I just woke up Sup Forums, and its the big day. What have i missed, did the protests happen? Did the lefties pussy out? News sites arent giving me anything.
Nov. 4th
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Literally nothing as per usual.
>What have i missed
no trump
no kkk
no fascist usa
repeat chorus ad infinitum
You missedme watching the first 5 episodes of Series Three of Borgia.
we really need a happening
throw a grenade idk
The rioting usually starts when it gets darker.
There's still time for happenings.
Disturbing images are starting to roll in from across the country...
Antifa bitched out like usual.
smells like a fagout nothing burger, they might have to make something up, like the left wing faggots pretending to be men
My god
Imma get comfy and keep some news tabs open then.
stop posting gore
A terrible mark in our history, indeed...
The horror... the horror.
Here's a good stream if you're interested.
the fuck kind of porn is that
Antifa JOI.
>The rioting usually starts when it gets darker.
666 confirmed
yes the lib crims will chimp out in the cover of darkness
Soviet Amerika gonzo...
something's happening in saudi arabia
a bunch of ballistic missiles were fired at the airport and there's some sort of coup happening
It's boring, Eric Canton bike lot boy is there making fun of people who play world of warcraft, lots of shillary supporters and pussified people low energy-chanting , they ooze weakness it's really cringe, just wait for the highlights
Oh my god.
Is their goal to kill us with cringe?
>on the mic
>i need a bucket
>i need a big bucket
Is she going to take a shit?
You cant make this shit up.
Some tiny girl trying to act aggressive, and lead chanting.
All the "men" look so uncomfortable to be there, hands in pockets, virgin slouch.
Its really beginning guys, better watch out rural suburban racist retards.
They purposely didn't show up in their standard numbers along with their standard antics.
But, crackpot theory. What if they did this on purpose as a diversion and as soon as that Solar Flare Drill happens and they shut down the grid, Antifa will go full Maoist and start killing anyone they want.
A lot of fuckers on twitter are brainstorming this right now but idk what to believe.
>I just woke up
Nigger it's either Nov 5th for you or you woke up as late as a fat sloth.
I am contemplating suicide now, how are human beings capable of such vile atrocious acts...
>manlet on mic
>I dunno... I just... I mean... I dunno
Summing up their movement to a tee.
I work third shift, normal hours arent really an option.
>believing in happenings
So we now get to call Antifa faggotry coward chickens with this "special day" as prove right?
Here come the flaseflagging useful idiots / retards / (((ourguys)))
Shits about to get good yo.
There's 800 people in LA or something protesting.
Basically, you've missed nothing.
Rand Paul was assaulted in his home by a lefty. That’s about it for now.
Literally who
An tragedy of unimaginable proportions...
Nevermind, nothing happened, lel.
This is the gayest shit i have ever put into my eyeholes.
>this is the best antardfa can accomplish
>the illiterate nigger reading communist propaganda he clearly doesnt understand
>running words together like they mean nothing
>literally what is punctuation
Hey you with the fifth grade reading level, some read this essay. This is how we will overthrow a democratically elected president.
mom packed fruit rollups, user
lets show Trump what we're made of
Apparently the left is saying it was a giant troll. But the insanely expensive 1 page ad on the NYT and the small amount of people that did turn up and start protesting determined that was a lie
Tim Pool claims the November 4th thing was set up by RevCom who are a peaceful group. That's why antifa didn't bother showing up.
>in the time of the Zimmering
>live on the northern border of Detroit
>waiting for the balloon to go up
>sleeping in on day off
>woken straight from REM to full alertness by a huge BANG
>grab thingmeistered Hi-Point Carbine with high capacity 1911 baby killing assault clips
>scan bedroom
>outside, every car alarm is going off, every single one
>and blacks
>panicked, agitated blacks, with loud, demanding voices
>turns out there was an explosion at the Marathon oil refinery
>which is on the opposite city limit
you just woke up you degen?
>rand paul got tackled
thats all
Cracked my window at I-94 and Oakwood.
>rand paul was tackled
hahahaha tell us more
who is rand paul?
An true American Hero.
>can't tip over a trash can
heres the nyc protest i went to
I'm sure you're trolling but fuck it. You know the old guy who you always see from the happening threads? That's Rand Paul's dad and the man we should've elected back in 08.
Jesus Christ dude get a grip, they're all spoiled fucking kids who've never had a day of actual hardship in their life, they wouldn't know which direction to point the guns.
See ya around, waste receptacle.
You know that's how they teach them to debate now right?
Sup Forums lied as usual. You have to be a real dumb fuck to fall for such an obvious scare tactic from the right
>Pick on defenseless trash can
>Still can't bring it to the ground
Is it still ongoing? So low energy.......
big news out of the house of saud. dopey prince among others arrested
Your $100,000 news ad says you're actually just a bunch of pussies who hoped "someone else" would lead the glorious revolution while you banged on trashcans.
idk I left my phone was dying. it was truly pathetic
White House destroyed. We are down to President Paul Ryan, but he's being assaulted by the 1st and 4th Transgendered Super soldier Brigades. Jeff Sessions turned like we all suspected. To no one's surprise, the Navy was Communist all along, they used their Destroyers to knock down Mount Rushmore and The Slave Created Washington Monument. Are last line of defense is a group of neo-nazis who infiltrated gay Brooklyn massage parlors in 78. Wish us luck.
If NYC can't turn out a good protest, then I hate to see what Jeb-esque lazy shit went down in my hometown of Atlanta. Probably set up cots and hammocks.
>Trump kills 2000 north korean nuclear scientists
>Trump imprisons dozens of ISIS supporting Saudis
>ISIS has lost 96% of its territory
>Wall prototypes under construction
>ICE deportations up 200%
>Tony Podesta is going to jail, increasing political pressure on Hillary
>Hollywood dam is beginning to leak
>Seth Rich may get the justice he deserves
>NFL players bend the knee, surrender to God Emperor Trump
I can't handle all this winning
There were both willing protests and brainless screaming apes. Most of them were apes but still its pleasant that 0.0003% of the libtards there were willing to have a civilized conversation.
Someone had to pay for this shit.
oh yeah. and
>antifa is so demoralized they don't even show up to the protest they spent $150,000 to advertise
Saudi coup going on.
>Being this mad
Okay kid
Larpers were shilling this event and it's a nothingburger. I can smell shenanigans from a mile off, along with may other Sup Forumstards, and realizing these rumors were only being spread in right wing circles and nowhere else, wasn't baited.
Somebody tried to play us but not enough people really cared. I don't know how much of it was an honest and meager attempt by Antifa to organiza and how much of it was an attempt to draw righties out into the open.
An anti-communist taking down a landwhale diesel dyke in Philadelphia is the only thing that has happened so far
Downtown Pershing Square Los Angeles California checking in:
Nothing. Nada.
Just skinny faggots on mega phones chirping out bullshit.
Was boring af.
Antifa is a god damn joke lmao
Antifa is looking a little long in the tooth here.
I wonder why Boomers are so easily baited by new media. Or any media for that matter.
The internet generation must have a built-in bullshit detector.
>the left truly cannot meme
Good job being there nevertheless.
This was pointless, probably by design, but people like you showed readiness.
shit, that's real. kek wills it.
No, we made it up.
nice. for better or worse, can't get away with that in the US
Take your gore porn somewhere else sicko.
>post ending in 69
Special place in hell for your kind
AntiFa's #1 weapon is pet niggers
The "It's Okay to be White" campaign had more impact then whatever they hoped to accomplished. Sad.
News sites realized early on that this didn't gain any traction and would be a massive flop, and thus peddled the "there was no protest planned, there were no ads" etc.
And lo and behold, it was a massive flop and only very few people showed up, a total pathetic show that there is no real visible resistance against Trump.
So much happening...
Absolutely nothing
Was that from today?
Basically, the antifag’s are showing how little anti-Trump support there is.
i saw a thread that said only 1 k people and a fuck ton of unclaimed signs for the protests so far its a huge fluke
My momma always said....that boy ain't right....