How come Anzu is so white and pretty if she's a t*Rk subhuman?

How come Anzu is so white and pretty if she's a t*Rk subhuman?

Are those her real eyes?

fake eyes, most people here dont even have those.


Most Istanbul Turks are just LARPing Greeks with Stockholm Syndrome
It's like how the English are really Celts for the most part, only their nobility ever had a high % of Germanic/Nordic blood
I could thoroughly bleach children I had with a girl possessing some Turkic admixture back to whiteness because of this

no she has a wide assortment of contacts. her real eyes are t*rkshit color

she's a degenerate that deserves to be gassed

I really like that black line between her iris and sclera.
You need to be 120% white to get that.

Blacked soon. Imagine the waterfall of semen out of that ravaged gape as she stars in the next Dogfart video.

here eyes are still extremely bright for a t*rk

Balkan rape baby.
Also i know you are not really Argentinian Michael

hopefully soon. I want t*rk girls get blacked too bad but it happens very rare

there are plenty of white looking turks

Shes obviously Greek or has Slavic ancestry.

I'm thinking she is a slav who's parents or grandparents moved to Roachland.

>Argie thinks Anzu is white...
one day you will see a white and you will understand

none as QT as my grill

She has brown eyes, and her dad is from balkans

>literal whore
>dates a mongoloid

I'd be pissed off if she was considered white

do you have any source on that? shes refused to disclose any information
well isnt she obsessed with anime? and her bf isnt your average beta chink, however i do agree, she could do better



Turks are mongols a la original, so i dont get why ur mad top kek


no, they're Arabs mixed with Euro. they have less East Asian admix than Russians and Finns


That's because they are part Turkic/Central Asian, not East Asian.

I wonder (((who))) might be trying to dilute the definition of who's white and who ain't? So far it's been people with ancestors from a european country with the exception of turkey and maybe the Caucasus. What benefit would (((they))) gain by dividing and conquering?

turkish arab mixture was so rare in history. turks didin't even control arabic lands for so long until 16th century. they're mixture of iranians, anatolians and balkanic people.


lots of turkic people came with the seljuks so they have slant eyed people there in boatloads

I really don't get who she is exactly. When I see pics of her (Thought she, well was some weird tranny that had a Japanese fetish) I just assumed it was just another Sup Forums waifu pics.

That doesn't matter. You're not us, and we don't want you, nor do you want to be us. Stay away roach

"He" really is a she, user.

I like turks

Post moar qt pix

Your founded father was a white man. What is the genetic make up of Turkey?


I want to impregnate Anzu and then live a happy family life with her!

Anzu is a literal 11/10
I would sacrifice my first born for her

Pounds of makeup applied daily

She is obviously a greek rape baby, there is no amount of bleach and white paint that will turn a t*rk into something like anzu.

who cares... the west is decaying, collapsing and falling apart.

no, they are cyborg implants

I would kill for this woman
literal goddess

I think she is genetically slavic, as are many Turks

how can she be so perfect bros?

How does she see with fake eyes?

Opie, you talk like you think we never heard of P-Shop


shes fucking a chink

Mostly shit-skin