Did anything happen? Im drilling this weekend so I wasnt paying attention.
Sooo its 04NOV17
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you fucking retards will believe anything
Multiple home invasions
I was watching a stream in Philly.
>The protests disrupted a lesbian (I think) wedding and a black couple's engagement photos.
>Some old fat purple haired lady called a guy a white supremacist after him stating that he hates any kind of racial supremacy.
>Same lady ripped the sunglasses off a anticommie guy, another lady spit in his face so he pushed them down and all of them got arrested.
butthurt antifa detected
Sorry you didn't get your revolution, sweetie
Arent you faggots suppose to be burning trash cans?
wow. your pathetic
Sounds like a day at TTU
ya, I was hoping it will turn into the day of the rope so I guess it will remain in my day dreams for now.
Is there a good websdr to play along with the drills?
So antifa shited anything today?
Fucking pha
Congrats, you twats believed a dumbass liberal RCP front organization (RefuseFascism.org) was somehow linked in any way with Antifa or Socialism.
Fucking off yourself, mouthbreathers.
OMG Qjxoland Frlumpht is finished.
mine was last month.
There here at Union Square in San Francisco.
next time, instead of challengers, how bout home made flamethrowers?
are they rioting?
>live feed?
Antiga didn't fall for the Russian meme, nothing will happen.
This video summarizes the Antifa's attempt to gain power
Nope. Just another faggy rally.
They actually said they had to make a deal with the police to have it here in Union Square.
They were actually saying that rumors of them starting a civil war was right wing propaganda.
soooo weak
but didnt start on lefty pol?
no there was something called Refuse Fascism but it was basically people having picnics. They went out of their way to seperate themselves from antifa.
This whole civil war shit was all a meme and some of us are laughing our dicks off at their expense.