Wrong. Hillary Clinton made it a house hold word but she didn't create it. Spencer didn't coin the term either, but he planted the tree.
paul gottfried le based kike
Sure seems like it’s just another term for Nazi.
It was a term created by the right to describe conservatives or right leaning people but didn't like traditional Republican values.
2 years ago when I heard "Alt-right" or read about it in any garbage newspaper article it referred to young nerdy conservatives that liked Ron Paul and Milton Friedman, basically libertarians, but it could encompass paleoconservatives.
Basically it was young conservatives that were sick of RINOs.
Then all of a sudden this faggot Richard Spencer somehow is given ownership of the term and it transformed overnight from anti-RINO young conservatives to nazi LARPing faggots.
I'm sure it does to a faggot like (YOU)
when richard spencer is too extreme for you, you know you're cucked
WHat is this pasta
First time I heard alt-right and PEPE was Hillary speech LOL
I don't think Spencer's too extreme, but I don't think he has any business being a leader. He's too soft, not charismatic, and refuses to take the alt-right out of the shadows almost preferring "muh sekrit club".
The only thing I hope out of him is he is a stepping stone to literally Hitler.
>who created it?
The first I heard of it was from Hillary and I have been on pol for 3 or 4 years.
breaded chicken skewers.
Just buy chicken breasts and cut them up and marinate with some olive oil, spices and a bit of mayonnaise. Then put on wood skewers and use bread crums to coat them. Cook in oil.
Spencer hijacked it so the emerging white nationalist sentiment in America could be coralled into voting republican, thus prevent revolutionary ideas from materializing into an actual movement and keeping the Jewish system of control via a two-party system in full effect.
Hillary Clinton
Last year during a rally of hers.
It basically means everyone on the right wing is white supremacists and hate gays.
Pretty much all the bad shit in the world = alt right.
Too bad we're not really like that and Hillary made a fool of herself.
Same reason Milo, Shapiro, and Alex Jones have a platform to stand on. If the majority of white nationalists in America can be convinced that voting for a main stream candidate (arguably, voting in general) will make a difference in the direction the country takes, the Jews stay in power, and,whites continue to be pacified and replaced.
Spencer has run an organization called the alt-right for a number of years. During the election the media started using the term to refer to people on this website and t_d, and it was accepted by many of us. This made Spencer famous and they used his ethnonationalism to brand us all (rightfully or wrongfully) as evil racists.
Found the jew.
We do hate gays, and whites are superior.
>that look she has when she just found out my white seed was successful and our race will survive
Its been around since a little before the election.
Right wingers woke up to the fact trickle down economics doesn’t work and they’ve been getting lied to.
But they are still driven by their hatred of liberals more than anything, so they’ve jumped into conspiratorial thinking in order to justify their hatred and make themselves feel above the rest by being the only one who “know what’s really going on”
It’s the collapse of post-civil rights era republican politics down to the common factors of the old Reagan party: Racism, disregard and even threats against scientists, and a preference towards anarchy over participation in government.
But its all about trying to desperately attach themselves to anything that seems tough so that they can feel better about themselves. They used to use the church to justify their bullying, now they don’t even bother reading the Bible
My theory..
When identity politics became the left, they had to come up with a label to put everyone else into the same box so they could attack them. (Calling libertarians and classic-liberals Nazis wouldn't work). So they invented it.
Race realists on YouTube around 2007-2008 was actually the start of it. Ryan Faulk aka fringeelements was the first to really put this stuff out there. There was a small pocket of right wing intellectuals there.
I believe it was a guy called Mike Cernovich. He also invented 'It's OK to be white'.
If I had to describe him in one word it would be 'Tought Leader'.
This, actually. He and Richard Spencer co-coined the term.