The real result of race-mixing(bleaching).
Old black man and his two grandsons
>MFW I see the fall of man.
this will be me someday
i will fix my bloodline
The little one the right is not quite white as his older brother. He's clearly got some nignog showing in his facial features, but you get the point.
Someone fucked up in a hospital nursery somewhere.
White Male/Black Female usually end up producing lighter skinned children as opposed to Black Male/White Female
I was thinking of this picture when I found the pic in the OP.
The kid on the right has a wide negro nose, perfect for sniffin' out cotton
Notice anything missing?
Such beautiful eyes, ! Short-fuse children with limited intellect capability will truly be helpful for the industrialist globalist elite.
Anyone have any pictures of a white grandparent with nigger grandchildren?
sad but true
Fucking hell this meme makes my lost my sides everytime
>tfw not 1/4 black
> We lost the war
This one always makes me lel.
What went wrong?
They should all hang by their necks.
blacks are subhuman trash.
>Americans fought for this
I bet it was her idea
I love this one
get out of this kid thread you pedophile
MAGA hats?
As bad as I feel for this old man, he's a cuck. I would not acknowledge those halfbreed mongrels as part of my family. I would also disown my children if they became racemixers.
My sister starting dating a "BASEDnigger" and I haven't spoke to her in over 4 years and never will again until the day I die. She brought shame to my family.
Niggers are trash and so are Whites who mix with them.
9 pieces of rope.
>My sister starting dating a "BASEDnigger"
the memes no lie
me as well
i hate being half black
>W-we had the stop Hitler
>W-we were the good guys
a nigger cannot be based and also mix
its like totally the opposite of based
These "parents" each deserve a bullet between the eyes for subjecting their White children to that nightmare. Where is child services?
Bleaching can work, but the numbers today make it impossible. Pour a gallon of shit into a swimming pool of bleach, it's sanitized. Pour a gallon of bleach into a swimming pool of shit, it's still shitty.
No racemixing until whites are 50%+ of the global population.
When you impregnate through lust you get an ugly niglet
When you impregnate through love, you get an athletic tan white person
He's thinking of his fellow soldiers who never made it home, and instead their families were given a folded american flag. This is his folded american flag.
Would it be okay to bleach a mixed girl? A-Asking for a friend.
Bleaching is the greatest expression of white supremacy.
I had a landlord. His dad looked racially ambiguous but had a white wife. The landlord looked a little swarthy, but you'd never guess he wasn't fully white. He had a white wife too. Their daughter looked like a 100% white aryan princess.
I'm referring to the cuck mentality of civnat scum believing that "BASEDniggers" are an actual thing.
Blacks are ALL scum and women who mix with them are all mentally ill or drug addicts.
Blackness is a glass of shit. Whiteness is a glass of pure clean drinking water.
No matter how many times you dilute your glass with water it will still be a glass of undrinkable shit. And all you'll have done is ruined perfectly good cups of water to get your diluted shit.
>tfw octoroon
>sister got blue eyes, I got brown
I swear to god I'm having white kids if it's the last thing I do.
He was being da basest cause he be cumming dep in her whytte pussy and shiiet.
>I haven't spoke to her in over 4 years and never will again until the day I die. She brought shame to my family.
You did the right thing bro, if all of us behave the same way, those traitors would never ever think in that kind of treason.
Nobody would ever look at the two kids in the OP and call them "black".
They might look twice at the little one with the odd features, but they wouldn't think of him as equivalent to a full-blood nog.
>mudblood mongrel
>wants White offspring
uhhhh sorry nigger, I hate to break the news but its not happening. "One Drop Rule". You are a black nigger. Neck yourself.
They all look like shit honestly.
For every "POL WANTS TO EXTERMINATE THIS!?!" there's dozens of De Niro Juniors
I'm not white but I've become a father figure to a 15 year old white boy. His father abandoned him and he had a lot of issues when I first was introduced to him when he was 11. He told me when he was 14 that I've been more of a father to him than anyone else in his life. I've been feeling a sort of paternal bond with him for a while now as well. I'm not good with expressing emotions or feelings or anything like that. But I feel close to the kid.
51 replies and nobody has posted the Polish/Orc half-breed...
yes goys make both Negroids and White ugly by breeding with each other
No shit, that's how you get Italians, Swedes fucking Africans
>his hat is literally an oil drilling rig
As long as shes not asian
Yellow fever beta is a mental disorder
Bleaching down a 10/10 brown/nigress can be high test as fuck
F for respect
All I see are beautiful families and people that love their families.
Why are you all so hateful?
There is more to life. Your hate won't make these people love their families any less.
Le 56 % face
Off spring looks uglier than default blacks. So its not really a lost white women wont touch them.
>All I see are unholy half-animal families
>yfw most >56% posters are american
We could meme this lads, gets the blacks talking about evil whitey bleeching muh melanin
good work pajeet
look at how fucking ugly those kids are though
Look at that kid's fucking mouth, ugly, gross, and undoubtedly dumber than pure whites.
Race mixing is child abuse.
Throw them all into the oven
Tyler1 is an honorary aryan rigght???? He did not even get a white women but a latina women.
>Is a nigger
>wants to further corrupt the white race by fucking a pure white girl when he is already a octaroon, meaning he fucked up already 3 white spouse ancestors and their potential white families
You non whites are true sub human wrecking balls
H-how the fuck did you know?
>implying you can tell if someone is 1/16th black
Some of you niggers take this shit way too far. sad!
he must be so happy to have grandkids who will give a shit about him as his health starts to fail and he requires care
>Mixed race people are ug-
Just because your senses are shit doesnt mean one cant tell
Let racemixers move to the continent they want sex from
You literally will be unable to tell
If you're being honest, good for you. If everybody did that, then women would be in line. Cut em off and let em live in filth with their niggers, don't keep sending them white money.
ugly motherfuckers
They look fucking portugese or mexican.
By skin tone maybe not, but they have extremely rare features from the perspective of a white person (weird more arch, odd angled nostrils, overdeveloped and strengthened rear jaw), i.e. when they fuck a white person their kids look 95% like the bleached white parent than the white european parent. And this is Pol fuck off with your race mixing shilling. Kys.
Those are so faggoty ass looking nigras.
>inb4 half of Africa tries to get to Europe
Oh wait that's already happening.
Yes it still counts if you're only 1/16th nonwhite. We can tell. You aren't fooling anybody, mud.
Sup Forums ain't your hugbox faggot
The amazing thing is that some vestigial "spoils of war" gene makes women actually fall for the ultimate meme, and actually want to get fucked by the scary african.
you can't tell
That doesnt mean you should unless you are undoing some inbreeding
mirin brow
If you wanna undo inbreeding then import some Slav wife, not some nigger half-breed
Because euro women invite them with votes
Send your women to Africa, don't import niggers
He's clearly only half himself. He's no doubt glad because his kids will now be intelligent, kind and well behaved. He's saved his line.