The major cities are 30-40% Asian and most of them can't even speak the language, there's signs everywhere in Vancouver and Toronto in Chinese even. Rural Canada is cold, poor and boring with natives everywhere and had a tight-knit community that pushes outsiders away. There's literally no middle ground in this frozen shithole.
Why does Canada suck so bad?
Third world cunt are usually shit
>canada third world
>this coming from a Mongol-Slav in vodka land
Aren't there starving white kids in Russia? And a crime rate that would make America shy?
the govermenet here also wanted to pursui exterior market of chinese thank good , there are better oftion than us
It's literally living in china 2.0 in the cities or having to live in a bumfuck small town with no people here in Canada. There's no middle ground. I understand in Europe, and America there exists white mid sized cities but not here.
Boomers and the fact we're more or less 80% white. Wait till we're 60%> like the states and we'll start sharing their outlook.... Course by then it could be too late.
British Colombia is pretty cool other than Vancouver
Based leaf
Canada isn't poor. We're an oil rich nation with a large cache of unspoiled natural resources. The Asians aren't that bad, a lot of my friends growing up were Asian and I can verify, they're actually sending their best and brightest. If you don't believe me then check out the Royal Conservatory of Music annual festival winners. Literally 90% Asian.
Toronto, Vancouver and even Calgary now have so many orientals and browns that you can't go anywhere without seeing them. The small towns are mostly white but have problems with natives, drugs and jobs. Is there any decent place left here? I was thinking Quebec, but can't speak the language,
I'm not saying Asians are bad. But most of them can't even speak English and Canada's demographic is rapidly turning Chinese/Hindu. I want this country to stay 90% white at minimum.
>un-ironically wanting to settle in cities
CITY LIVING = SOY, user. Even if it doesn't get you, or your children by some miracle, it sure as hell will get your grandkids.
Either move farther North(not crazy far North) or to the East Coast if you can stomach the brainwashed whites there.
Vancouver is 63% Chinese and Toronoto already has poo's in the streets. Your country will go down in history as being the first white European country to be successfully colonised by Asian's.
Then start doing something about it you fucking faggot or kys and shut the fuck up. Whiny do-nothing bitches like you DEFINE the demographics of this website. The most cucked and hysterical of the right congregate here, it seems. I'm tired of seeing people bitch about this shit so we can have circle-jerk "DAE da brownz taking over my neighbourhood" reddit-tier garbage where the only thing people do is commiserate. No plans or resulting action, just bent over cuckoldry.
>muh BASED Asians
great white north my ass
Canada sucks because everyone is a pussy and Fidel Castrated's son is our leader..
Vancouver is 40% Asian according to the census and Toronto is mixed white/Asian/brown in that order. You're not wrong though. We need a pred. White Canada.
Orientals and Sikhs are coming to this country in droves, the cities are already done. Meanwhile the natives are breeding like rats and fucking up the small towns. Canada was meant to be a country for whites,
You'll have to build a time machine and go back to before the French and Indian war.
Am I suppose to go out on the streets and tell every brown or coloured to go back home? To bring up taboo subjects like race to my coworkers? Are you dumb?
Montreal is going down but the rest of Quebec is cool. My province's national identity is on the rise, maybe we'll have a referendum in the future cause new nationalist parties are getting more and more attention. Quebec is the only hope for canada, and really it's the only territory that even resembles white nationalism in the americas.
90% of CA is rural wildland. It's like the Russia of north america. I love it. Keeps the sand people out.
Montreal arab population went from 1% to like 6 or 7% in literally 2 years. I'm not kidding. My parent's best friend just moved to the south shore and they say they're usually the only white people at the grocery store. Toronto and vancouver are much worse obviously. Vancouver is literally bought by foreign investment, people can't even buy affordable housing naymore, anywhere.
Sure but you're still talking about a city and they would all die if the power ever goes out for more than a week, and it will. Canada's strength lies in its wilderness.
>most of them can't even speak the language
it feels great knowing that white people will finally know what it's like to be a minority
Here's an idea, learn Chinese. Only the best can learn it because it's such a hard language that it weeds out retards.
Bad? Chinese and poo in loo are who will revitalise the Canadian economy.
You should be grateful that it isn't overrun by mudslime.
I live in an uncucked, rural area and work remotely in tech. I'm just close enough to a major metropolitan area to go in if I have to, but I almost never do.
I practice Christianity, fuck my wife, and leverage a portion of my relatively high wages donating to and organizing for political causes that will make us a white ethnostate. I run a website, too.
When I'm not volunteering my time working for political causes, I do other meaningful things: I've taught my 6 year old son how to shoot and hunt, I work out so that I can protect my family and keep them in line (my wife used to have a problem speaking up), and I help out for events at my local church.
I get the impression most of you faggots don't even have friends, let alone a community. Who are you going to have to use as cannon fodder when niggers and communists assault you?
Very true, excpet for quebec. The natural ressources and production of stuff like metals and clothing keeps us afloat. We NEED to separate ASAP.
We better learn to speak Mandarin, the Chinese will be our landlords in less than twenty years
I’ll just leave this here
my wifes mouth is out of control. the stupid bitch doesnt listen when i tell her the house is messy (its a shithole really), she dont fuck enough, the kids run unchecked, her blackout drinking with kids at home etc. so i resorted to yelling and am rdy to hit her. but rly im just gonna divorce her. i have a younger honey on the side whos so much more willing to be wifed and take care of the home where my wife fails miserably. cant wait
its literally impossible to get thru to my wife. i tried the nice guy sweet bullshit. but as shit got worse and worse my anger increased to where im always pissed at her. she complains like "you treat me like my mom treated me as a teenager" fucking line. so i screamed in her face to act like a fucking adult and wife and take care of the fucking house when im out working 12 hours a day (14 if you count the goddamn driving to and from 2 jobs and taking and bringing my daughter home from school)
If she doesn't listen, it's in no way her fault, it's yours. Either you don't actually wear the pants, which is obvious since you have to resort to child-tier behavior to keep her attention, such as shouting, or she realized she could simply get better than you. You have two choices: 1. self actualization (improving yourself until your SMV is above her) or 2. you leave her and find a woman of lower value. However, if you had any balls you would choose 1., as it's beneficial to your kids as well.
typical a fucking leaf pussy reply
8 years of battling to set her straight with what i expect my household to look like. childish yelling? talking to her and telling her what is unacceptable does nothing.
Hah, the chinks already own most of markham, atleast the more expensive parts. alot of richmond hill too. they're pritty much anywhere where its worth a damn to live in oddly enough. i hate how dirty they make your neighbourhoods, and how ugly their signs and shops can be but fuck, they somehow raise the housing value up if they ever flock in. its honestly scary. most top students in any school near the GTA, its fucking sri lankans or chinese. i honestly think they are going to take over much sooner. just hope they're liberal like the cuck whites we have here so we can play the race card and oppressed minorities down the road
>The major cities are 30-40% Asian
So what you telling me is that Canada is the promised land?
what if you just literally fuck her so good into submission? or am i just a retarded virgin?
No shit rural communities are tight knit, that's the nature of non-city life. Go to church, join a club, raise a family and foster a community, you're not going to be accepted being a bitter anchorite. As for the city, same thing. You don't have to be friends with everyone you see, ignore the overwhelming majority of normies. As for the cold, toughen up or die a faggot.
>Meanwhile the natives are breeding like rats and fucking up the small towns
Bullshit, natives aren't doing fuck all. And they're barely natives anyway, you could easily mistake them for white.
it can be over 60% if you take account for browns. most of markham is brown and yellow making up 70-80% of the population
I'm the pussy? Do you work out? Do you climb the corporate ladder? It's not rocket science, my god. If you value yourself more people will also have a better opinion of you. You took my comment like an insult; so you're pretty much deaf to constructive comments. You should have realized that battling was pointless the very first year lmao. Bro, don't give up. Be a man.
Live like humans are designed to. Don't tell me about social anxiety, it's artificial and works against your own interest, we're all awkward in the beginning.
>The major cities are 30-40% Asian and most of them can't even speak the language, there's signs everywhere in Vancouver and Toronto in Chinese even.
Sounds like parts of New Zealand now.
Want to know the fastest way to kill malls in Auckland? Just move a few Asian shops in and the place starts looking like a market in China.
We must have thousands of Asian 2$ shops, nail salons and prostitutes here now.
You surprise me, New Zealand is often quoted as the last haven for white people. I only hear good things abous NZ, care to elaborate?
you sound like a real pussy numale beta bitch.
heres my biggest fucking problem. far bigger than her uppity mouth
more than once mind you she has drank to the point of blackout drunk with kids in the house. ive found her multiple times passed out in the kitchen with the stove on, food in the oven thats blackened and charred thru and thru. how can i leave my kids at home with a woman who has so little regard? when will i receive that call that my house has burned down and nobody made it out because all of my kids sleep in cribs except my 4 yr old daughter who probably couldnt get out in time? she drinks cuz shes sad she says. she has a career, a house, 3 wonderful children, food on the table and more. i never hear her say anything about their wellbeing when i mention this issue. shes done for as far as im concerned
One thing I will admit that I find interesting: Inuit have natural IQ's roughly on par with East Asians, like Chinese. Their median, even in poverty and with poor education, is 100. Other natives are fucking niggers. If only the chronically alcoholic Eskimos could rehabilitate themselves, they have the natural intelligence (g) that allow East Asians to compete it global markets. Nunavut could be an icy silicon valley if they would stop beating eachother and drinking and being seasonally depressed or whatever the fuck their problem is.
Which leads to me to their other advantage: They have very high developmental testosterone. Many of their men are so incoherently alpha that without an education, and their constant inebriation, they can't do anything but beat people. They need to educate themselves, and no one should do it through charity because charity is the most cuckolded thing on earth.
i know u got a point. but this shit angers me, read my response before this one im typing. its fucking heart wrenching and ive cried thinking about it. no im a local truck driver that does pretty well. the pay is good but i sub it with construction on the side (mostly painting, staining, demo work). i dont work out, i cut, split, haul and stack wood for over half the year i stay in shape.
I don't get your insults, i've been talking about self-improvement. So fuck you too I guess. If she's so far gone dump the dumb bitch. Stop whining here, we can't help you if you don't listen. Good luck nonetheless.
>The major cities are 30-40% Asian
This is only true if your definition of "major" is "Toronto+Vancouver". Most average sized cities here have way too many immigrants, sure, but they aren't ridiculous like those two. If you want less immigrants just go further north. Brown people can't hack the cold.
Rural Canada is not uniformly poor either. SW Ontario and South BC have farming, the prairies have their wheat crops, there's oil up north, north/coastal BC has forestry, etc. Really it's just the maritimes that got buttfucked by the fishery collapse that are poor. And maybe Quebec, I don't know what goes on in frogland.
Okay, you obviously work hard and she sounds like an ungrateful witch. I can't help you there, focus on your kids I guess. Do you think there's anyway to get a good divorce with 50/50?
I will easily take Asian over these Syrian Mudslimes.
At least when the Asians have kids their kids speak fluid English and want white cock.
Muslimes just end up adoptinjg a crack whore and locking her in a room as a baby factory making fucked up next gen suicide bombers.
>check random article of markham
>picture full of asians
holy shit it is the promised land
how can i become a canadian if i am white
Quebec. Just learn decent french.
>Muh economy
Great! My people became a minority in the country we built but hey, at least the GDP went up!
>poos revitalizing the economy
The only thing poos do in this country is undercut white people on tech labor and open dollar stores
That diagram is wrong. The black dick is missing as are the chinballs.