Pic related is the gang these niglets try be in > be with group of about 13 people > after our bonfire get bored and go to the where the McDonald's and shit is > some kid who talks shits there > hesabigbitch.gif > we were there for a couple of hours and realised "Hey he's not that much of a faggot" > our group strayed away from theirs many times but we got bored and always went back > we went to a park on a pretty fucking shitty street > me being the mild racist i am wanted to leave the whole time > some people who were in a car from earlier on pull up
Bit of backstory: the kid wanting to 'spar' ripped my mate off, lets call him mark, and has been offering to pay him back cause he 'felt bad'
> this kid tries to fight mark > mark says no > another friend who is a retarded drunk decides hell fight this kid, lets call him alex > alex hits this guy good and this guy goes fucking crazy > mark is about 10m away in his back when the guy fightings 4 nigger friends run up on mark and hit him in the back of the head and start kicking him and shit > im in total disbelief and run over to try help > now all these niggers are on me and mark > mark runs off down the road and these guys walk away from me > im still totally fucking shocked as to what just happened especially since a good friend of mine who is rather dodgy is like brothers with the guy fighting alex > they come back and take marks bag > at this point it is mark, alex and i with 2 of these guys mates with us as theyre on our side They pull back up to us 5mins later just down the road and demand us to give them weed, even though we dont have anything in our bags > one of the niggers shows us a knife and says some shit like "i didnt wanna do this" > i give them 2 beers as thats all i fucking have > they drive off and we start walking home still shocked > they drive past a couple times and we hide in driveways and shit and they're like yelling our names and shit trying to scare us a fat little white kid caused this..
Sebastian Watson
wow this fat old man was really pioneering the numale aesthetic
Wyatt Flores
Josiah Martinez
>Niggers >Joining the Mongrel Mob Fucking whaaat?
Christian Wilson
Also the fat little shit that got this to happen was scared of us all night then acts hard when a knife is pulled on us and all our shits taken
Nathan Ortiz
maori are not negroids get it right mate
Adrian Myers
wannabe negroids sorry
Oliver Miller
That’s the most pathetic numale story I have ever read
Caleb Adams
sounds like a typical night in our shitty country. on another note, i did prison with the guy in the pic. his name is chaz, they burnt down the rival gang pad in their town.
Caleb Watson
so... whats the deal with the nazi stuff? is it just a look kinda thing? or do any of them actually read up on it? Maoris are weird they either like you as soon as they meet you or want to kill you, logic. its funny when they smash on with abos
Jordan Sullivan
your story was a little hard to follow, your saying some faggot you dont really know tagged along with you plebs at some point in the night and caused drama with the fuzzy wuzzies and didnt get the bashing he deserved for it but you did?
Jack Cooper
you got the basic concept some shit head acted allgood with us all night then gets his maori friends to jump up
Justin Gray
apparently in the 50's teens in NZ starting wearing nazi shit to piss off their parents and shit, then the mongrel mob and shit adopted it, says some dude of Sup Forums a while back. And some of the best people ive met are maori but when theyre bad theyre fucking terrible and ruin it for the nice ones
Caleb Howard
ohhh, so hes one of them guys that doesn't start something unless hes got people who like a scrap around to do the fighting while he rubs his hands like a jew in the back ground?
thats pretty low, some of these kind of guys dont mind because they like a fight but if you point out consistently that its always the weasel starting shit and these guys are not getting backed up by him but throw down for him every time it'll back fire
sometimes it doesn't matter because they just want to kick someones arse anyway and make up some shit to do it
also the weasel sounds like the type to lurk with people for hours sussing them all out txting his buddies or learning about you, also any secrets you have or nice things you have back home to case the joint later, sounds like you may need a different circle of mates or something you will learn from this and spot trouble makers easier and put some distance between them
Liam Johnson
yeah hes a little fucking cunt gonna get what he fucking deserves if i see him on the bus one morning
Julian Cruz
yeh i think they got their name from a judge who said the were a bunch of mongrels in a courtroom to a large crowd of them so they adopted the name, i wonder if their are any sjw fags in kiwi land that are triggered to hell by these nazi looking Maoris and if so what do they say about it?
for all the shit on this board i dont really have a problem with abos or maoris i thought we got along fairly well before the rest of this multicultural bullshit we are a kind of apart of each other in a way, im sure you wouldn't have a problem finding common ground with them along the lines of separation/nationalism etc
Nathan Sullivan
like there are some maori people who are super nice and great people then you have fucking rats going around doing fucked shit
Xavier Brown
When I first saw photos of antifa (2+ years ago) I didn't know anything about them. I concluded that they are wearing jeans jackets with a crossed out swastika that covers the entire back because they secretly think the swastika looks cool and edgy, but don't want to be associated with it. I imagine it's the same logic here, except they want to be edgy hard enough to not even care about being associated with neo-nazis. What a fucking joke, I'm willing to give German speaking neo-nazis a pass in some sense, because at least they have some tenuous historical connection to LARP as nazis. But it's an even bigger joke if they are from any other cultural group.
Gavin Collins
quit being a pussy, OP
Parker Allen
Let me tell you right now, if your an average aussie you can take on at least of these fuckers your self. You have way more upper body than they do, and they know it.
They are scared to death of getting hit and hit like shit. Next time don't back down, look them in the eye and be prepared to throw down. Chances are they will be cuck out and leave while talking shit the whole time, making idle threats. Ive dealt with these nogs my entire life. They aren't shit.
.t white anglo saxon in the big city.
Adrian Johnson
everyone here seems to ignore the fact that they use the swastiki and nazi memorabilia, they just fucking drive around in big groups screaming seig fuck or seig heil to anyone they see
Levi Long
im a tall lanky guy and they had a knife i wouldnt have backed down if they didnt have that
Chase Martin
You're thinking of abbos. Maoris are twice the size of Aussies and 3 times that of abos
Xavier Davis
Yeah don't feel to bad my dude, literally happens to every skinny white kid at some point, happened to me several times when i was younger. Advice go to gym and lift your less likely to be a target. Also lern some disarm techniques.
Robert Flores
yeah thanks man i was just so shocked i had to walk 2 hours to get home and got home at like 5 and i was just in disbelief