Bread Crumbs info dump:
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Bread Crumbs info dump:
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will you all shut the fuck up and go outside
So was this just a LARP, or did it have any truth, in the end?
At the risk of introducing some critical thinking here: how many times in U.S. history has Martial Law been instituted?
probably all just a larp by
muh scoops
Longest fucking LARP ever made. Q user is a lying faggot but he got us good.
Thought I saw in an earlier thread that Trump tweeted something about the storm recently? That true?
he's not smart enough
they will riot during the night and the protests are just diversion to attack politicians such as rand paul, /nu-pol/ are really getting played here SAD
>Meme flag
>LARPing faggot
Still fun to do this tho.
Show us your flag
Has there been nothing about the Podestas?
Though regarding the Antifa rioting, perhaps they weren't sure whether people would turn up or not. If they did, then Martial Law?
But still, top LARP
Friends of HUMA?
Mass arrests in Saudi Arabia, among those arrested former King Abdallah chief of staff, prince AlWalid Bin Talal, and head of MBC group @alihashem_tv
Fucking shills out the ass.FUCK YOU FAGGOTS
Look at the last 4 hours of posts.
Now he's giving more dates.
I don't fucking know, but I think he's just LARPing with some actual info.
>Q predicts a tweet
>tweet doesnt come
>everything else does
There has be someone in NYC that can take pics of Huma taking kid to school.
larp should be censored to zozzle. Sick of seeing that stupid fucking word trotted out for anything. God damn CIA niggers drowning out any real truth with fucking retards FUCK YOU.
has any progress been made or is this just spam now?
Where's the indictment?
its not even the storm yet? why the fuck would he even tweet it, if it hasn't begun?
i am agreeing with you
anons need to take a break from posting for a while and let the situation develop
Original Q didn't predict the tweet.
It's an American flag dumbass, Republicans are American.
There's the storm reference. Everyone seems to have missed it, including myself.
bump for LARP memes
Evidence in favour of this:
- Twitter claim regarding TP arrest
- Temp. twitter shutdown
The guy definitely did some research if he was LARP'ing - is hardworking enough to know DJT was going to be overseas.
I think that people are missing the forest for the trees here. When I first came into these threads, I had no idea about Q or any of that. I just came and have been hanging out because this seemed to be the best compilation of developing info on all the stuff that's going down.
Don't get caught up on one guy and some posts he made. Look at all the incredible stuff that's happening. That's the story here.
Several reputable people confirmed a sealed indictment for podesta.
agreed. Antifa never riots during day time hours.
I don't think he did but it's the crux of the argument for this being a larp. Almost like (((They))) posted it just so they can discredit q later.
Anyone doubting that CIA Niggers would fuck around with this stuff only need learn about their policy on conspiracy theorists in general.
That's old faggot
ayy lmao
agreed. We've been discussing, researching and hashing out on going political events. All good stuff.
I second the motion, down with zozzlers
If Obama is helping POTUS, wouldn't everything make sense, re: Trump's Art of the Deal style?
I've only seen a post here and some guy on twitter saying this.
Could be nothing but keep getting the Twitter is over capacity when trying to like posts or comments. I know this seems to have been determined to be an epic larp but trying to cling to that last little bit of hope here lads.
you are trash hans
>appeal to normalcy bias
>critical thinking
It's happening to a lot of people on Yiddler.
So basically during war, and in a few cases of natural disaster. Unless I'm wrong, it hasn't been used since WWII and that period of time has included riots in Watts, Detroit, and mass unrest during Vietnam.
I don't buy that part of it. A criminal case pending against some major figures - yes, but the movie script coup d'etat... not buying it.
i missed the earlier references to obama potentially helping him
was this in relation to the questions of "why is bo everywhere trump goes, only 2 days prior"?
If the first posts were real, this was a warning to surrender to bad actors. Bad actors think Trump is after Obama but he isn't, he's after Clinton. Obama has been helping him from the handover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>doesnt know that poos can use meme flags
only two biers right?
Thanks for lookin out
Martial Law declared tonight?
HI guys
please join the nov 4th comfy happening threads
Q wasn't predicting shit.
She was asking questions.
All you faggots didn't LOOK for answers to those questions, you just sat on your asses and waited for a happening.
Gas yourselves. It's all your fault.
Yes and the question, "Who is helping POTUS?" I think all the answers are within the questions.
This. good times. I regret nothing.
we're trying to determine the likelihood of events unfolding (prediction). Why on earth wouldn't it be appropriate to look at the actions of the executive from 1789-2017?
Preet was DOJ leadership during Comey,
Southern District of New York
Chappaqua NY - Hillary's House
Brooklyn NY - Hillary HQ Classified Data Crimes
Manhattan - Classified Data on Weiners Laptop
Preet had a most undignified hissy fit when Trump usually and customarily asked him to resign with rest of US Attorneys, just as Clinton asked Sessions to resign.
Preet went on the warpath when he was asked to step down, made a lotta noise about how "wrong" it was, and is a leader in the resistance. WTF?
Why didn't he prosecute the releases of classified information that happened in his district?
Daughter works at local hospital and is friendly with all the local cops that work there. She has explicit instruction to ask questions all night and report back if she hears anything.
Sorry I'm testy. I took unscheduled time off for this fucking thread.
Remove your meme flag or we'll just assume your a cheap pajeet shill a million miles away.
if nothing really happens kill this guy
Well I never expected my drunken LARP to last 46 thread.
But OK, why not.
Hey, you know what ? lots of rats to feed on this shit.
See you soon guys for another episode !
If Obama is always there first, he can meet with Trump face to face before he leaves. They both have SS detail. They can speak in person and both have Q clearance.
oh look the susan boyle shill is back. Hope you get hit by a truck you faggot.
You haven't been following this closely then if you believe that. They were gone over ad nauseum by many but no way to confirm with person presenting the ?s
I keep reading Podesta is in custody, but its not being reported on due to an agreement for media blackout for a short time. Either I'm missing the evidence for this, or its a larp. What's the deal here?
A fucking coup attempt? Where is Huma?
Twice, once under General Andrew Jackson, and during WWII for the not yet state of Hawaii
This is why Trump is always 5 steps ahead. Obama is helping Trump. They just met in Hawaii!
Suck on the little breadcrumbs I left for you here...
Good little rat. Gooooood rat !
tactic for
Trump tweeted about Saudi this afternoon. Its Happening.
Why would obama ever work with trump?
Figured it was too good to be true. Oh well, better luck next happening.
and shills asking for HAPPENIG :)
am i the only one who thinks he will unravel 911??
it just doesn't seem to fit trumps persona, to take help from anyone let alone fucking obongo?
Why did JK travel to SA?
There is a storm in SA today, that's for sure.
There's absolutely no scenario here where Obama is the good guy. I'm out if that's the case.
He detests Clinton and to save his arse and legacy.
The possibly planned to happen antifa riots everywhere don’t count as riots?
I've been getting it too the last hour. Saying it's sorry they screwed up
Did anybody ever answer which single plane was allowed to leave on 9-11 and who SPECIFICALLY allowed that plane to leave?
Every bit of it is true, especially the lies.
1941 then. Just the 76 years since it last happened.
TP arrest - I can see that because events tend to support that. The other stuff, I'll wait and see -- but the martial law point seems OTT.
It fits perfectly. Too perfectly in hindsight. There is no other reason for BO to be in places before Trump so consistently unless they are meeting face to face.
I don't buy it either
He's not a good guy. He is saving his arse and legacy.
Antifa are kids unless my eyes deceive me. There's no groundswell of support out there for their ideas... they are considered a joke.
Q mentioned Kushner going to Saudi Arabia in light of the new leadership
You know this could make sense with the statement awhile back about Trump not wanting to go after him because it would hurt the presidential office too much, or to that effect. He may have show him two different futures too
Starting to think the larp was the twitter dude himself and he had him some hearty keks for about two or three days. Only verifiable thing in his larp was the twitter down. The rest was either BS vague predictions or just questions. If he could have arranged one more seemingly random data point for his larp,, I would give him a 10/10. As it was, though, 9/10 larp.
A good knowledge of all the issues to ask rhetorically combined with the aforementioned controlled hangout of the twitter down combined with some good guesses on tendencies(docs tend to drop on Fridays, Trump tweets a lot on long flights, bated anticipation and supposition on indictments).
Qanon will be remembered in the history, but don't come around here anymore faggot.
Shill confirmed
>Obama legacy
My fucking sides
Me either but what other reason to be in those places, who else is helping Trump stay so far ahead except us?