
Why don't ((they)) talk about the Charlottesville happening anymore?

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ Shill/

it happendd over a year ago who cares

Why don't (you)?

Because the guy was set free and they don't want to deal with the backlash

The driver was.....

J E W I S H !!!!!!

was he? I have not read anything about it

fake news

I'm ok with this, takes the publicity off of me

Because they found out the girl who died was not hit by the car, and she was 400 pounds.

yeah, that much i know
but the driver was still accused of being a right wing terrorist who mowed down 6 gorillion communists.
We should know if the case is going to court or if they released him

They haven't released it tried him, he's just in jail. So is Chris Cantwell.

or tried him

liberal have the attention span of a gnat

Heather Heyer died of a heart attack.
She wasn't struck by the car.
She was just a fat-ass in the middle of the street WHERE SHE DIDN'T BELONG.
The moment you mention this everything falls apart.

how is it constitutional to be kept in prison for 3 months without being sentenced yet?

all of the people that were in the red van and silver car that got hit, are friends on facebook. The gofundmes were all a big scam

Think about all that has happened. Really try to remember this past year. How much happened that you wanted to know more about? How hard is it to remember, or care? Now go back years, decades even. Everything gets memory holed. What happened? Does anyone care? I would love to know more. Were multiple sides of the conflict you mentioned brought to town at the same time on the same group of buses?
I just don’t get it. We’re all, truly, so pacifist. What caused this? Why aren’t there politicians in nooses for treason/subversion? Not only crimes against the Constitution, but for their crimes against people and God? We’re beta, all of us. Don’t know if its in the air or food and water, but we’re a different people I think than we were 100 years ago.
Our sense of community has been destroyed, we show no sign of following God’s will, we care nothing for our fellow man. We despise them so much, we will use the government in whatever way possible to ensure every else is just as miserable, degenerate and despondent.

Because talking about it doesn't help them anymore

That's just how it works here. Once you've been charged, you're in police custody until you post bail, at which point you go free until you're sentenced and convicted.

If the judges determine that you're a flight risk, or they represent Jewish interests and want to punish you, they can deny you bail altogether and keep you in jail.

The time you serve goes towards any sentence you receive. If you get off clean I think you can sue them for holding you with no justification.

It was a false flag, did a thread on it here:

[KB archives(take the time to read all OP's)]: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

[Shill Operations being done against the KB Threads]:


2) Shill/

Heather had a heart attack the hemi didn't hit'er
The helo Terry sent for us crashed into the timers
Trannies called us Nazis
Fags called us KKK
We took the town of Charlottesville
Now we'll take the USA.

frank stop

I told you. This will only be news for a week then its gone.

It isn't. It is a violation of due process. Everyone has a right to a speedy and fair trial.

evidence of heart attack and not being struck by the car?

They pushed back his prelim hearing for whatever reason. The city is still "building a case" against him essentially. Once he gets his prelim hearing he'll be able to argue his side before a judge along with the prosecution and the judge will decide if there's enough there to warrant going to trial.

It's important to recognize that in almost all cases if you get put in a situation where you have to deal with the legal system you lose by default even if you eventually win. You will lose time, money, and have your name drug through the mud in the press regardless of outcome. The goal should be to never be involved with the legal system.

Anyone with IQ over 50 + internet can see what really happened and "killer" was set free. They can lie hard one news cycle. Then pretend they never did.

The person is in jail without bond because Heather Heyer died of suicide by fork, not contact with the car. There is also a video tape showing a rioter striking the vehicle so the charges will not stand and he will go free, so the jew mayor and jew judge is trying to keep the defendant in jail as long as possible before trial. There is no way they are going to have enough evidence to convict.

what confuses me is how hard she makes me. I don't want to be attracted to her because I can't stand her from those old Sup Forums raids on her. I know that was a character she was playing but it stayed with me.

But my dick is diamonds every time I see her image and I am yelling at it to stop. It never listens to me.

I too share this feel

I honestly haven't been keeping up with the story of driver much. So he's still in jail on charges of manslaughter I'm guessing? is he being charged with anything else?

Nothing of value was lost

driving under the influence of whiteness

if you search youtube you should find the mother of the victim telling cnn that she died of an heart attack

It's not. He was overcharged too. They probably hoped he plead to a lesser charge, not going to happen. Even he State of Virginia is turning it' back on the city since they city ignored the State Police recommendations.

i don't know how it's in Italy or the US for that matter but here in germany we have something called "untersuchungshaft"

you're placed in "Untersuchungshaft" if you're a suspect of a crime and the legal body got concerns of you leaving the country/jurisdiction or if you pose a threat to the public

i go out on a limb here and just say that all western countrys have theire equivalent of such a law

let's go hyperbole for an example
you shoot up a school
you're not directly seen and eywitnesses can't identify you
other informations and proofs point towards you
even though you're identity couldn't be confirmed by eyewitnesses

even if you haven't done the crime it would be neglect to just let you roam freely

if burgers know about the equivalent law in theire country please tell me since im too lazy to look it up
you too spaghetti bro, there has to be something similar in your country

when will he have the initial hearing?

they brought ip up last night on tucker

should mentiont that the "Untersuchungshaft" helps the juristictional body to secure proofs to sentence you since you'll be out of the picture and can't alter/vanish proofs that might get you sentenced for the crime you commited

we have something similar, but this doesn't seem to apply in charlottesville case

The dude was victim of the circumstances, I doubt that if released he would take another dodge and drive through commies again.
I think the normal procedure in this case should be an Ankle monitor to not let the suspect leave the country

stfu fucking shill. stay on topic, and dont bring up the fucking kike media.

The autopsy indicated cardiac arrest. It was complicated by obesity and smoking. Some of the people were hit so hard, they got knocked out of their shoes, but none of them died. Heyer was so fat, it took 8 people to carry her to the bamalance. Here is a picture of the hambeast's legs. Do you see any bruises, cuts, abrasions, tire marks, broken bones? Can you find a picture anywhere with any evidence of contact? Many pictures were taken. They will be released at trial. She wasn't near the car.

wasn't there a law or something passed in the US that you can drive over people blocking the street if your well being or your property is in danger?

being a commie must be nice you can kill, rape and plunder no one gives a shit as long as you're virtu signaling



it was exposed as a psyop

im seriously glad that this fucking pice of shit is dead
just look at this, fuck my life, how can you be that self absorbt to not notice how fucking fat you are?

jesus christ i seriously get pissed seeing beasts like this

In war you don't talk about your loses for very long.

Failing to check his privilege (Class A Felony, minimum of 30 years imprisonment)

He got away with it

reminds me of the /k/ fags who fired into a rioting mob in self defense
except nobody died and they were actually convicted and sent to prison and everybody just forgot out it

Well to be fair they were idiots. They brought weapons to a BLM rally and said beforehand they were gonna get themselves into a self-defense situation. Shows pre-meditation. Dumbasses.

play stupid games & win stupid prizes

pre-meditation of self defense doesnt seem . . illegal

I'm not sure what the Virginia criminal code says but if I had to guess they could be charged with incitement, felonious assault with a deadly weapon w/ intent, attempted murder, and use of a firearm in commission of a felony. Possibly something with hate crimes as well.


Planning ahead for self defense, should it become necessary, is not illegal. Deliberately provoking someone with the intent of using "self defense" is not.

*IS illegal

charlottesville meme thread


laws in the US are often by state. For instance, murder, a serious charge, is mostly brought by a state. There is a video of the car being hit and paniking the's going to be very hrd for the state of Virginia to get any murder conviction. They were frustrated when they charged hie that they tried to punch "nazis" and the white men fought back. Jew mayor, negroid vice mayor. This torch rally the night before triggered the shit out of the city and they closed streets the next day to set up a bum fight. They steered the kid and his car right into a mob, and that mob should have been dispersed 2 hours beforehand when the cunt governor called a state of emergency.

Bullshit she died from blunt force trauma

That isn't evidence faggot. A coroner report is.

Why? Truth is too much for you? There is a you man in a jail cell tonight without bond and he has not been convicted of any crime. A judge denied bail. Do you see any bruising? scratches? cuts? abrasions? All of those injuries would be consistent with vehicle vs. pedestrian contact. Here is what started it, that guy committed a crime when he struck that car. .

True, but honestly man. I have almost enough evidence simply on my phone to prove he's innocent. He was driving a little fast and some dude hit his car. It spooked him so he took off. Then crowd of people made It so he couldn't see the car in front and he hit it. It's pretty cut and dry.

I'm pretty sure they hit the car too and he was spooked because it was an enveloping crowd of people who actually want to fuck him up. Sup Forums shouldn't be fucking lying about how that fat fucking whale died though.

mindset of a fish?

wow that's fucking ridiculess
i know that the legal system in the US is beyond fucked up but this is ridiculess
even tho germany is on a whole other plane of retardnetness(?) authorities would argue "if you had cleard the area when you've been ordered to, this wouldn't have happened"

gonna be real with you
i feel extream "weltschmertz" watching the us fall appart for pitty shit like this it's just ridiculess when i see a statue of a southern states personality is taken down for (((racism)))

seriously hurts to see how the sacrifices of the past are being abolished and forgotton...

I think the problem is you have losers like Heather Heyer and they glom onto some cause which is just a projection of her internal hate for not having any social capital, or any breeding prospects. Morbidly obese, smoking menthol cigarettes, I mean really, at 30 years old? There is still time to take stock and do something with your life but she gets hooked up with some other dumb people where "anything goes" and this is how it went. I am in this photo BTW, you cannot see my face, but I was there and I am very familiar with what happened. There will be many lawsuits against the city as the facts come out about our brothers. My civil rights were violated, and I was injured due to actions and decisions of the City of Charlottesville and the Charlottesville police dept.

if you live in a country where it's normal to chant "kill whitey" it's more than reasonable to just drive over people encirkling your car

Because it was a Deep State False Flag

No one cared.

Why screw up a narrative that works with new facts?

Deep down they realize that it was less a "nazi murder" as it was some dumb kid whose car was being clubbed panicked and drove through a crowd who was blocking the street, which recent legislation has made legal to do.

i hope you're alright and only sustained minor injuries that can heal on theire own in due time

i hope those lawsuits get on theire way soon if this is true what you're say, i don't think it's not, to rip them a new one and maybe make changes for the better in the future

Because the heifer was such a cow she died from an MI in the presence of a man with actual testosterone.

In the US you have a right to a fair and speedy trial by a jury of peers. This means that the state cannot bring a charge and drag it out forever and they are doing this now. They have completely gone into this seeing red. Now they don't know what to do. In America there is no such thing as "innocent" just "guilty" and "not guilty". The burden is on the accuser to prove a crime, not on the defendant to prove he did not. do a crime. All of us who were there were denied the right to assemble, and the right to speak against our government in a public setting. (1st Amendment for those of you who went to a public school in a city) Our basic, fundamental right was violated. People say "I dont care if hey couldent speak" But if you cannot speak out, and the legal system is rigged, what do you think a "burger" no, but rather, white men of "German origin" who have an unlimited supply of guns and ammo and many are combat veterans? I sage es auf Deutsche..Burgerskrieg. Gewalt ohne grenze. Blutbad. Wir vorbereiten uns, Freiheit durch jeden Weg. They underestimate us, call us stupid, say we are few. We have agency, we have guns, we do most of the fighting for this country. White men are slow to anger but the jew never learns that he has gone too far until it is too late.

she died from fried chicken, hagen-dass, and nicotine poisoning.

She is the least bloodied traffic accident victim in the history of America

Heather Heyer had a Heart Attack the Hemi didn't hit her

You faggots keep saying this with no evidence.

>Putin take the wheel.

I will be okay except for the PTSD and the fact that I now associate the sound of a helicopter with being attacked. At the last "White Lives Matter" rally in Tennessee, rooftop cops pointed sniper rifles at us, at veterans. Our country is having a Obama hangover. I have no hope for recovery, multiculturalism does not work.

yes a right to a fair and speedy trial but what if, just for arguments sake, there is evidence found that you've been involved in a shooting but it's not the case
the Police and your atorney will have time to gather more inteligence and you, in the mean time, are heald in a cell to not cause any more shootings
you're the prime suspect no matter if true or not it's the task of the state to prevent more violence, could you argue that or are there other laws that would be against it?
it's not even cheap race baiting anymore it's likey they want a racewar to happen in the US and to think that a couple of armed thugs could take on combat veterans no matter if White, black or yellow or buisness owners (espacially asians fuck me they alone will cleanse the country of degenerecy)

i wonder if this is some fucked up 3D chess plan to get rid of the welfear fags or just to score good goy points i seriously don't know anymore

>I sage es auf Deutsche..Burgerskrieg. Gewalt ohne grenze. Blutbad. Wir vorbereiten uns, Freiheit durch jeden Weg.

not shitting on your google translate skills ( :^) ) just sayin'

Ich sage es auf Deutch
Gewalt ohne grenzen
Violence without borders
Wir bereiten uns vor or Wir sind vorbereitet
we prepearing us / we are prepeard
Freiheit um jeden Preis
Freedom no matter the cost

just sayin' translating to german sounds retarded and i don't mean to offend it's just the best way to descib it, no offence

well fuck me.. best of luck and i hope you recover soon

It didn't get them the results they needed, instead of getting mad at Trump everyone just got mad at the Spencerfags for their shitty optics.

Here is my report. Fat human mountain of lard, not a scratch on her. 40 inch thighs. Smoked menthols, she died from eating.

Because the fake "narrative" was debunked and the truth revealed.
What really happened was that antifa terrorists attacked a guy in his car and caused him to panic and accelerate. While nearby, a landwhale SJW suffered a heart attack due to stress and was murdered by untrained performers of CPR.

Funny because I fear for Germany. You don't have any guns in civilian hands in large numbers. however I know Germans can make awesome guns and are really smart, but you need to get those shits out of your dont have to reply to this idea becasue I know your country has "wrongthink" laws. Wir stehen mit Ihnen. Ihr Kampf ist auch unsere Kampf.

fuck off frank. planetside 2 needs you.

Ich danke Ihnen fur die Ubersetzung. Ich habe nicht so viel Gelegenheit Deutsch zu schrieben.

dude honestly?
i can go right now and buy several guns just like that, sure, i will buy from shitskins but w/e

i live for about a year in a major city, grew up in a small town, and in less than 2 month i made contact to big kurdish familys and palestinian coke dealers

don't be miss informed tho you can make a gun licence in about 3 month and you're allowed to own a hunting rifel or pisotl in your home that costs about 1800€
it's not like we're completley defenseless

Shitty optics? This scares the fuck out of (((our greatest ally)))

german is a beautiful language and increadible in describing someones emotional state
i honestly love the languege and the country and always happy to see others from outside learning or atleast appriechiate it

mit freude, dein deutsch ist nicht wirklich so schlecht. Ich habe schon weitaus schlimmeres gehört

they're at it again!
the eternal anglo

That's like $2000 !! Well people will spend that for a bike in Germany. You can build a AR15 here for about $550. But get that gun!

(((You))) will not replace us!! :)

Fields has been charged with 2nd degree murder, failure to stop, five counts of malicious wounding, and three counts of aggravated malicious wounding.

no, more like 2-3 months ago.

It was a bad Psyop where no one was supposed to die and the right wing was going to be blamed but same fat retard had a heart attack.

When you stalk our people who were leaving for four blocks calling them "pussies" and then four of you shitskins try to take a Confederate Flag from an old man and hit him in the head with a bat, we will do this to you. We could have killed you, but white people have restraint and we generally do not beat dumb animals.

>no one was supposed to die
>implying the Charlottesville government didn't expect our people to open fire and lay siege to the city


Because they know they can't sell the same lies anymore.