You cannot tell by a person’s skin color type whether he or she is a nice and/or smart person.
So stop this stupid racism on here, look at people for who they are individually.
You cannot tell by a person’s skin color type whether he or she is a nice and/or smart person.
So stop this stupid racism on here, look at people for who they are individually.
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no, I'll continue hating every nigger.
I hope they get killed.
I agree, I know lots of based black people who voted for Trump and they're not stupid.
>You cannot tell by a person’s skin color type whether he or she is a nice and/or smart person.
That's true. It is just like physics. A scientist can never know the state of a single particle, however the behavior of all of them can be measured.
I judge every individual, individually. But as a group, verified by statistics, black people are shit.
>based black people
I hope you get shot
Then you are man child who ignores facts.
This person is an adult. People around here should take note.
Mixed race children lose the ancestry of both parents and do not produce a better hybrid as advertised by Jew doctors
10/10. Would bleach and run.
niggers are human garbage
I may be a manchild, but at least I'm not a nigger.
Note: Nothing will ever make me respect niggers, poos, t*rks, or other darkies.
I will bully them, make their online lives hell, and harass them in every way possible.
Just like with trannies. If you haven't caused a tranny to kill itself, you shouldn't be on Sup Forums.
To be honnest Sup Forums. Once i bleached a jewess. So i have a half jewish daughter somewhere.
In not even bullshitting.
>my haters keep saying race isn't real
>then keep demanding I post my DNA results to prove I'm 100% white
Demoshits are always the ones shoe nothing race into everything though. They thrive on it.
Even when they face reality germans would always go for civic nationalism rather than ethnic nationalism. Just because a mouse feels like a proud rat doesn't mean it's a rat.
Well, you ARE a manchild then.
>right my fellow maga-ped...maga-Sup Forumss? xD
>You cannot tell by a person’s skin color type whether he or she is a nice and/or smart person.
Statistically you can.
That's how racism works now, we judge by their actions.
as in blacked?
I am, but still.
Not a nigger.
10/10 response
True, but whites is a race that deserves its own destiny just like any other. Diversity is white genocide
Species aren't real
You can't know whether a chimpanzee is smarter or dumber than a black man just by looking at its species
A rat and a mouse are different species. For humans genetic haplogroups are significant DNA subgroups, but they do not correlate with skin color.
so why do subhumans get into medical college easier?
Everyone FEELS they are better than everyone else. If not race, they'll find another reason.
Point is, fuck your feelings. People who spout off
> fuck all niggers
> fuck all kikes
> fuck all whatever
are emotional losers. True that statistics are worth addressing, but fuck your feels. Fuck niggers == reverse SJWs.
But not individually.
Niggers produce less wealth and commit more crime than pretty much every other race. They create squalor, not prosperity.
No, you can. Species are real from a DNA perspective. You can do DNA testing.
no. but you can make an educated guess based on their own region of origin, and how life was there. Cultural norms start at birth. Adults cannot integrate into a host country if they are culturally incompatible.
It was never about race, it was about culture. Some cultures are in fact; SUPERIOR TO OTHERS.
>so why do subhumans get into medical college easier?
We have no affirmative action here. Everyone is treated the same. A black German has to pass the same standards as a white German to get into med school. This is why we nearly exclusively train white, Christiam doctors.
"Black German" That's an Oxymoron.
Nobody's actually racist here OP, it's all a big joke.
This is true. There were similar integration issues in America during periods of mass European immigration as well with the Irish, Italians, Germans... etc. Difference is, US back then had a policy of integration, instead of current policy of tolerance.
Race isnt real but there are multiple species of human
No, it is not.
Everyone knows Sup Forums is a board of peace
Well you win one there I guess Achmed.
Hopefully in the future the avg. IQ of nonwhites will increase and you'll be right. Doesn't mean I advocate for the extinction of my race.
you can't, how many times have the familly of criminals said "they didn't see it coming" or "he a good boy".
Conclusion: You can never know somebody
If you can never know somebody than all you have left to use to judge people are statistics for people like them.
Of course it is. They're merely 24/7 larping something they aren't and will never be. I could of course move to china and pretend to be chinese but at the end of the day I'm not and I'll probably never be. These people aren't even meant to be here genetically.
They have has all of existence to rise up. They did not.
Are we just pretending statistics, genetics, and sociology aren't a thing anymore?
Hey girl wassup?
Nigger! Kys
No, speciation means that two individuals from The two groups won't produce fertile offspring, but there are no 2 humans who won't produce a fertile child, barring things like single-incident genetic mutation.
No. It Was a proper bleaching and she enjoyed it heavily.
Dated her and gave her exactly what she needed.
I can guarantee she still masturbates about it.
And who can blame her. Svens superiority is widley known.
merkel calls them the 'new germans'
then why are you cucks dying out?
Scienctist recently had success fertilizing a black human egg with ape sperm. They pussed out and aborted it
And I call them 'People who're degenerating the german gene pool'
>race isn't real
>white people are to blame for everything
Terms "afroamerican", " afrogerman" and etc ARE RACIST.
Here in Russia we have national problems. But we don't call people "afrorussian". In most cases journalists are naming their historical homelands.
Also some african languages are very cool, for example Kiniyarwanda.
t.cuck who dreams everynight about fucking a negress
East """ germans""" are slavs and should return to their true identity.
I mean race does not matter the philosophy of it is fuck you I don't care BTW have u seen lefty pol I'm still looking
Fertilizing an egg is a much lower hurdle than producing fertile offspring. Horses and donkeys produce living offspring easily, but they're sterile, for example.
That is not an accomplishment. Being a man child is your fault, not being a negro is not.
We Arent dying out. There where only 700 000 swedes just 200 years Ago. Now we are 6 millions.
We could have been more if the americans didnt Force us to be multicultural. But hey. Its you who goes to hell for this. Not us.
You may wonder, Kevin, but some nations have two races inside it. And I'm not even about the new world.
You obessing with racial is really weird. Not ((you)), I mean the whole States.
Yeah but you can tell a nigger skull from a normal skull
Sup shlomo. You jelly?
>You cannot tell by a person’s skin color type whether he or she is a nice and/or smart person.
Just because you can't tell, doesn't make it less real. But I guess you're too dumb to understand that Mohamed.
Im just fuckinwichew user but i like your persistence
You make no sense. There are black engineers. Even black mathematicians.
niggers are the communist of Races.
how the fuk did we 'make' you muticultural?
no one makes another country do anything. poland and hungary are a good example of countries that refuse to be shitskinned, so just act like they do
Yes but they're not in surplus. I assure you this is not a predominantly biological or genetic problem. It's a problem of culture. Many black americans follow a culture that disregards intelligence, but it's not their fault. Trust me, once we encourage and persuade them to think more critically and pursue career success, they will access the intelligence they've been neglecting a bit.
1. You can determine race by genetics, as well as by several other objective biological criteria.
2. There are individual chimps and other apes that have objectively greater cognitive capacity than individual humans. Judge them only as individuals, not species!
One war at a time user
>There are individual chimps and other apes that have objectively greater cognitive capacity than individual humans.
Objectively wrong for healthy human adults.
Yes. You occupied the entire Europe after ww2 and forced the multicultural agenda on us.
This is even in the history books. So stop denying it.
Ok. Your entire establisment consist of Jews and jew worshipers. But still. Its all your fault.
Maybe not, but if you see a black guy on the street with his pants down his ass, golden chains around his neck and tatoos, 99% the time you are dealing with a retarded negro.
When walking on the streets which type of negro do you see more often?
The hood rat or a black guy on a suit?
The human brain is great at detecting patterns. Ignoring your gut feelings and thousands of years of evolution is not a good thing
>your persistence
You might check the number of posts by my ID in this thread. Hint: I just saw your faggotry on the front page.
> Muh Poland.
You left the most stupid and brainless placera untuched becouse they Will never pose a threat to you becouse of their lack of intelligence.
Good game Shlomo. Good game.
So why dont yo just be like poland and hungary?
and tell everyone to fuk off and when the european union comes after you with threats just tell it to fuk off.
now that sweden knows what happened you can now make decisions based on current knowledge of the world or you can pray that trump destroys all islamic terror in the middle east thus stopping the rapefugee crisis.
It is likely that genetics plays a significant role
well it is current times and we are selling them weapons n shit.
and they do pose a threat in current times however not to us, but to the european union. when the time comes and the e.u can't control eastern europe they are going to make a european union army and sweden will be the first to join and enforce e.u laws because you guys hold the cuck crown
You don't know fire is hot until you get burned
Your time will come Hans
No, it really isn't. Average IQ in Africa is around 80. Some populations go as low as 65.
stfu leaderfag
do not tell Sup Forums who to love/hate
kys faggot
And I just told you, a healthy African tribesman will always score higher on an IQ test than a chimpase.
any questions OP?
>implying race doesnt exist
Races exist just like species for animals and this proven by science, i will agree with you on one thing that there are some inviduals of a racial group that are smart,nice people,ect however this doesnt mean that everyone of that racial group is like that i believe its civilization-cultural background that influenced these types of behaviours.
Also i will always hate the jews no matter what.
Well he said everything that I wanted to say, so yeah noice response m8
This is just factually false. There are chimps that outperform average humans from various populations on intelligence testing. Google it yourself.
>race is only skin colour
I dont know 100% about races other than niggers and Chinese but you sure as fuck don't want your city to be flooded with niggers or Chinese. Niggers will burn it down and Chinese will usr it to launder their dirty money runining it
Niggers are especially dangerous
Seriously. In starting to understand why everyone points out americans as the dumbest ones on the planet.
Read some history. You occupied and brainwashed an entire continent for 70 years.
Dont come with your shit to me. You have enemies enough.