where does Sup Forums stand on sex ed?
Where does Sup Forums stand on sex ed?
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>anal pregnancy yes
That's how you were received OP.
>day and age where "kid music" talks about fucking and throwing around girls
Yeah it makes a lot of sense to have sex ed at 7th grade. Nothing wrong with it, it is seriously needed, unfortunately.
Sup Forums's stance on kids is home school them.
It's suppose to be taught at home, rather than the state handling it, because the state always fucks things up. Especially when it's just teaching for the lowest common denominator.
Enroll your kids in a private school, and teach them before the world does.
>abstinence education
>jew complaining
I am shocked.
Yes that's true, but guess what? Most parents DONT. That's the issue, they just pretend like their kids are saints. Or numales not telling little tyrone he can't his mom at age 10
If they were teaching about Rainbow Parties this kike would be all for it.
they're talking about anal drip wrt heterosexual sex
>omg theyre teaching kids to be responsible
I bet if they were taught to fuck all bbc she would be ecstatic
It's required because of the porn culture taking over adolescent minds.
My parents told me not to get anyone pregnant, and that if I fuck whores I'll end up getting an STD and having big problems.
>Do you want diseases and worts on your balls user?
That was enough education for me. I understood after that.
I'm less for "Sex-ed" and more for basic biology.
Kids should learn how their bodies work, and what puberty is doing to them and focus less on the sexual aspect until they're more mature. Ideally, the parents would pick the perfect opportunity to discuss the sexual aspect with their kids, but that's super uncomfortable to talk about and we live in an era where parents want the state to do their job for them.
>christian daughter
>can't think of a single reason why people wait until sex
Christcucks BTFO
>Sup Forums's stance on kids is home school them.
And home fuck them.
its not enough for most kids
one time i was walking down the street and the song "anaconda" by nicki minaj was playing from a car. I shit you not a 4 year old girl was singing along to the song, she knew all the words and was screaming to chorus, her mom didn't do anything or say anything.
the earlier they learn the better
In spain, they learn this shit at like 7
What's the problem with this? This is pretty standard and OK: I've seen a lot more degenerate sexual education (what comes to mind is that one picture of the teacher pelvic trusting with a banana).
Sex education is needed and important, but it needs to be reviewed and reworked. The extremes need to be taken out of it and just given the facts and current stats/evidence on certain things. No fucking degenerate "NONSTOP SEX EVERYTHING IS OK" and "ABSTINENCE-ONLY. NOTHING ELSE." bullshit. Just be honest and as objective as you possibly can be: don't fucking lie and try to scare the kids like with drug prevention education cause all that does is make them do what you're trying to prevent to spite you for lying to them.
Oh, and the biggest thing that needs to be educated properly is "Rape". Explain what legitimately is rape and shorten the confusion that is that grey spectrum. Explain the differences between bad attempts, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. What to do, God Forbid, if you're legitimately raped (News Flash: going to the police is not the only option and trying to set up a e-Lynch Mob on social media just complicates and makes things worse).
>tfw she had a hard time writing holding hands because its too lewd
>Risk of Pregnancy
w e w
This is a perfect example of kike subversion. She pretends to join concerned, legitimate parental groups and proceeds to kike argue against teaching kids abstinence and the dangers of STDs. KIKES ALWAYS DO THIS. You think "this jew seems really nice and agrees with me", but NO. NO, THE KIKES ARE JUST GOING TO FUCK YOU OVER. EVERY TIME.
>implying you can break the perineum and push the cum towards the vagina
no we totally don't need to teach kids that sex at 12 is wrong..
Sure. I guess the difference is "Where does Sup Forums stand on sex ed [for their children]?" vs "Where does Sup Forums stand on sex ed [for others children]?
Sadly there isn't anything we can really do since the sexual revolution. From that point on society was fucked, we are just trying to apply the brakes while we are midair off the cliff. So sure, for others' children who parents are inept, we can try to stop them from shitting out more children by teenage moms. For our own children we need to be a parent.
Parents should teach sex ed
Having some pedo do it because you are uncomfortable is wierd and dangerous as fuck
If you molest your own kids, your family should suffer on its own
the anus is NOT a sexual organ
when i was 11, my school showed me a video of a baby emerging out of a vagina
It was the most disgusting thing i've ever seen, I have never been the same.
In hindsight, i should have not seen that shit for a least another 5-6 years and whoever keeps pushing for this shit is killing decent society and innocent children
assbaby confirmed
The teacher with the banana turned it to be teaching a private seminar at a college. Most sex ed panic is just that, panic
And what about oral? Christfags are funny
You can do anything if you set your mind to it.
>No name
>Last question isn't filled out
>Handwriting looks like a middle-aged woman
>Hands marked out and rewritten to look like a young kid wrote it
Hey Rabbi, what'cha up to?
>no sir, i don't slut shame my daughter
Never trust Jewish names when it comes to vague shit like this.
It should exist but my problem is that they use it to spew sjw propaganda, not just pure factual information.
By far the best post
So, what’s the parents actual complaint here? It’s literally telling the kids, the only way to 100% avoid pregnancy and STD’s is not to have sex. That’s something every 12 year old should know.
Damn it, this. I forgot to look.
>its not enough for most kids
I think it actually is enough for most kids, but when you have moms that let the 4 year old scream the chorus to sexual songs in public, it's no wonder they think it's okay to be slutty when they get older.
This should be stopped, but I can promise you these kids already know this stuff. My daughter is in 7th grade and they had an event where parents could go to school with their child and go with them on their routine. I took a day off to do it, and I'm glad it was a Friday because that was the day they were scheduled to go to sex ed instead of PE.
>Passed around pictures of dicks and vaginas with warts/puss
>Passed around condoms
>Demonstrated putting on a condom using a cucumber to a bunch of 7th graders
>Most of the boys made jokes, girls were disgusted
>Alot of them openly cracked jokes about already losing their virginity; mostly the niggers
I pulled her out of there after just 15 minutes, once everything started to get passed around. There was apparently a video in store for abstinence, but I wasn't having that shit. Needless to say she's not partaking in sex ed anymore. I'll have that talk with her when it's necessary.
1) I wish my dad had talked to me about girls and sex and relationships, not my mom
2) The only 100% sure way to prevent teen pregnancy is if the teens CHOOSE to be abstinent.
3) Therefore we should be making the case for why it is in the best interest of kids/teens to stay celibate until marriage, not just telling them to do so
4) Emphasize over and over that kids can ask you about ANYTHING. Kids are curious about sex toys? You bet we can talk about it. Homos, trannies, feminists? All will be dealt with from a Catholic perspective.
My dad was too embarrassed to talk to me about sex because of his own hangups (grew up in a very Puritan household), and so I never felt able to talk to him about sex, and ended up doing a lot of degenerate shit that I regret. If/when I have kids, I will make sure that my boys and girls can talk to me about anything, anytime, and that they are going to get 100% truth without shaming them.
I want my kids to get sex Ed. Make them Google image dicks and vaginas with infected mayonnaise dripping out. Kids do all kinds of shit and spread lies to each other on this topic. Give them all the info. Overload their tiny brains.
Agree. We have prostitutes where we live. I use them as exemplars. Tweakers too. I tell mine "do it so you can end up like that piece of shit there!"
>female student
>didn't have an anxiety attack because she didn't immediately put her name on the worksheet first
I'm not saying this is bullshit, but something isn't right here.
That is better than AIDS pandemic.
Just saying.
The parents should teach their kids about it, not the state.
Let them learn their lesson once they have consequences but they'll never better themselves if the government is always to bail slutty teenagers and irresponsible parents.
My son was held back, is 11, and is only in 6th grade.
They don't allow 4yo's to start school anymore so what's up with this?
Did mom forget her kid was 12?
Thought the same thing. 11 makes it sound worse so she can be more of a facebook diva.
>tfw you were born from a cum that came out of your mum's arse
It's good.
Probably should be done at 13-14; but it should be as neutral as possible.
I got sex ed in 7th grade. The teacher was required to continuously mention the effectiveness of abstinence so it's not like it was a one-sided affair that glorifies promiscuity. Beyond being allowed to get giggles out on the first day no one was really affected.
They should be taught about this kind of shit, the entire concept of sex education is teaching them about the dangers of it so they WONT engage in it. This is the one area where conservatives are so fucking stupid in, without knowing potential consequences kids are more likely to engage in this behaviour when left unsupervised.
We have it in 8th here, and I´m fine with it. Not to young, not to old. The legal age of consent is 15 so being taught at 13-14 years of age is pretty logical.
They're never going to have sex, so they don't care.
You people probably don't realize how insidious sex education is in schools.
Sex education is taught by people who talk about sex with teens. These people are pedophiles if the teens are too young.
Also, you should know that sex education, in the abstract, is meant to be informative and useful. This means you need to talk and talk and talk with children about sex. If you just tell them to abstain or use condoms, they will fill up your mediocre test paper and then move on with their lives without actually having learned anything new. It has to be intensive to count.
Then, the biggest problem is the misandry. Sex education teaches kids to use condoms even if that is terrible for men. It rarely teaches girls about birth control pills.
as long as it doesn't talk about all this faggy trans and gender bullshit alright
>That's how you were received OP.
Does he mean conceived? Or is he saying that the reception of the OP was... by the anus?
Wtf does that mean?
Fucking krauts trying to be witty in English.
lol retards.
13 seems about the right age desu.
nothing wrong with sex ed
we had it in 4th and 6th class
trying to false flag
nah, these are (((christians))), that name gives it away
>muh christian values
Basic information about anatomy/pregnancy/STIs should definitely taught but discussing anal is insane
You have your answer right there
This is how niggers are born.
Well at least it is entirety pro abstinence.
>don't teach kids about sex because "muh purity"
>they get sexually abused by family members who prey on their lack of understanding of what is acceptable
every single time a child gets molested.
Only pedophiles don't want to teach children about sex, or about what is acceptable or not when it comes to touching
11 years old is too late to be given the first warnings against rape/abuse, must start as soon as kids can understand it
you don't know who I am
but I know where u live
Damn I was 10 in 5th grade when we had our sex ed presentation. By 7th grade I couldn't stop overhearing conversations about fingering girls.
If your kid has access to the internet they already know it all. Tumblr has infected my local middle and high schools with upwards of 50% of kids self reporting they are trans or queer.
Dale is that you?
Sound take a hands on approach
there are actually prudish puritan cunts who have a problem with a curriculum that is encouraging kids to abstain from sex because it's not 'pure' enough for their daughter? the fuck?
I don't get the outrage. That is the age when kids are the horniest.
I know that's a pretty common issue but I've never had a problem with it. I think the excitement of it all gets me hard right away
children should not be learning about sodomy unless the course is specifically telling them that they will suffer and burn in hell for eternity
Soccer moms trying way too hard to find something to be outraged
That's hot.
In California when I was a kid we first discussed the human anatomy in 6th grade. Not sex just puberty changes in both makes and females (periods, boobs, erections, wet dreams, AIDS/HIV, etc). Permission slips were required. We learn more about sex in 8th grade but only for a week or two.Then in 9th grade (mostly 14 year olds) we take a healthful living class that goes into sex, stds, pregnancy pretty heavily along with other things like diet, drugs, etc.
It was a freshman class because they knew it kids were gonna do it and they rather have them prepare and have some knowledge on it before hand. I don't think it should be taught from home, I mean yeah you can ask your parents questions but when kids are constantly having sex in the bathrooms at school or in the greenhouse in the very back of the school it becomes a school's issue (and yes this happened a lot at my public school).
I once asked a teacher how many times kids get caught having sex and he said at least twice a week. I also took a horticulture class in the mornings and my teacher just made us clean up the yards which were often filled with used condoms. Not a fun time.
Also this is extremely fake. There is no way that's the handwriting of an 11 year old. It's too clear and consistent. And there's no name. She intentionally put anal pregnancy as yes in a lame attempt to make it more convincing with a wrong answer. The mother wrote that all, absolutely--
>think of at least two reasons why MOST young teens WAIT to have sex
>it's in blank
You should see what it's like up here in Canada...
somebody needs to get off their high horse
shut the fuck up you little bitch
make me faggot