Is Papa Johns, dare I say, /OurPizza/?

Is Papa Johns, dare I say, /OurPizza/?

>corporations are our guy

jesus fuck the alt-right is pathetic

Lazy journalist cunts

I like to stuff greasy fingers covered in pizza crumbs up my ass.

Can you guys stop shilling a fucking pizza place on here.

A. Papa John fucks kids.

B. He's Jewish.

C. You've been astroturfing this bullshit for 3 days now. fuck off.

Round table or fuck off

I guess his name isn't Robert Reich for nothing.

I hate the lazy kike media.
I hate the retarded, Paris Hilton-tier "famous for being famous" fat fuckface kike Richard Spencer for generating these stories.

>official pizza

Real Nazis do not eat carbs

>Newsweek has become the controlled opposition of Sup Forums
>They offer the leftist extreme full retard argument to every thread we make

Wtf I love Newsweek now

To hell with papa johns
they owe me $20 and a 2 liter that isn't a day late.

Papa John's always makes me feel like shit the day after desu senpai

Doesnt matter, Newsweek approves of it

Buy pizzas and give them away, just drive their sales up

I bet you domino's or pizza hut will capitalize on this and advertise themselves as the pizza of the left.

>papa johns
OP is confirmed fucking retarded. papa johns is easily the worst pizza i've had
t. /ck/

Don't be a corporate cuck. Support your local pizzeria.

local pizzerias are literally all hiring illegals.
All that I've gone to.

they even joke about it in their stores, how they're suspicious of immigration with repeat customers.

why do they always need daddy pedo figures?
>muh clean your rooms, 17 year old boys
>muh pimpy pappa daddy joe's slave trader
when all you got is a "Doughy's" shitty pizza chain to distract from your indictments you know youre fucked

If you're not making your own pizzas with natural casing pepperoni (preferably homemade, but Boar's Head and others do some good work), you're already fucking lost.

>virtue signals about making your own pizza
>uses a photo of a square pepperoni from Prince's Street Pizza.

Who are you trying to impress exactly? Did you not think someone would catch your dirty jewish tricks?

>robert reich
Ultra-manlet squared.

So that's where Papa Johns gets that special nutty flavour.

Is stuffing greasy fingers covered in pizza crumbs up our assholes, dare I say, /ouractivity/?

> implying this isn't a marketing operation

Does this mean that we should send stacks of delicious Papa John’s pizzas to the homes and businesses of our enemies as a peace offering?

Fakest of fake news.

I think so, user. This is a board of peace, after all.

Tasteless, bland as fuck, cheap, will make you shit everywhere. Yeah, their pizza sounds just like the "alt-right."

there are frozen pizzas better than papa johns

Papa Johns now offering chicken tenders

> News week
The news you want when you want Breitbart to seem legit.


This is pretty fucking shitty of Newsweek.
>Papa Johns says the NFL protest is hurting their business
>Newsweek writes a story saying “Papa Johns is Alt-Right!!!”
They’re trying to shame them for not going along with the left wing narrative. They’re trying to make businesses afraid of going against them.

>extending our hand in a pizza offering

Maybe if we send enough pizzas to members of the NFL they’ll stop kneeling during the anthem and meet us in the middle by just sort of leaning back, like doing the limbo during the anthem. I want to start a limbo lower now movement during the national anthem, and this movement will be driven with pepperoni pizza.

the absolute state of lefties

>it's a "journalist whore browses twitter all day, writes article about it" episode

Your metaphor isn't half as clever as you think it is. Try again.


btw, papa john's thin crust is pretty good relative to other chain delivery pizzas .

Is this that new NeoGAF?

Lulz they are doing it to cause more strife.

>tfw the entirety of the events of the past decades has all been a front to get a certain group of people to get papa johns

How many journalists just read threads here to write articles about them?

What a pathetic job, being a second hand aggregator for fucking Sup Forums. Literally kill yourselves if you're reading this.

I prefer Pizza Hut, their wings are godly.

no no that pizza is shit. its shit they give you dipping sauce. dipping sauce for fucking pizza.

also don't forget they were the official pizza of the all cunt Ghostbusters movie.

its /disgustingslop/, thats for sure.

>t. ex-papa johns employee

The garlic cups are ok though

the only god Papa chain is Papa Ginos. Rustic pizza is the shit

Kys commie

>hey, stupid gullible teenagers who never lurked and who do not understand how pol works
>give clicks and therefore money to my mainstream media lugenpresse site
>and while we're at it, give me defamatory quotes, and identify "leaders," so I can attack them or falsely connect you
Learn how the media work or stop coming here.

Dang I was already thinking about ordering a Papa John's. Someone redpill me on pizza delivery. Is 8pm too late to order a pizza? I don't want to give those delivery dudes too hard of a time. Plus it's raining.

the dry cajun style ones are pretty tasty

I usually feel that way after any big business branded pizza.