Brit/pol/ - Based working class edition

>Tory MP and whip Charlie Elphicke suspended and referred to police after 'serious allegations'

>Suspended Labour MP Kelvin Hopkins "absolutely and categorically" denies sexual harassment claim by party activist

>Labour investigates Clive Lewis over groping claim: Prominent MP is accused of giving a 39-year-old female activist's bottom 'a big squeeze' as they hugged at the 2017 conference

>The International Development Secretary held undisclosed meetings in Israel without telling the Foreign Office while accompanied by an influential pro-Israeli Conservative lobbyist, the BBC has learned.

>Jewish group demands apology after Harriet Harman repeats Holocaust joke live on BBC

>Brexit supporting students who get abuse on campus

>Boy, 14, held of acid attacks

>MI6 doesn't trust Boris Johnson enough to share information with him, claims report

>Williamson named as new defence secretary

Other urls found in this thread:

>it just stops the state from profiting from it.
The state shouldn't be profiting from citizens' self harm.

Proud Protestant.

Reminder, wearing a poppy makes you nothing more than a shabbos goy revelling in the murder of thousands of your European brothers and sisters in 2 World Wars.

>cigarette tax
>alcohol tax

Weed does less harm than those

>revelling in
I wear a poppy out of respect for the lads who fought and died because they'd been lied to by a self-interested government

i'ts no more self harm than bike ride
should the goverment ban anything with any kind of risk?

Nth for it's about your values.

No it doesn't. It's just remembrance.

So we should ban those to.
You don't decriminalise a harmful thing because other things are more harmful. We don't want more harmful things, we want less.

inb4 the Montenegro subhuman who everybody hates enters the thread.

I'm fairly sure there's a safe way to ride a bike, but no safe way to ingest toxins

>revelling in the murder of thousands of your European brothers and sisters in 2 World Wars.
>never again is one of the mottos

>European brothers and sisters
Fuck off you peasant

Those HIV rates are still 5 times higher than the European average, in addition to the general drug-death rate being the same as previously. Murders and Thefts are up after the change.

In addition, Portugese enforcement of their drug laws before the repeal of prohibitions was lax and ineffectual.

Weed isn't harmful it's medicinal

Mosley told them the truth and they ignored him. Now look at us.

>Weed isn't harmful
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

Psychosis is pretty harmful, friend
Lung cancer is pretty harmful, friend

Here. Any other flat earthers?

You're why we have a totalitarian nanny state.

>safe way to ride a bike, but no safe way to ingest toxins
bicycle accidents cost the NHS way more than weed
fuck off with your selective nanny state bullshit

Reminder that wearing a poppy is a form of virtue signalling.

You're right, it won't happen again because there'll be few actual Europeans left in our countries in the next century.

Source on that?

>Not 4D
Get on my level

No, we have a totalitarian nanny state because everyone wants to be allowed to do exactly what they want, regardless of how harmful it is, with the expectation the government will clean up the mess for them.

football is the opiate of the british working classes

Remembrance of mass murder and the destruction of European civilisation.

Yes everyone should be able to kill themselves slowly (and others) and put incredible strain on the national services

>"Weed isn't harmful"
(and many other studies)

His belly looks angry

>Proud to be a heretic
Enjoy purgatory.

Go wash Ahmeds feet.

litreally 90% of talk on the day is we can't let this happen again



Doesn't happen

>lung cancer

That's a consequence of smoking, not weed itself. You can consume it other ways such as edibles.

No, remembrance of lads sent into a hail of artillery and gunfire with rotting feet and no chance of coming back from it.

The problem in this instance is people's bad decisions end up costing everyone else. No-one can be a drunkard or a junkie in isolation, they harass people, they commit crimes to fund their habit, they put huge pressure on health and social services that the taxpayer has to pay for.

>As if the police don't spend Friday nights herding the drunks
>As if the police actually arrest cannabis users
What planet is this?

What really pisses me off about the British empire is that all your wars arent fought due to national pride, freedom, and integrity like us Americans, but rather by greed, Judaism, and wealth.

For starters, Brits never wanted to set the Indians in North America and South Asia free, they just wanted to exploit them and use them for cheap labor.

Also, it's common knowledge that America just wanted her freedom from an oppressive government during the Revolutionary War and 1812, while the king simply wanted to destroy freedom and liberty.

At least when America goes to war, we want the best for the invading countries' people. Not like the Brits, who's mouths water at the sight of enslaving people.

Don't cut yourself there lad

stoners dont need herding


Where is the lie though?

I'm sickened by the faux patriotic claptrap at this time of year. Our country and our continent is on it's deathbed and the 'greatest generation' played a huge part in putting us there.

>people's bad decisions end up costing everyone else.
but you better not rember them bad decisions so you cant repeat them

>stoners dont need herding
Might be fun to see them trying though

Rememberance day is as much about glorification as anything else.

>Our country and our continent is on it's deathbed and the 'greatest generation' played a huge part in putting us there.
and you think trying to kill our last expression of national pride will help get us out of it?

>Doesn't happen
>Baseline cannabis use predicted the presence at follow-up of any level of psychotic symptoms... as well as a severe level of psychotic symptoms... and clinician assessment of the need for care for psychotic symptoms
>Based on the genetic approach, use of cannabis was associated with increased risk of schizophrenia (odds ratio (OR) of schizophrenia for users vs nonusers of cannabis: 1.37; 95% confidence interval... This adds to the substantial evidence base that has previously identified cannabis use to associate with increased risk of schizophrenia, by suggesting that the relationship is causal.
>In individuals who had no reported lifetime psychotic symptoms and no reported lifetime cannabis use at baseline, incident cannabis use over the period from baseline to T2 [3.5 years] increased the risk of later incident psychotic symptoms over the period from T2 to T3 [8.4 years] (adjusted odds ratio 1.9, 95% confidence interval 1.1 to 3.1; P=0.021). Furthermore, continued use of cannabis increased the risk of persistent psychotic symptoms over the period from T2 to T3 (2.2, 1.2 to 4.2; P=0.016).
>On an individual level, cannabis use appears to confer only a two-to three-fold increase in the relative risk for later schizophrenia.

They need arresting

> because everyone wants to be allowed to do exactly what they want, regardless of how harmful it is, with the expectation the government will clean up the mess for them.

Source? The state has no business nannying people. Only prohibiting behaviour that is harmful to others is justified.

> Yes everyone should be able to kill themselves slowly
Yes. It's their body. The one thing in life that belongs only to you, and you want to sign it over to the state? I don't even smoke weed, I just think it's a completely arbitrary for the state to say you can kill yourself drinking fermented and distilled alcohol but you can't smoke a plant that grows out of the ground - just because we say so.

Arguments for drugs like cocaine or heroin at least have grounds on societal health, because they are so insidious and addictive that they could easily consume entire populations if given the opportunity.

> and put incredible strain on the national services
So ban them from using the NHS like they're doing with smokers and fatties. Or tax it high enough to compensate for the NHS costs like smokers.

I drink and I do none of those things. We have specific crimes for bad behaviour, intoxication isn't an excuse.

>Never again
>Dulce et Decorum est
>The last post
Don't look very glorious to me

>Wishing you had been conquered by a totalitarian foreign foe

You're just as bad as the sjws

so reciting a bunch of poems about peace and harsh reality of war is glorifcation?

while we're on the matter, anyone care to explain why brits are so uglt on average ?
thanks !

Show us your real flag, Mutt.

I'm not one of these mongs that thinks remembrance is about glorifying anything and I don't mind giving to the charity, but I'm really not keen on the fact that they've bolted on every war since the Great War to be what the day's about, because it really shouldn't be.

Those four years of war were among the most disastrous years this country has ever faced, and it was never able to recover from them. I really don't think even the Second World War compares in terms of how far-reaching and devastating it was for our society and nation, and I really don't like the fact that wars since fought by people who all were willing to face the enemy and treat war as an occupation should be remembered with the same reverence as those who would have absolutely no idea of the scale of destruction they faced or were often forced into.

I know it's a bit of a blog but I really wish the day would stay focused on what it was originally for, because it really was where the serious decline of this country began.

Where is the source for this claim?

show flag

Yes kafir, hate your evil nation. Let another people take over your ways and laws.

foetal alcohol syndrome

my ass desu

lung cancer which is because of smoking. weed can be consumed other ways

>We found inconclusive evidence regarding the relationship between cannabis use and the development of seminoma tumours

Weed can also be used medicinally to treat cancer symptoms

smoking generally again


>The explanation most accepted is that cannabis triggers the onset or relapse of schizophrenia in predisposed people
>predisposed people

They're already mentally ill, it's not weeds fault

>Whether cannabis can cause psychotic or affective symptoms that persist beyond transient intoxication is unclear
behind paywall

lol that the best you got?

Meanwhile states in the US and Canada have legalised it medicinally

The last 20 years of British history
>The state has no business nannying people. Only prohibiting behaviour that is harmful to others is justified.
Cannabis use is absolutely harmful to others. It destroys the individual, then the people around them have to pick up the pieces. Someone has to care for them. Someone has to give them medical or psychological care. If the psychosis is particularly severe, it may even require police intervention.

>Yes. It's their body.
They are a part of society, and accountable to that society.
>because they are so insidious and addictive
Anything, literally anything, that triggers neurochemical transmission can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms if stopped. Any food, drug, even behaviour that causes a unique neurotransmission to which the body can become adapted. So saying it's worse for being more or less addictive is a null argument. More immediately medically harmful, I'll definitely grant, but not addictive.

Because more people ride bikes, you dipshit.
It's the same reason car accident fatalities are more common than plane crash fatalities- more people will be driving at a given point in time than using air travel.

Well we just have a fundamental fracture in perspectives so we'll never get any further than this. You're a fairly extreme collectivist, I'm not.

The second was a lot worse for us than the first

Because after the Great War we said 'never again', but fuckers just kept going to war, so we add them on in the hopes that maybe next time they'll pay attention


>Cannabis use is absolutely harmful to others. It destroys the individual, then the people around them have to pick up the pieces. Someone has to care for them.

t. someone that is so sheltered their only experience of weed is seeing sensationalised shite on TV

sad fucking virgin prick, get a fucking life lmao

a predisposition is not a prior suffering. the marijuana in those cases triggers an ONSET of a condition they were not previously suffering from, in what way is it not a result of the consumption?

>You're a fairly extreme collectivist
Not really. I just don't think individuals should be allowed to slowly kill themselves, because they aren't the only ones effected by their illness/deaths.

In addition, where you quote "unclear" is from the BACKGROUND of the study, not the findings.


There was an increased risk of any psychotic outcome in individuals who had ever used cannabis (pooled adjusted odds ratio=1·41, 95% CI 1·20–1·65). Findings were consistent with a dose-response effect, with greater risk in people who used cannabis most frequently (2·09, 1·54–2·84). Results of analyses restricted to studies of more clinically relevant psychotic disorders were similar. Depression, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety outcomes were examined separately. Findings for these outcomes were less consistent, and fewer attempts were made to address non-causal explanations, than for psychosis. A substantial confounding effect was present for both psychotic and affective outcomes."

I thought polish were ok, but after seeing their behaviour tonight I’ve decided that they are scum

Which is collectivist reasoning.

>t. someone that is so sheltered their only experience of weed is seeing sensationalised shite on TV
More like someone who can read journal article after journal article, longitudinal study after longitudinal study, and see the demonstrable harm cannabis use does, and someone with friends and family in are Enn Aych Ess and the mental health service who have to deal with this shite on a weekly basis.
But nah, I'm sure you'll be fine. It only happens to other people, amirite?


>Cannabis use may increase the risk of psychotic disorders and result in a poor prognosis for those with an established vulnerability to psychosis.

>may increase
>for those with an established vulnerability

Meaning those already mentally ill. Not general population.

>Cannabis use is observationally associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia, but whether the relationship is causal is not known

>is not known


>Continued cannabis use might increase the risk for psychotic disorder by impacting on the persistence of symptoms

>might increase

Lol how scientific. Try again.

Sure, but not extreme collectivist.


Where is the pride in killing so many of our kith and kin?

>English Nazis

There's a joke in there somewhere

Finally, good work quoting "inconclusive" when they were referring to a smaller sub-category, and ignoring the earlier part of their findings:

"Using meta-analysis techniques, we observed that a) current, b) chronic, and c) frequent cannabis use is associated with the development of TGCT, when compared to never-use of the drug. The strongest association was found for non-seminoma development – for example, those using cannabis on at least a weekly basis had two and a half times greater odds of developing a non-seminoma TGCT compared those who never used cannabis (OR: 2.59, 95 % CI 1.60–4.19). "

But its okay because "Weed is only ever harmful if you smoke it lol!"

>Green is into child scat

Not surprisef

>98% are not predisposed, smoke it, and nothing is triggered- they enjoy it
>2% smoke it, are predisposed, and are triggered
>hurr durr ban thing

Should be ban flashing images from cinemas because it triggers epileptics?

Not face sitting???

>People only ever develop schizophrenia if they are predisposed to it

none of the slavs strike me as particluarly badly behaved but this lithuanian girl i know is bluepilled to the max
>i love london so many different peoples
>lithuania so boring
>the coutryside is so bad
>i mean how can you think god is real and shit?
>i wanna do my hair like [wog in the class]
>u love jeremy corbyn to?

>extreme collectivist
No, you're an extremely americanised idiot

>Meaning those already mentally ill. Not general population.
You're not meant to stop after the first line, brainlet
>A 3-year follow-up (1997-1999) is reported of a general population of 4,045 psychosis-free persons and of 59 subjects in the Netherlands with a baseline diagnosis of psychotic disorder.
>Baseline cannabis use predicted the presence at follow-up of any level of psychotic symptoms
>Results confirm previous suggestions that cannabis use increases the risk of both the incidence of psychosis in psychosis-free persons

>>is not known
Again, you're meant to read past the first line.
>This adds to the substantial evidence base that has previously identified cannabis use to associate with increased risk of schizophrenia, by suggesting that the relationship is causal. Such robust evidence may inform public health messages about cannabis use, especially regarding its potential mental health consequences.

>Lol how scientific. Try again.
They took a sample using cannabis, a sample not using, and compared them.
> The incidence rate of psychotic symptoms over the period from baseline to T2 [3.5 years] was 31% (152) in exposed individuals versus 20% (284) in non-exposed individuals;
>Cannabis use is a risk factor for the development of incident psychotic symptoms.
That's a pretty scientific method.

with the use of weed yes

Bet it was dickgirl hentai comics

Well would you ban all harmful substances like alcohol and tobacco for the same reasons? How about transfats?

I call it extreme because you seem to believe in heavy state interference into personal liberty essentially for the convenience of the rest of society.

Try pulling your cock out of the light socket and contribute an argument.

EE that go abroad are known to be bydlo back home

Got any evidence to contravene hundreds of other studies that would suggest you aren't right?

I predict at least one bite after I refresh.
If not, try a smaller fuckin hook user.

>How about transfats?
Fats are entirely healthy and essential to metabolising micronutritients. Transfats are just one type of fat. Obviously harmful in excess, but so is anything, that's how excess works.
>heavy state interference into personal liberty
That is, if you assume the right to kill oneself a personal liberty

Toys'R'Us advert is on, lads.

>make stupid use of word
>n-no use a real argument!! pull ur dick light socket!

Meanwhile no one has ever died of testy cancer due to weed. Probably funded by a pharma company.

Met more people that smoke weed recreationally and can manage their lives than examples like you gave.

Still, you read up on shit that will never affect you and get all wound up to make up for the fact that no one has ever loved you and no one ever will, yeah? Same with the rest of the "alt right" - just a bunch of butthurt loners crying about people having more fun than they ever will.

>if you assume the right to kill oneself a personal liberty

>has ever died of testy cancer due to weed
Why would taking weed effect your testes specifically?