Every time someone buys bitcoin, they become less available. The price will always go up! Invest!
What makes Bitcoin increasingly so valuable
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>What makes Bitcoin increasingly so valuable
/biz/ here. Valuable because of the decentralization, and inability to fraud a coin or transaction. As for buying now, wait until the 15th after the fork. Big price dump coming.
A deflationary bubble. Once people see the price going up they do not want to sell expecting price going up. That literally drives the price up by lack of bitcoins sold. Price gets inflated until someone sells out big, and fills all requests, resulting in litteral no demand and price going "negative". Or some unregulated stock-market experts are scamming everyone by using market manipulation.
agree with my fellow /biz/raeli here. BTC at ATH, the time to buy is after the fork. Now is probably a good time to enter Ethereum. Strong consolidation at 300, with great long-term potential.
As for the altcoins and the shitcoins, plenty of lively shilling on the /biz/ board.
There you go... take your pick of everywhere else illegal procedures which can be used for Bitcoin.
Does this also apply to XRP ripple, which has a set number of coins created?
So excited for all these normies buying in now. Fork comes they are going to get dumped on by BTC whales as the alt market skyrockets.
There is a technical limit to XRP, but two thirds of the supply is in the hands of the creator.
Yeah I know, he's had a lot of people accuse him of sitting on it to raise the price and then cash it all in, which would destroy the value anyway
I also fail to see the value prop of XRP. Even if Ripple is complete tits and gets widespread adoption, the XRP token isn't going to be necessary within that system anyway, other than a trivial amount that each account must hold.
I've made more money shorting XRP.
Look into Chainlink (Every 2nd thread on /biz/) It is going to destroy Ripple, and trading low right now. Ripple is being set to replace Swift (Company that handles financial transactions/communications for 11k banks) Inturn Swift is in talks with ChainLink's Dev.
>Every time someone buys bitcoin, they become less available.
You obviously have no idea how Bitcoin works.
thanks guys, i'll give chainlink a look instead then. For $0.17 cents at the moment it's a lot easier to get into than bitcoin too
>Does this also apply to XRP ripple, which has a set number of coins created?
Bitcoin has a limit too
The only coins that already archieved the final limit (people mine transaction fees) are premined coins, and almost no premined coin is a serious one
Bitcoins you say?
Taylor send me something you cutie
Third fork is driving bitcoin price. People think omg free money. They missed out on the first 2 so they get in now. It has momentum. People buy it because they see it going up.
I think bitcoin will have a crash. It might even reach 10k before it happens. And the crash might not even come back to where it is now. If it crashes 80% like it has in the past, expect it to be flat for an extended period of time
if you keep shilling it you inflate the bubble before there will be actual working products that will give a solid foundation to the market, you literal brainlet. you're gonna cause a crash much worse than the one that took place this july.
tl;dr: anyone who's buying now entered the market way too late and he's gonna be left holding other people's bags
OP, you're a low-quality shill. this is how a ponzi scam works, not how bitcoin works. and saying that bitcoin will keep going up is bullshit, the wall street news has already been priced in, now it's time to GO down. smart money is cashing out, dumb money is still in and lot of tears will be shed
Yes, but people also have to keep USING bitcoin for it to retain its value, a currency has to have some trace of inherent value or eventually people will stop using it.
I predict that a new cryptocurrency will soon emerge that keeps no log of transactions and is completely anonymous to hold or transfer that is simultaneously backed by a precious metal like gold or silver. That is what the perfect cryptocurrency would look like.
Bitcoin is only the first step...
Been sitting on bitcoins since they were nothing. Got a few from a site that was literally handing out 1 whole bitcoin to promote more people using it. They were worth maybe 4 or 5 cents when I got them. I have around 20 of them that I've just been sitting on. For a guy in my situation what would you do? (Yes, SELL SELL SELL buuuuut....anything other insights?) I was thinking of selling half of them at 10k and then just hold onto the rest because I think, some day before I die, they'll make to 100k a piece. Thoughts?
Except ethereum is a literal fucking scam and its leader is a SJW
The hordes are already onto it. It is too late. There is a huge potential for a ban of cryptocurrencies.
Expect BTC to correct or crash during or not long before the fork (Nov 15) tho it will go up again (Still doesnt mean much for a early adopter in your position .) The fork has driven the cost of alt-coins down dramatically, and are expected to rebound with the fork. If you are looking to diversify now is the time.
That's what I'm most afraid of.
Get ready for the "it's used to fund terrorism" nonsense
They tried to ban the Chinese Whales, they move their shit to Wongcouver or Australia
halal food funds terrorism
A business that sells anything halal must get certification from the halal food authority, which gives some of the money to mosques
>mfw soon gonna be rich
Congratulations, user. You're gonna make it. Holding half and not touching it under any circumstance for a few more years is a good idea, there is no telling where the upside is, but the consensus right now is that it's a lot higher than where we are. If you are a debtcuck, lock in some gains and pay that shit down, so you can build up credit.
There are some shitcoins with higher potential than BTC, but it's a challenge to find them. The least risky strategy is to hold. /biz/ is littered with noob daytraders and shitcoin speculators who have been absolutely blacked.
And stay far the fuck away from Bitconnect, it is a blatant scam.
More about the fork please BASED /biz/ user.
Which coin will emerge and why? the Segwit2x or the Bitcoin Core Original? Which one would I buy?
>tfw in 2010 my uncle told me to learn how to mine bitcoins
>tfw I thought he was just a nut
I could be a millionaire...how do I reconcile this?
Don't sell any coin until it's been adopted by normies. The biggest sin of them all is too sell to early. Don't FUD and stay calm. Bitcoin is a disruptor so only sell it if you think the government is going to regulate it and kill it.
t. delusional link bagholder.
just wait and see
Im expecting BTC Core to win out. Though both are set to plummet in the short term. Ill be going into alts for the most part until a victor is clear.
It'd be kind of hard to stop though if the currency kept no log of transactions and could be transferred easily with no financial record. If that type of anonymity was built into the source code they'd have to have some way of overriding private isps or make the internet itself a function of government. To ban cryptocurrencies entirely you'd have to have complete control over all functions of the internet including every server and receiver and have it all be under one isp- the U.S. govt.
In my experience the U.S. govt. is incredibly inefficient, they'd have to shut down the whole internet and send us back to the pre-computer era to get rid of cryptocurrencies entirely.
You missed a shot but you still arent too late. Crypto is still in it's infancy; it's a whole new financial paradigm. You can still make it.
I just bought a small amount of bitcoin are you telling me now they're obsolete? What the fuck does fork mean? I used coinbase app just got it earlier this week
ELECTRONEUM is the way to go now.
let's say I have a mutual fund worth around 10k, tell my why it would be a bad idea to convert that into bitcoin in the near future
They arent obsolete. Upon the Fork youll be given Bitcoin + Bitcoin 2X (with Bitcoin 2X intended to take over the market.) You are fine on that front. What you should be worried about is that the recent price jumps are mostly because of the upcoming fork & are likely to fall before or soon after.
what do I do about this fork I'd like to make more btc. s2x won't make it right? so I just need to make another wallet and xfer all my btc before the fork and when coinbase gives out the s2x xfer that to the new 2nd wallet and sell which ever one everyone says is gay right?
Which Alts?
I've seen so many with very good future-use but nothing tickled my fancy
No software or protocols are safe, especially if lots of money is involved, everything gets cracked. If you knew how little of a shit companies and devs gave about security your head would explode. All they care about is liability, theater and view information security as an expense.
All it will take is one major vulnerability to crash the entire bitcoin market that compromises the integrity of the blockchain, even an effective propaganda campaign could do the trick. Odds are, people and organizations have already found out how but aren't sharing the information with the public for obvious reasons. Profitable exploits and vulnerabilities are known for years before they're disclosed- even decades. Some disillusioned sod will come forward about it some day, or papers will be declassified.
This is why people who say
>_coin will be never stop rising, it'll double in a year xD
Never ever actually put their life's savings into it, in the back of their minds they know the risks and that it's all theater.