Best comedy 2017?

>Supa secret african mega technological state named Ukalala or something is so powerful they conquer the west
The superior negro is perfectly displayed in this 2017 film that shows what would´ve happened if the white cave beasts wouldn´t have conquered africa!

How come that we just gave this jewish wet dream a pass? Where are the smearing campaigns? Get off your lazy asses and start using it against them, this is probably the most ridculous way in which the liberal ideology manifested itself. . .

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Just ignore it.
Nobody watches it and they lose millions.
Simple as that.

Let the KANGZ have it.

Problem is that millions of Kangz will go to see it for the reasons mentioned above. That is their new target audience now that most white people are fed up with their bullshit, since they don´t want to return to more conservative settings.
Because thats how it starts, they will replace us as their pets and will instead start to pander to the newly found low IQ-audience.

Looks like Stargate.

>why does he wear the plate

You are to simple minded to understand the intellectual superiority of the melanated man of culture!

That's bullshit.
If you want to make money with movies today, especially big budget movies like this, the worst thing you can do is focus only on one target group. Also I'm not quite sure if Kanfz really spend that much money on cinema tickets.

Pretty sure the Chinese market is going to be a really tough one for them with this movie. By starting a controversy, like you suggest, you are giving them free PR.

There isn't enough negros with enough money to make this profitable at all.

Also Black Panther perfectly represents how bad Africans are at life.
Wakanda is ultra rich because it's the only place you can mine vibranium.
Plenty of african countries have rare minerals or abundance of valuable resources like gold or diamonds, but they are too inept to capitalise on thier fortunes and too weak to not get exploted.

Black Panther is really just making fun of how pathetic afticans are as a race.

> By starting a controversy, like you suggest, you are giving them free PR.

Yes because that worked out perfectly for the new Ghostbusters, right?
No by causing a controversy you lower their sales and show them that they still can´t just outirght shit on the stage and call it art yet, because we haven´t been desensitized to the point were we don´t care about such a idiot display of cuck culture.

Then we should at least meme so that it becomes obvious to the normies, I have no clue about this retarded franchise but if thats true what you´re saying and theres no backdoor for libs to stab us from in this universe then it sounds like the perfect refreshment for the We Wuz Kangz-Meme

>superhero literally called "Black Panther"
my fucking sides
White Wizard movie WHEN

Man you are an idiot.
The controversy mobilized nu-males and feminists to watch the Ghostbuster shit.

Don't use the melanin magic to strike me with lightning plox.

You wand me to zapp you wid mah magic wodoo-blastas you fugging cracka shit ass cave beast?

is marvel kiddo soyboys will watch it too with their fetish of being fucked by a exotic negro

Let them have in fantasy what they don't in reality


What does it fucking matter? You people always say other ethnicities should male their own fucking movies about their own fucking heroes, so they did.

What in the hell is the issue here???

oh yeah

Noone said that. Besides that this movie was written and produced by jews and white people you imbecile...