What does having sharp ass k9s tell you about someone's ancestry?
Pic related is me teef
What does having sharp ass k9s tell you about someone's ancestry?
Pic related is me teef
It means you grind your teeth and take too much adderall like me
It tells me that you wasted quads on some dumb shit.
that or I'm a prophet
It means you're a vampire. Day of the Stake now.
probably transylvanian heritage
bump, looks like a mirror image of my teeth
same here, user... guessing OP is a norwegian as well?
You're a Jew vampire.
That you're pic related
Hilarious. OP thinks he's some super epic saber tooth carnivore, when in reality, sharp incisors mean you don't eat enough meat. Vegans and vegetarians report growth in their incisors when they begin their diet.
wasted get
Also unrelated to Sup Forums, so fuck off
How will I ever recover?
alright I'll give you that, i'll go ahead and sage myslef
I've bitten through my tongue twice because of this.
I grind my teeth from anxiety and it's sharpened the shit out of them.
something to do with aggression, testosterone probably
mine are sharp like that too, but my siblings' teeth are not
my kids are the same. some have sharp canines. some don't
maybe he's english, we did rape their women in the viking age you know
It means you didnt grind them down
It's completely natural. OP is a retard for thinking it makes him special. It just helps you chew meet. More blunt and broad teeth are better for chewing vegetables.
Sharp incisors does not mean you have a vegan diet, it just means said vegans are grinding their teeth down instead of chewing probably. They probably have too little testosterone to even lift their gnashers instead of just grinding them together.
It's probably just a left over trait from evolution. Our related primate ancestors used to be able to sharpen their teeth just by opening and closing their jaws. We got less aggressive and our jaws gradually shrank and this trait went away too because it was unnecessary.
That's mirroring my teeth
wtf my teeth look exactly like that
Everyone has those. Mine can slice paper. It means humans are meat eaters. Big surprise.