>White men
White people
Me on the right, 2nd row
what jojo arc is this?
Suddenly that wall seems like a good idea doesn't it
>American Posting that Italian is white
Those aren't men, they're fags.
For a second i read Winestein.
That reminds me we forgot about modeling industry that is all pedophilia and faggotry when analyzing Hollywood's pedos.
>Pedro can't tell the difference between a white man and a European queer
lmao dont ever change you fucking pea brained beaner
Do you have HIV?
it's alright, paco
>haha look at these shitty mongrel americans what a garbage country and people
>please let us in don't be racist we just want a better life
>male models
what did you expect? there are a lot niggers modeling too and they look more masculine than white models
how is the wall going to stop those white cuck queens from deepthroating bbc?
>yeah ,a bunch of illegals represents whole country.
>you cant generalize.
Oh look another based spic xd
How does American cum tastes like cunt?
lol indeed.
Vento Aureo
Battle Tendency
continue pls
Those poor models
Okay bean eater. Back to smuggling drugs for you.
>only mexicans eat beans.
1 problem at a time
>a dirty Colombian calling Mexicans spics
If mexico is so great, why are you stinky beaners flocking to america?
If you aren't 200 lbs of muscle, you are not a man.
Stone Ocean