Reminder that REAL MEN like CURVY women

Ever since I started going to the gym and lifting hard, my tastes in women slowly began to change.

I now appreciate curvy, voluptuous women in all their glory.

The whole gym Instagram craze is bullshit. Yes, I have no problem with women going to the gym to stay fit, I have another problem with them building their bodies like men. I just dont find female fitness models attractive anymore. I just don't. It's bizarre. They are aesthetically pleasing, but I want something feminine. That isn't feminine.

Do you know back in the day, voluptuous women were worshiped? Oh yes. Only recently has society encouraged for women to get super slim, or to get jacked at the gym. Fuck no!

Men are supposed to do the heavy lifting. MEN are supposed to get jacked, that's MY job. Men and women are opposites. Instead, just like everything else, (((they))) turned everything on their heads and made women like men and men like women.

There is nothing like burying your face into a pair of big tits while dominating her femininity with your masculine testosterone. None.

Curvy =/= pear shaped fatty.

How do I stop putting fingers in my ass and fiddling my balls while reading on Sup Forums?

i'm sure you'll get a few bites OP but i'll just take this opportunity to say any man who unironically likes fat women is not white

Hot sauce on your hands.


her thighs are too small

That lady is chubby. Not curvy.


at some point people confused fat with being a squishy normal weight dork, dunno when

basically any grill with a bmi above 20 that isnt athletic has curves, no need to be a whale

Looks more like a rectangle than a curve.


Your eating too much SOY in your diet

wow this woman is perfect breeding material, if she wasn't a degenerate I would have 20 kids with her.


just remember buddy
curvy =/= fat

This is probably the best advice ever given on this board


You're blind or gay

>The girls of the Reich are hardened by sport, muscular and weather hard and are able to bear the pain of motherhood heroically
Die Frau im Dritten Reich

>But even to the women Lycurgus paid all possible attention. He made the maidens exercise their bodies in running, wrestling, casting the discus, and hurling the javelin, in order that the fruit of their wombs might have vigorous root in vigorous bodies and come to better maturity, and that they themselves might come with vigor to the fullness of their times, and struggle successfully and easily with the pangs of child-birth.
Plutarch writing about the Spartans

Depends completely on hip to waste ratio. A girl can be like your pic where HTWR is maintained and look good. Similarly, a girl of the same weight can look like hot garbage with improper fat distribution.

>if she wasn't a degenerate I would have 20 kids with her.
and her body could withstand such use and more

i think it's mal malloy or some shit

How can 2d compete with this.

Not politics and current events.

This is a fucking slide thread.

Fucking faggots

Anyone who disagrees with OP is either a low T beta numale or a fsggot

>How can 2d compete with this.
you have to look in the right places

it's impossible
I'm typing this one-handed btw

pear shaped is hot as fuck

literally built for extinguishing the white race

Too bad that nowadays fat ugly bitches and their ally cucks willingly ignore the difference between "curvy" and "Jabba the Hutt".

adds more stinky to the stank puss

Both are wrong

your taste in women isnt changing, your just slowly coming out of the closet faggot

My wife has a little fat on her that never went away after having kids. Never thought I’d like it, but I do. She is softer and more fun to grab on to when we fuck.

And are the Spartans around anymore?

Physical activity is a man's domain. Period. End of discussion. Like OP said I have no problem with women taking care of themselves to stay at a healthy weight.

It's another story when they start acting like Men. Lifting and doing heavy resistance training should be for men only.

Guess mods are into this also since its up 24/7.

Reminder that "high test = hots for fat fucks" is a meme by roasties who misunderstood a research statistic which was skewed by blacks, who have slightly higher test.

There's nothing wrong with being curvy, but that's never what people mean by curvy.

Don't encourage unhealthy lifestyles. Besides, your women are already fat, insufferable slobs so there are already plenty women out there for you to do your thing with, no need to convince us of your shit taste.

>come home
>see this
>wat do?

>Real x do y

kys youreself

Low T beta

This, but still, thicc is life.

Real talk though vaginas are fucking disgusting. Sex itself is fucking gross and weird. Barring procreation it holds no purpose that can't be achieved in a better/faster/healthier way

This woman is obese. She is fat. I do not like her

is that a man?

inhale her asshole until my lungs pop

plant my BBC deep in her pussy and bust hard, bringing the wh*te race one step closer to extinction

The image is spot on, fatass.

So porn is cool on Sup Forums now?

reminder that if your favorite part of a woman is the ass you're a literal nigger


Jump face first into her ass

REAL men like cute boys.

youre right. i use a turkey bater. and im telling you. male asshoes are not gross. it's like the width of an atom. nothing stores that low because there's two sphincters

Reminder that the THICC meme is a jewish psyop pushing for globalization and miscegenation.

what did KEK mean by this

>Jap with hips
impossible, photoshopped


Mods gay af

Looks like she's smuggling watermelons.

Fucking niggers on this board.