Why are most people in this group anti-semitic?
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Antisemitism isn't a real thing. Jews are fucking vile cockroaches that should be purged.
Jews are white fuck off Ahmed
This is exactly what I'm talking about, what did the Jews do to affect you?
jews killed Christ
Jews are not white.
Christ was a Jew, as well tho, he wouldn't respect you hating his people.
>peoples genetics are determined by their opinions
Look at a dna test retard
The majority of the posters here are yanks and at least 3/4 of them are self hating kikes.
There cannot be antisemitism unless first there is semitism.
Jews, Judaism,... ..it's like a sickness. Take sexuality. Jewish girls love to give head. And Jewish men love to get it. it's very pleasurable, but Jews are obsessed with it. You wanna know why? Because a Jew's essentially female. a Jew doesn't like to penetrate and thrust. He can't assert himself in that way,.....so he resorts to these perversions. Oral sex is technically a perversion, you know that, right? So after a woman's had a Jewish man,.....she's ruined. She never wants to be with a normal partner again. All right, so it's not that the Jew runs the media, or that he owns all the banks,...Look, the Jews clearly control the media and the banks. investment banks, not the commercial ones, but the point is....they carry out in those realms the exact same principles they display in sexuality. They undermine traditional life and they deracinate society. Deracinate, tear out the roots. A real people derives its genius from the land, from the sun, from the sea, from the soil. This is how they know themselves. But Jews don't even have soil. There's Israel, BUT THOSE ARENT JEWS. They're Israeli's, a fundamentally secular society. They no longer need Judaism because they have soil.
The real Jew is a wanderer. He's a nomad. He's got no roots and no attachments, so he universifies everything. He can't hammer a nail or plough a field though. All he can do is buy and sell and invest capital, manipulate markets, and it's all mental. He takes the life of a people rooted in soil and turns it into a cosmopolitan culture based on books and numbers and ideas. You know, this is his strength. Take the greatest Jewish minds.....Marx, Freud, Einstein. What have they given us? Communism, infantile sexuality and the atom bomb. In the three centuries it's taken these people to emerge from the ghettos of Europe. They've ripped us out of a world of order and reason, thrown us into class warfare, irrational urges, relativity. Into a world where the very existence of matter and meaning is in question! Why?!?! Cuz it's the deepest impulse of a Jewish soul to pull at the very fabric of life. Until there's nothing left but a thread. They want nothing but nothingness. Nothingness without end.
You do realize "semite" is a group of people including a bunch of arabs, not just jews, right?
Antisemitism is a made up word to protect the kikes from any criticism when they do kike things.
The lolocaust didn't happen
Kikes own the media
Most of us are anti zionist. We don't hat jews (khazars) we just hate their socio-political policies, which just so happen to be based on their religion, much like muslims/islam.
the problem is the beliefs they apply to their politics, not the people. Most of the people screaming "gaz de jooz" are controlled opposition trying to make anti-zionists look bad.
Ashkenazi's dont have a genetic link unless it is from recent cross breeding, most are ethnically German.
Mizrahim and Bedouin are the shitskin variety.
I hate the Jew because the Jew hates me.
The white man didn't stare this war, but he will end it.
We're counter semitic
An anti-semite is someone the jews hate.
Its a meme
Right guys?
Michael Savage's oy vey shut it down moment
Only when its convenient for em faggot
The only group of people Christ ever showed personal violence against were Jews :^)
Sup Forums dropped antisemitism when everyone collectively decided to masturbate to Ben Shapiro's sister. Oddly, Ben is a bit miffed about it.
This is now a Jewish Redpill Thread. From now on all posts must contribute towards spreading knowledge of the true nature of the Holocaust, Jews, their influence, and anything else pertaining to them.
I don't mind the Jews. We need to be more like them if anything.
What is it? Stop making up words and get to work, user.
Go to 25:33 and hear him call the guy a nazi and tell him to gas himself. Called him a rapist of lil boys lol
We are Counter-Semitic you fucking kike.
The jew must be destroyed.
When they talk they speak lies.
Their people are like rats, let one into any company and come back in a few years and notice they will all be jews.
All of this to spread the lies of the holocaust.
As a Jew, I laugh at the effort you people take at being butthurt about 12 million Jewish people
Meanwhile.....30 million illegal invaders are raping your daughters and using billions of your tax dollars for free schools and health care
You all are truly idiots
Anti-luciferianism is a better term
cause we live in real world.
just take for example these names in the news:
what could they have in common?
Jews have a long history of fucking over their host countries. With their strong in-group preference, they take control of powerful institutions like government, academia, media, etc. From there, they promote the idea that in-group preference is evil (racism/diversity/etc) while at the same time retaining high in-group preference for themselves. This gives the Jewish group an unfair advantage as they are competing as a group while everybody else in the host country competes as individuals. Jews are well-known for nepotism, preferential hiring and treatment, etc etc.
Check out the book "Culture of Critique". It's highly academic and looks at this behavior in a really specific and detailed way, with lots of well-cited historical examples in modern America. The book's really long, but even just read the introduction and it'll convince you of what's happening.
The Jews have been kicked out of hundreds of countries over the course of history. There's a reason for that. It's not because of some blind hatred or "antisemitism". It's because of their own behavior.
We would have no problem with the Jews if they would just leave us alone.
Why are most Jews anti white?
fucking kek
destroyed christian civilization
yeah, this is actively promoted by your people, CNN, NY times, NPR...
Classic Jewish misdirection. Take for example gun control. What does the Jew do? He tells you the weapon is the problem, not the man holding it. Similarly, what does the Jew do here? He tells you the illegal invaders are the problem, not the ones who are welcoming them in. Remember, it is the man opening the gates from the inside who is more dangerous than the man trying to get in from the outside.
Who let them in? Who pushed for the change? Without Jewish politicians and influential Jews generally shaping domestic and foreign policy, would regular Americans have allowed this to happen? If put to a vote, would we have ever become a majority nonwhite nation?
If you hit me in the head with a hammer, are you the problem or is the problem the blood loss? The blood loss wouldn't have happened without the asshole with the hammer.
but honestly, I didnt have any bad expiriences with civilian jews. Only elite ones want to ensalve us all, also their fellow jews.
not surprised desu
This is true. It's not the nobody average Jew on the street, but their leaders and influencers.
The problem is the motivation of these elites always comes from "what is best for the Jewish people", "how to give an advantage to all Jews", etc. It's their tribalist mindset that makes it necessary to blame "the Jews" as a nation.
If it was simply elites who happened to be Jewish, we wouldn't think of them the way we do. But these elites always have the motivation of acting the way they do in order to serve the best interests of "the chosen people", leaving us no choice but to blame the Jewish Nation.
>why are most people in this group anti-semitic
why are most Jews anti-Christian?
what do you mean "who let them in"?
where do you think Jews came from? Where did your shit family come from?
My family has been in this country for a few generations
Who is allowing the Jews to have influence? Why are you all propping up leaders that listen to liberal dumb ass Jews?
YOU are the idiot handing the hammer to a liberal idiot that you know will hurt you.....YOU are the problem. Stop voting for fools that will be influenced by liberal Jews
We're not anti-semites, we just hate Jews.
>Don't blame Jews for influencing your politicians against you, blame your politicians. Clearly the politicians are the problem and not the Jews who are the root cause
What kind of stupid nigger logic is this?
Arabs are semitic.
Lol they were forced to pay respect to the supreme leader
send my nation to a war we didn't want to, take our money, control our media, run a human trafficking network in my country, i have more do you want the whole list?
Judaism is a Satanic religion whose only fundamental tenet is the rejection of Christ (and by extension God).
This is why it can simultaneously be a religion which accepts converts while having practitioners who seem to not practice any of it's supposed laws (and even those that supposedly do, consider the commandments of God to be something that can be violated as long as a proper legalistic justification can be constructed [see "shabas goyim" and "eruv" wires]). So long as you reject Christ, you are a Jew. Which by the way is why I consider Western atheism to be Judaism-lite for goyim, as it a system of belief which holds the same secular humanist values as the majority of Jews while also rejecting Christ.
christ is a jew ya fucking dingus
Because Semites are Anit-Christs
It should also be noted that most of what we consider the occult is actually rooted in Kabbalah.
You know associating god's creations with him (shirk) is the biggest sin possible?
No wonder everyone in the world hates european christcucks. You faggots will be in the deepest pits of hell.
underrated posts.
most people don't get that, it's hard to explain. the non-whites and Jews are experience life closer to the way the white woman does. they don't become Men. they remain as pissed off degenerates because of this.
the numale weak hipster shi t is a product of Jewish society.
women devolving to total whores is a product of Jewish society.
weakening the white man is their game.
to rebuild the world in their dipshitty image and/or destroy everything else.
I'm not associating God's creation with anyone but God. I'm simply saying that Jews do not actually worship God, at most they acknowledge His existence while paying lip-service to His laws.
You cant unsee once you see.
For the sheer hilarity of it really.
This board is nothing but an echochamber of cynical kids filled with ennui who get a kick out of saying edgy shit.
Also there are probably a couple idiots who push the neo-nazi agenda in an unironical, yet completely self-hate induced manner.
these posts are good too.
although this thread has its fair share of blatant stupid anti-semitism (for no given reason)
i find some of these posts to be true, or semi-true in a way
you can see it even in the israeli society
i wouldnt claim it is the same everywhere, but here orthodox jews are seperating themselves from us and dont view us as jewish at all, this way they can ignore the rest of us and make off with our money
but i dirgress from the point - you can laugh about the shoa, but you cant question it, it seemed weird to me but i never stopped to ask some of the questions posed here, and i find them hard to answer, so there is truth to the overexageration of it. the problem is that currently Sup Forums is the only place that will accept disccusions such as these as out there you would be shunned or jailed.
im not sure about much if the rest - but as i know jews the mentality of sticking to your own and furthering the jewish agenda is very close to me
i am so very much against this kind of nepotism, it fucks with the job that is presented to yo., instead i very much value equality of oppertunity and personal freedom.
can anyone tell me what is the endgame here in this state of affairs though?
P.S hitler did only a few things wrong
Usury and being a satanic cult.