How do we win the THOT battle?

how do we win the THOT battle?

All these THOTs that parasite onto every political movement and make it cancer.

Why are there THOTs at every turn in alt-right/alt-right punditry?

BPS just wants to get a nut going

Money. Plain and simple.
Why do you think people like Lacey Green decided to jump on the alt-lite bandwagon? I remember she did the same thing after feminism replaced atheism at the hot-button issue on YouTube during the late 2000s.

nigger tier reddit false flag discarded

This is an 18+ board, please leave

She's fine, just a little used up, but otherwise ok.

this. the alt-right started as a movement of lonely incels before leaking into a more mainstream scene, so it only makes sense that there's an huge market demand for qt staceys and roasties that pander to an audience with alt-right views

MGTOW, artificial wombs, and realistic sexbots

Fuck off. You don't have to listen to them. I don’t listen to them. But having beautiful women who espouse (something close to) our views is extremely helpful. It makes the ideology more palatable to your average white girl. Believe it or not, we are eventually going to have to get white women on board in some form or another. And Brittany Pettibone is 100x time more likely to do that than, for example, Mike Enoch. That's not a shot at Enoch - he's one of my favorites. It's just an understanding of the basic evolutionary principle that most women take their cues from other women. So long as we are the side that has girls like Brittany, rather than pic related, we are doing well.
Brittany is not for your sake, user. But she serves a valuable purpose. Anyone who cannot see this is a fucking idiot or a shill

Brittany Pettibone is literally 1000x more useful for the pro-white movement than anyone in this thread.

Do you have any actual arguments to make? I'd love to show everyone how retarded you are.

thots have their uses you can use them to popularize your movement.

You do realize you're playing into their hands posting every 4 seconds about them

90% of their viewers are young men tho



>Believe it or not, we are eventually going to have to get white women on board in some form or another
but muh MGTOW whyte wimmin ruin everything narrative!

>watching any of those fed plant faggots


nobody else is /ourguy/

Oh fuck off. I'm the most hardcore NatSoc here and even I'd jump at the chance to talk to that qt Brittany. If I couldn't get with her I'd try one of her sisters.

Lauren Southern, the Pettibone sisters and Faith Goldy should all be married and impregnated within the next six months and banned from attention-whoring on the internet by their husbands. These alt-lite Twitter thots should be pushing strollers and planning play dates, not engaging in online political slap fights and begging for Patreon donations.

There is no such thing as a right-wing female political activist, because every female who is legitimately right-wing knows that politics is not her place to begin with. Female political activism is always of the Left, and usually far-left/communist. The only real form of right-wing female activism is having 4+ children with a good man and raising them to love God more than they love the world. THAT is how a true right-wing woman conducts herself.

In contrast, it is obvious these women are merely one step above whores, selling themselves for donations and desperate for male attention to fund their lifestyles and feed their egos. A true right-wing woman, far from whoring herself all over social media, is only interested in garnering the attention of two men: her husband and God. There is no excuse for these clownish broads to continue with their buffoonery. It's entirely transparent. They all need to get the hell off the stage and get on with their actual important work: having babies and raising them well.

I would drop the mic now but I'm afraid one of these thots would pick it up and rub it on her snatch to get more YouTube subscribers.

Stop giving them attention/views.

because r9k fags like you give them a voice as you orbit them and hate jerk off to their profile pics

The majority of their viewers are men but the majority of ANY right-wing person's viewership is men. That is unavoidable.

best couple out there

>ywn fuck the alt-right thot squad

>Believe it or not, we are eventually going to have to get white women on board in some form or another.
Yea it's called rape fucking retard

The whole "mic drop" thing is extremely fucking cringy. The fact that you actually think you said anything insightful there is a good enough reason to kill you for the good of the gene pool. I'm just going to repeat my earlier criticism because you never give any good answers to it:

Address the fact that you put forth zero evidence that these women are not trying to do exactly what you want them to do, find a husband to settle down with. Address the point that if you're building a movement with the aim of changing the culture, society and politics of a society without using violence you need women on your side to normalize it. Address the fact that you are literally repeating the same narrative that leftist rags are putting out there, essentially being their useful idiot. Address the fact that your rhetoric is designed to cause the disintegration of the right-wing by setting two camps against each other.

You know why we don't have many women in the far right? Faggots like OP. There is no woman who meets the standards that Sup Forums would require for them not to throw rocks at her like a bunch of 8 year olds in a tree house shouting "NO GIRLS ALLOWED!"

THOT is the worst fucking acronym ever invented.
You're just using two more letters to say 'ho' and all the additional information I get is that the ho is "somewhere over there". Where? You wanna point her out to me?

We need more of those, not less desu.

Cause people aren't really serious about the alt-right, and even Trump's election was just Americants taking a bender when they reached the ballots cause he is the more dynamic, exciting choice next to walking flesh body Clinton. All of these women have 0 content but are still being orbited by 60% or more of the movement so that just proves how unserious it all is.

Yup. Women are herd creatures, and every time a hot one joins our side, the herd begins to follow.

Your whole obsession with your waifu Lauren is cringy.

>There is no such thing as a right-wing female political activist, because every female who is legitimately right-wing knows that politics is not her place
This shit is party why the west is in this fucked mess in the first place. Why the fuck would and woman want to support a party / ideal that tells them they shouldn't be taken seriously? You fail to understand that low iq beta men aka the followers of society are BARELY above women in the sense of "worthiness to vote" and when you actively tell women they're bitches and shouldn't be taken seriously they are going to say fuck off and join the other side, anyone would (Trump/BLM) just to spite you and with them virgin beta losers will orbit them and add their votes to the opposing side.

Telling women they're only good at being house wives is very self-destructive. I mean even in a marriage sense, while you're at work half the day do you really want some dumb bitch housewife teaching your kids? Don't discourage positive individuality in women, chads and betas do and the result are shallow bitches who have nothing interesting to say, don't know how its like being criticized or can comprehend that she might be wrong because people have been telling her she's amazing her whole life ie chads trying to fuck her and betas trying to fuck her.

Not i'm not saying women make bad, emotional choices. They do, but the best thing to do is to address them as you would a man and explain with logic why x will fuck y over.

They need to be impregnated and be rolling out white babies out of their vaginas like a assembly line.

What about my "obsession" with Spencer, Taylor, Fuentes, Allsup? I defend them just as hard. But you can't explain that away with "he only does that cause he is attracted to them".

Fuck off homeless bitch stop trying to force your shitty "incel" meme here. Didn't work last time so just give it up.

Tbh, Spencer, Taylor, Fuentes, Allsup are pretty cringy. We need less of them and more of Lauren and Brittany, please.

Pro-tip: Whenever you see some fucking retard say that women don't belong in politics at all, point out that the only position from which that attitude is logically consistent is if you plan to reform society by violent revolution and forcing your culture on people by threat of force.

If you want to change the culture and change things through politics, you need women.

He's not the one who keeps bringing her up you obsessive cuck.

Jared Taylor is the least cringy man I've ever seen. A proper gentleman.

faggots like yourself are cancer

>posting this ugly hooknosed freak

this isn't Sup Forums

No one cares what that old cloud-dweller has to say. He can't persuade anyone under 65. But young ladies like Lauren and Brittany certainly can.


Infinite (You)’s

"I'm a traditional, western woman who understands how important our role is. Hold on, I don't have enough of my chest in the shot. I need to get my makeup for my selfie face."

Maybe if Lauren and Brittany were as intelligent as Jared and has the same opinions they could. Obviously the attractive woman factor is powerful.

But Jared is no slouch, whenever he is given a platform, part of the audience realizes he is right.

the alt right isnt special in this regard. it's woman 101, they are whores

literally who

THOT's that hurt our cause: Sinead McCarthy, Evalion, Grace Steel, and that crazy Michelle Kae.

So this thread is misleading, it seems you’re just talking about YouTube thots
What would make you respect a conservative woman’s channel? Is there even anything?

>how do we win the THOT battle?

Prep their bulls to show you are the better man.

Nah, women just tend toward whatever movement is gaining popularity. If I wasn’t phone posting, I would upload that picture of how women ruin male hobbies, because it’s basically the same logic.

look at all the THOT shill sin this thread

are they actual THOTs that browse Sup Forums or just beta orbiters for these THOTs?

The only attractive woman that is intelligent I've seen in the alt-lite is Faith Goldy

The only real brain amongst this political lean that is a woman is Anne Coulter

Ones like Lauren Souther and this Pettibone creature are pure THOT
Completely empty vessels that say absolutely nothing interesting.

thots aren't bad. They can get people from the other side to listen to them because they are kinda hot.

I just noticed Sinead McCarthy has been shoa'd from YouTube. Crazy methhead

We can't. Any internet movement will attract the incel crowd. Anywhere incels go, female internet e-celebs are sure to sprout up. Easy market to exploit.


Nigger detected.

they are like mike thernovich with tits

Beta orbiters need roastie trash to orbit and white knight. It's what keeps them going. It's like their food.

Thot is a fun word to say user. It keeps you youthful too. Loosen up

Faith Goldy said she's quitting journalism and becoming a housewife/homemaker for her Chad commando husband in an interview I heard with her last week.

Shes the only one thats come up with any interesting thoughts, one she said last time that activated my almonds was that liberals are importing muslims partly to normalize pedophilia because muslims are all pedos.

Isnt she also a coalburner lol? Well in any case the solution is quite simple. JUST FUCKING CALL THEM WHORES. CALL THEM EVERYTHING THAT IS WRONG.




Was a great interview, I believe it was on Nationalist Review.

Caps lock is not cruise control for cool. You look pathetic. see

Yeah then they are surprised when more women aren't interested in joining their movement.

FEmale Genocide is the final redpill

We don't want women in our movement. We're a movement that wants fighters and to make actual change, not thots distracting our soldiers and looking for attention.

Fuck off whore. We'll take care of you soon enough after the Japs create artificial wombs.

Good luck with that. Have fun with your sausage party.

theres a difference between a woman and a thot, though very subtle


fuck off back to worldstar latrell

I hope losers like you don't call yourselves "conservative". There is nothing conservative about you. You're MGTOW. You're on the fast track to get out of the gene pool. Good riddance.

I'm not COnservative, I'm fascist.
You are a numale white knight defending sluts on the internet who will never fuck you. Sad!
Yeah, we will.
Do you see any sluts in here distracting our soldiers?
No, they are at home fulfilling their evolutionary role.

It's funny that "German" Antifa started a Online Dis-Info War against everybody related with G.I./I.B. and shit like that thread here pops up at a daily base...


>austrian egg

You are nothing. You are a political non-entity. You have zero power. You never will have power. Your bravado is exactly as impressive as Antifa's talk about their communist utopia. Talk is cheap. Especially anonymous talk.

These alt right women are crucial if we are to attract women to the movement. Theyre not that extreme and offer a great starting place for normies

You need at least some wolves to lead the sheep.

Thats the "Reichsarbeitsdienst", learn some History before you try to use it, please.

Because without Christ women are emotional and savages

>muh nutty
heckin yeah

oh shit is that real
reviewbrah is the best

>We don't want women in our movement. We're a movement that wants fighters and to make actual change, not thots distracting our soldiers and looking for attention.
We don't want anyone in our movement. Every movement has someone. We want to make actual change and therefore we want no one.

It's an Antifa Fake, look at the Hand.

>We don't want women in our movement.


We don't want you.

How about you keep hating them and abusing women. This is you: "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children, NO GIRLS ALLOWED"
Men hate women and would rather have a sex war then a civilization. YOU PROVE THE FEMINISTS RIGHT ABOUT MEN. I hate you so much because of this attitude. Disgusting males, you people make me sick. Degenerate slobs, you're no better. Fix yourself instead creep.

One problem tho; she isn't a thot

Some women are redeemable, so long as they haven't burned the coal.

Need to be always pushing for new political ideas that make the left mad. This is the only way to keep them in check.

>its another sperg at right wing women episode
Hi leftypol
sage in all fields.

>hurr having pretty faces speak the pro-white message is le bad
back to /r9k/ you fucking freak and loser

And btw, I've already answered all those multiple times. You just disregard them every time. Addressing a fact ≠ agreeing with you.

Whenever I see shit like this I have to wonder if the person behind the post is a kissless virgin. It's like you think the only way you could ever be with a woman is if society forced her to have a limited education, be unemployed and locked up in your house. That's some omega-level pathetic shit.

We need men and women to both be involved in pushing rightwing politics and positions. There will always be an activist class of people while everyone else just does their normal life. It's safe to let the dozen or so high profile alt-right women do their things and get normies listening. Pettibone, Southern and Lana Lokteff have done far more for the movement than some shitposting NEET ever has.

because thats how the world works. women are parasites and men are enablers. just ignore it and move on.

I can't tell if all the salty posts in this thread are beta orbiters or lauren southern under 7 proxies

>so long as they haven't burned the coal.
After that their flesh has been defiled.

I forget, do you have any interest in a cultural change? Or do you admit that your outlook only works in a world of violent revolution?

People like that are almost certainly MGTOW /r9k/ diaspora scum.

How do we get rid of niggerspeak retards?