Go to images.google.com and enter "it's ok to be white" (without quotes). Pic related is #4.
Because David Duke has PULL.
For those who aren't aware, former Grand Wizard David Duke is one of the foremost intellectuals in the white movement. He's Richard Spencer before there was Richard Spencer. He's done enormous things for the white movement. He was on the front lines at Charlottesville protesting the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue. But here's what many people don't know: He was out there in the early '70s at the Robert E. Lee Monument in New Orleans, fighting for white rights.
Phase 2 of "it's ok to be white" is channeling all the energy we've summoned in phase 1 and directing it into the intellectual output of David Duke. Hence why pic related has his domain name.
Keep up the great work. It's making a tremendous difference.