My DACA is about to expire next month. I will lose my job and probably be homeless. I hope Sup Forums is proud of themselves and their orange cheeto Trump.
My DACA is about to expire next month. I will lose my job and probably be homeless...
Holy shit where'd you get this picture of me
I'm really proud, thanks trump
You have to go back.
Come back to Hell!!!
I used to get mildly flustered when people would post that meme face, but after everyone went overboard with it i just laugh
Are you ready for me amigo?
go to my uni they have free lawyers and gibs for DACA students.
It's okay to be mexican.
Regrese a honduras pendejo, ni mexico te quiere, por eso ellos estan construyendo el muro contra ese dasura de un pais
Unironically thats how all the non-castillan males look like
we are desu
2% is my favorite, but sorry OP you have to go back.
I couldn't be happier to hear this.
good, fuck you nigger
>le 56% face
thats because you're a faggot
Bye faggot dont let the door hit you