Other urls found in this thread:
>Retards and LARPers whine about Antifa happening
>Fail to see the real happening
Fuck off. Israeli false flag.
>prince turki bin
Is Twitter down? I can see you the linked tweet but my account is blank and I have no tweets on the feed.
I'm 7days-suspended for calling a liberal nigger a n*gger
I can't be banned. I have never tweeted on this account.
Everything on my feed from longer than 18 mins ago is gone.
Is that some sort of coup? Someone familiar with all those princes should give us a quick rundown.
(((They))) have recently made some effort to make the House of Saud look more modern (granting women the right to drive etc.) to defuse criticism of Islam.
rollin for an actual happening
and sky is blue
Is Saudi Arabia the country the A&W poster was referring to where shit would go down soon?
>antifa smartens up and attacks a real fascist and theocratic nation
>prince Miteb bin Abdullah arrested
Saudi NO!
I think the Crown Prince is overthrowing his daddy.
Intense happenings in Riyadh today.
> missile attack from Houthis (they claimed responsibility on their TV channel)
> Lebanese PM resigns while in Saudi Arabia, condemning Iran
Um, guys
Thank you so much
I don't know what the fuck is going on but I'm sure the Jews are to blame.
3 3s dem digits! Its kekfirmed!
>calling a liberal nigger a n*gger
As far as I know you can call a fucking nigger a nigger on Sup Forums faggot
Is there a Saudi GloomTube to watch? What is going on.
you got my attention
11 princes arrested
38 ministers & officials
This is like the end of the Godfather
I thought it was houthi rebels lobbing in a scud missile from Yemen
>dopey prince alwaleed
love my president
you can call a spad3 a nigger. appeal too hiro, weve got an infection in the mod dept
Roll for Saudi civil war inshallah
That was earlier today and the missle was intercepted, this is something new.
i get they are a shit country run by shit people
but if a power vacuum happens in KSA
The whole region will Collapse
The chaos that was created by the libya and syria will be nothing to come if it were to happen to Saudi arabia
no - Saudi Arabia is a staunch US ally and a stabilization facility will be established there if there is a whiff of any disruption.
How to be right, without even being right.
Hopefully the JEW gets shot in the eye
Stuff blowd up to distract from arrests?
>gas powered heater
Which one?
Our Greatest Ally will not allow a legit coup to take place in KSA. Ever. If a coup happens, (((they))) were behind it.