It's okay to be white
It's okay to be white
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I don't get this campaign. Of course it's ok to be white. Why would you guys think that it's not ok? Being white is like playing life on easy mode.
It's ok.
>I don't get this campaign.
Response to a campaign that said "Its ok to be black" and it has had hilarous results so far because people consider it racist
>Being white is like playing life on easy mode.
I wonder why people took the time to print these and tape them everywhere
Then I wonder why other people took offense to such an innocuous statement that doesn't show any form of superiority or disparage anyone at the same time
Lastly I see people putting watermarks on the message to discredit it and comments like yours that make no sense and realize 18 billion dollars went into this, so....
Keep posting them. Stick to the plan, and stick to the message.
>18 billion dollars went into this
Explain. Did JIDF demand a bonus for "tackling" this or something?
Your point?
>I wonder why people took the time to print these and tape them everywhere
This. It's a waste of time and it was a retarded idea from the beginning.
It's called playing the victim, even though whites run the system
>whites run the system
I'll take "jewish lies" for 100 Alex.
But is it okay to be black or brown?
I want to be orange, is it okay to orange?
It's addressed to liberals who seem to think there's something wrong with it and hate themselves for it
Yes it is.
We're trying to get the (((media))) to show what it really thinks about being white, take for example that it's working
It's okay to be magenta.
Don't let those dirty kikes forget it Sup Forums.
It's okay to be white, black, brown, everything.
However - making a point of "it's okay to be white" when that's obvious, is redundant and clearly attempts to hide an alternative motive.
White is "normal" in the West. When somebody is half white, half black, then they are black. When somebody is half white, half amerindian, they are amerindian. When somebody is half asian, half white, they are asian.
Being non-white is the oddity, the deviation from the norm. Whites will never understand what it's like to be an outcast in society because they run society, so there is no need for reassurance of their racial makeup.
get your apparel today, praise kek
I think what this groid is trying to say is whites make it look easy because they on average have high IQs compared to pavement apes
Just because whites are becoming a minority now
It is okay to be purple too.
This feels like a rehash of the white student unions from two years ago.
>Whites will never understand what it's like to be an outcast in society
You mean like how many jobs favor people of color over white people or how women are favored over men?
You mean how it feels to be biased against and demonized for your skin color?
You have no idea what you are talking about, newfriend and i hope you are trolling
Also for clarification before you niggers only focus on "whites will never understand what it's like to be an outcast," I'm talking about whites as a group, not as individuals. Being half black, half white people as a group in the US for example blows.
If it's so obvious then why the outrage?
It's okay to be dark green.
They dark greens make the best cars.
I will admit it's "ok" to be white, but don't be proud of it. That is taking it too far. The white race has more than a few blemishes throughout history.
Thank your own kind for those policies dummy. White men put those systems in place in the first place.
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches.
>It's okay to be white
So basically, leftist jews have managed to misdirect leftists into blaming all whites for their own crimes.
It's okay to be white just like its okay to be whatever.
It's okay to be an individual OP.
Whoever posted the stickers in the marina in SF. Good shit. I see you
>Being white is like playing life on easy mode.
If you're not white you can manage your whole life only thorugh gibs though.
It's actually not okay to be a nigger.
Yeah dude, when my ancestors were fighting for the magna carta, or crossing thousands of miles through the oregon trail to make a country out of the wilderness they were thinking it would be really great to do all of that so dysfunctional mud people could inherit what they built and make their progeny a disenfranchised minority.
Where's the video of the plane over Berkeley? Or was that just a larp?
Thanks: I know.
Nice but they should hit the Mission and The Haight
It's not okay to be poor white trash either.
Whats your point?
But you said whites cannot be outcasts in society, now you tell me to thank white people for making outcasts of an entire fucking gender?
So which is it?
How about just plain white posters with just a plain smiley face. No words or anything else that could be re-framed. Not even a circle for a head, just eyes and mouth.
I am italian you subhuman.
But yet when the camera looked away, she went with whitey. Aint that something. The state of the nigger is such that white porn star women have to be paid at least twice as much to do a scene with a nigger. What will us little dick white boys do?? I guess take our women and go home and bang them. Sorry about your luck Jamal, having the BBC still wont get you white women.
And subhuman
Not You
I don't get this. Are you actually being serious? If so then you are a really big cuck.
Is it shitposting/bait? Why would you even shitpost about this? It's not funny in the slightest and deriving humor from liking BBC just makes you look like a cuck anyways.
Totally not insecure about bbc.
I don't think the Romans fought for conquest of the European continent so they could see it overrun by Germanic barbarians either.
Don't thank them. I don't agree with affirmative action or any of that shit either. Seek to change it, but don't misplace the blame.
except its not because your all just a bunch of spoiled fuckers who date rape girls then grow up to steal other peoples labor, land or ideas
What's with leafs being cucks for nigs?
Italians are better than other humans. Why does the us count them as white? I know you have to get your pathetic percentages up as far as possible but you guys are really reaching nowadays.
>one OK instead of okay in the whole bunch
>tfw not white, but posting the posters anyways
I'm rooting for you lads
Thank god man I was getting worried I was gonna get kulak'd any day now
>UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CALLED THIS WHITE SUPREMACY!!!!!! I think they even used user's photo lol
I love listening to shills trying to discredit how fucking hilarious this campaign is.
that faggot font will surely convince the normies
lmao at that niggerclaw
>madison square park
>antifa wants to meet at 2 pm tomorrow in there.(according to their speakers on the live stream)
I'm not giving anyone ideas, but it could be funny.
>easy mode
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
It is easy mode though. If you think this is tough, you'd kill yourself if you were black
perhaps the horses are the master race then?
>don't misplace the blame.
Im not placing blame, im telling YOU its not easy to be white and you can be an outcast as a white person.
I dont care who is to blame and i am working to change but truth is the truth
unfortunately another black would kill him before he would even get the chance
Being a poor white man vs being a rich black man. You choose.
Your life being hard is way more dependent on social economic status.
>It is easy mode though.
white people dont know what its like to be poor
[faggot detected]
GTFO my Sup Forums nigger lover
I have the same question.
>These mental gymnastics
Not a real country.
Daily reminder that its not okay to be white.
Daily reminder that whites are subhumans without any culture or civilzation. daily reminder that whites are psychially and mentally inferior to other races. Daily reminder when you see a white subhuman in street don't forget to spit on his face and bully him. He deserves it because he is a white subhuman and he shamelessly dares to be in present with the same enviorment that BLACK man breathes.
And people of other races never committed any atrocities?
What are whites as a whole blamed for?: slavery and colonization.
There probably isn't a single ethnicity that hasn't practiced slavery.
Not every western nation partook in those.
besides western world eventually abolished slavery and pressured rest of the world to do so as well.
Colonization on the other hand led to improvements on standard of living everywhere in the world.
It's real in my mind
Whites are adversely and systemically targeted by affirmative action for university and jobs, as are Asians.
Search "White Male" on Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, Salon, etc., and you will find plenty of articles demonizing them in ways that would be totally unacceptable to say about any other group of people. It's simply not controversial to state negative opinions about white people or males, when saying those things about LITERALLY any other group of people would get you locked up in some countries.
i really really really hope no one is going to comment on what stands here
wh*Te subhumans can't help themselves but reply to my posts. The red tone of my flag is enought to trigger sperm skinned neanderthal subhumans.
>speaking to roaches
>There probably isn't a single ethnicity that hasn't practiced slavery.
Actually, theres been black tribes that hunted other (hostile to them) black tribes to sell them to the whites. They did it for wealth and power.
SJW fucks should read a non-propaganda book every now and then.
hey brother, ease up on the white people. Everyone is human and we all deserve respect. Can we please focus our efforts on uniting to defeat the jew?
>post flyers saying it's ok to be white
>niggers and shitskins say it's not
>exposes their racism and discrimination against whites
did no such thing
>SJWs can read
I'll take "jewish lies" for 6 million Alex
So? Would you call being a white male a disadvantage in today's society? Would you prefer being a black woman?
it's simple, american communist college boy
cut your wrists open and bleed out
then your nigger friends will have their justice and marx will b happy
>thinks all black women are the same
That works too! Devious.
I know. My point was that whites were not the only ones to practice slavery or were even the worst to doing so.
Fuck you. Niggers should burn.
white "people" are not human beings they are subhuman spawns of yakub
>can't read
>muh niggers