Scared yet Drumfkins?
While you're sitting there in your mom's basement we're out here protesting facism and racism and we can't be stopped.
Your orange cheeto president will be impeached.
Tick tock
Scared yet Drumfkins?
While you're sitting there in your mom's basement we're out here protesting facism and racism and we can't be stopped.
Your orange cheeto president will be impeached.
Tick tock
Other urls found in this thread:
There are more reporters than communists at your failed uprising, faggot. Time to go home to mommy and rethink your life.
You five guys have fun now!
>Spanish signs
Why your police and politicians allow that?
I'm getting turned on by this image.
If I fap, does that make me a furry?
Jesus, there are like, 30 of you! That's like, the whole gang out there!
Didn't mom ask you to take out the trash before you went?
Better double check
You don't fap, control your desires and use the perfection of those unreachable standards to force yourself to improve and be better in your life.
But yes, fap to it and you will be more furry, maybe not completely, but you will
begin to be one
What if I fap to what's going on below the dog head?
I'd also like to point out that I've given up any chance of attaining true happiness, and that's that. No matter how much I improve myself I'll never stop being a sperg with ugly features and a small penis.
It's too late, murrly being turned on by it makes you a furry.
We are terrorized.
>we can't be stopped
Easy there, Tiger. There are railroad crossings in lots of those areas.
And some parades too, I hear.
>I'd also like to point out that I've given up any chance of attaining true happiness, and that's that. No matter how much I improve myself I'll never stop being a sperg with ugly features and a small penis.
If you let your desires and apathy control you then you will fall, don't surrender yet, there is always a way to be happy, to find a higher purpose that gives you energy to confront life. Just because you're ugly doesn't means that you can't be happy. Just because you're a sperg doesn't means that you can't change it. You're better than a self hating faggot, you can do it, I believe in you.
You fucks really are pussies and mouthbreathing triggered fags if you can't do a revolution the proper way. Lenin would drop you quicker than he dropped the mensheviks
Allow me to reiterate.
When I said 'happy', I meant conventionally happy.
I am perfectly content sitting at home and fapping to cartoon pornography, all while playing Star Wars games and roleplaying in Discord.
Such is my life, the one I chose for myself in a sound mind.
I am happy with how I am.
I will never be happy in a 'normal' way, however.
>What if I fap to what's going on below the dog head?
It's not furry if you focus on the tits.
Neither are traps gay if you disregard the penis.
Well then, if you're happy that way then keep it, but change some habits, learn new and useful things or have a better diet, at least be healthy in your personal life.
>I will never be happy in a 'normal' way,
Don't say that, the world changes, people changes, maybe in the future you'll want to be happy in the normal way.
Stop hating us.
Perhaps, but it seems that I am predisposed to mediocrity. I am a weak person in most regards, and though I try to hone my abilities on occasion, I relapse on the regular.
I came upon a realization not too long ago that I am me, and I am happy being me. If the answer to my existence is to post on Sup Forums while masturbating to pictures of humanized dogs, then I suppose that is what I will do for the time's being.
Who is the artist of these pictures?
But you faggots are full of hate?
No one is predisposed to mediocrity it's all in the mind and in the routine. in what regards are you a weak person? The first step to be more is to recognize your weaknesses.
Also, I don't know the artist but the character is called dogmom
I was diagnosed with a few mental illnesses by doctors, have papers and everything, that sometimes inhibit my thought process and cause me to act in a certain way seen as undesirable by most of the populace.
Due to my mental illness not being one of the trendy ones, I am seen as inferior.
Plus, there is the fact that my penis in small and my aesthetics lacking.
I understand that I can curtail the effects of the mental illness by conditioning my body, and by extent, my mind, but that requires an inner strength that I am incapable of producing.
What mental illness do you have?
And you can produce enough inner strength, you have lived your life that way with your shortcomings, fixing the problems will make your life easier,you need to give an extra, to find something that makes you wish to grow more.
I saw you earlier, you fucking freak.
Whatever you say.
>no hate
>yelling in public spaces at random people
this is extremely hypocritical
When I was young, they thought it was ADHD. It turned out to be aspbergers, both due to my father's similar, spergy tendencies and some chemicals that both of my parents were exposed to: My father to the contaminated waters of his military base, and my mother to the radioactive waters of a lake.
I carry a few physical deformities as well, such as a pectus excavatum and large elephant ears.
>find something that makes you grow more
I see little point in growing beyond my zone of comfort. I speak not as an edgy nihilist subscribing to a popular belief, but as a genuine hopeless individual.
I have had breakdowns before, and sobbed in privacy. Anger is the emotion which I feel the most, with apathy and sadness tied for second place.
I was scared til I walked outside and saw FUCKING nothing.
>No Trump, no Wall, no USA at all
The white Jewish Bourgeoisie youth hiding behind black masks so the real proletariat don't find out the parents are upper*class white Jewish Capitalists doing very well in a system they pretend to protest against...fuck these fake Jewish cunts!
Aspergers is pretty mainstream to be honest and somewhat controllable, I'm sorry to hear what happened to your parents, also those deformities can be fixed by some operations if you have the money, of course If you believe they are the most problematic aspect of your life.
It's good that you can feel anger, now you need to redirect it, don't let your emotions take the best from you, it's also good to cry, to let your emotions flow freely so they can't push you down. Don't lose the hope, that's the last thing you lose in life, at least you can feel, you can see yourself.
I know it's hard to change, and it's pretty difficult to get out of your comfort zone, I'm not saying that you need to become a Superman, but at least be better, know how to talk to people or have order in your life.
Your NAMBLA loving ass has betrayed you. Go pound your pud to pics of children being tortured, you know that's what you want, you NEET pinhead.
>only white people
white people are really retarded
I have no Idea why black folk in the US align themselves with these white Jewish fuckers?
Where were they during the 8 years when the Democratic Regime ruled over you? Obama was nothing but Soros's house boy, and it was under the Democratic Regime that America is where it is now...profitably divided in the interests of the Globalist Jewish Bankers!
I'm tired of this fucking shit!
We're going sit back and watch the cops bash your skulls in.
We have jobs and a lot to lose.
>misspells "fascism"
>meme flag
incredible display of LARP, my man.
i thought you were a real pinko-nigger for a second
>being so ashamed of your stance that you hide your face
nice confidence you guys have there
>based bald guy reveals face and redpills antifa
>antifa protester with diapers and a bib
>shrek cosplayer
i'd say this is pretty comfy
Get better Greed Day lyrics to chant.
Looks like some little bitches need some stitches!
Black folks lives got worse under the Obama Regime and now when there might be a real chance of change, of un-rigging a system the that's in favor of a small international Corporate Clique, these fucking white guys from (((Antifa))) appear to protest it using some lame Nazi/Fascist meme to hide the fact they don't want the system it to change in your favor. That would not be financially viable for their families.
Post steam. Wanna see some commies get bashed
Here you go...
All this talk. All this planning and then oopsie, someone forgot to mail out the invitations. Oh well, you still have your pretty party dress on. Make the most of it.
>Your orange cheeto president will be impeached.
And you assholes standing around talking to yourselves accomplishes this how?