Are you ready pol to meet the woke young who are going to make Christianity cool again ?

Are you ready pol to meet the woke young who are going to make Christianity cool again ?

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ahahah jokes on them it never stopped being cool

>It doesn't matter what color you are, as long as you're Christian

Found the wrong ones desu.


You mean sellout?

Only dune coons should be christian cause its a dune coon religion

Why even call it Christianity? Fucking parasites.

isn't it weird when blacks and asians are Christians? I know anyone can be a Christian, but it's weird.

Like a white guy doing an African tribal dance or wearing a kimono

no faggot, hell yes

>pro gay christians

But that's exactly what Christcucks believe.

Christianity was never cool

Antichrist. Antichurch. Antistate. Message is always the same. Antihuman.

>cool again
every time

They already tried this. Now NO ONE goes to church. Ironically, the gays I know who are Christian are all straight up Catholic. None of them go to the fag churches with all the Elizabeth Warren types.

It’s not supposed to be cool, it’s supposed to be giving the creator of the universe a bit of respect

As in a revival of art, architecture, and the unification of the European races against the non-Europeans?

Those are hutterite brethren

I lived with those fuckers for 8 months in manitoba 10 years ago

> being mentally ill is cool
Having mental features myself, I can not avoid to hate these people to the bottom of my soul.

Ah I love watching Christianity destroy everything pol stands for then watching pol jump through hoops trying to justify their worship of the king of the jews

Does this mean there will be a resurgence in Templar jokes?

It is time for the AnBaps to claim the United States.

Let's flee the cities.
Let's leave behind anti-human institutions and embrace life!
Let's accept the Gospel.
Let's fight the idolaters.
Let's use the Books and smash the heathen with love in our hearts and blood off our hands.
There will, however, be dirt on our hands.

Let's have big families, with grandparents and parents and children and grandchildren, all perpetuating the lineage.
Let's do what the good Lord said to and people the earth.
Let's open our eyes to the power of families, and leave behind the perverse and destructive ethics of the world.
Let's show them how to live.

It's Happening.

So you KNOW then.

selling souls to be "cool", what the hell?

I'm fucking converting to Orthodoxy.

Tired of this shit.

>were all one blood so whitey u finna mix it up we can't have dayt racism shit in our religion cuh
>eyo also jews are gods chosen so they always right and shiet

> Let's flee the cities.
You flee, we stay for the City is ours.

A Marxist Jew is surely behind this.

Know what.... Those guys have their own problems but they are pretty based

Marxist, unbiblical, minority heretics being pushed by kike media to destroy Christianity is what they are.

>yes goyim leave the cities and the centers of power to the Jews

>surprisingly progressive
Nothing but a bunch of Presbyterian and Methodist kikes.

I thought television revivals, architectural abortions, mad lib interpretation of scripture, and christian rock were peak silly for proddies but they always keep reaching. Lol please never change.


no. christcucks are shapeshifting jews.

deism or bust

>Serena Solomon
Kek, every time.

Jesus invented hospitals.
Jesus invented orphanages.
Jesus invented science.
Jesus invented the culture as we know it.

The Jesus Story is the keyhole of world culture.
It the chink in the armor, the sole vulnerability, the Achilles heel.
It is the most subversive, dangerous story that has ever existed.
That is why people try to pervert it beyond all resemblance to the real thing, or else disregard or "disprove" it.
It has the power to restore families, communities, and society.
It has the power to restore our rightful places in the world.
It has the power to undo the consequences of our forbears' sins.
It can burn through this place like a fire, if we feed it.
It will give us back what we have lost, if we let it.

These poeple are meant to be strong on Jesus, God , and the bible. Tell me OP your gay would you waste your time at these guys church when you know they arent even following the bible. Its not hard get a bible read it, you can agree with it or not agree is it that fucking hard are you that retarded.

That's what happened when the Catholic Church finally failed and let the Luciferians/Neo-Pagans in through the cracks. So once the same thing happens to the Church of Marxism, yes.

Are u connected to hutterites or something?

>Tell me OP your gay would you waste your time at these guys church

No I wouldn't

If I wanted to become Christian I would go for the real thing

A memeflag and a Russian?
And, yes, I suggest the poor leave the cities en masse (because there is no middle class), leaving the cities as slowly-decaying hulks devoid of life so the soul-sucking sociopaths who constructed them to cater to their whims are left starving in the streets.
That's what I want.

Absolutely disgusting

looks to me like they are trying make it more jewy

In the case of a bad accident, the People will ascend.
Imagine what they would do if they didn't have the gubment to deal with...
They are already the fastest-growing religious group in North America.

>read title, imagine crusades, witch burnings, putting fags back in the closet

>Read on, much disappoint.

>Let's pray for the annihilation of all civilization and the elimination of human achievement and free will, which will surely happen any decade now

I think there are very few good options to actively fight against the world powers right now, and the AnBaps in general light the way.
They are the most trad people in N. America, except maybe the straight-up polygamous Mormies in the Southwest.

Wtf they are growing?? When I was there all their young folks were running away ?!!

Lol, cities are not centers of power. Never have been, never will be. The entire history of cities is them being rotten, multi-culti out-of-touch shitholes getting intermittently conquered by groups of rural and suburban ubermensch. There's a reason why Plato's ideal polis includes both the city and the farmland around it that supplies its food and soldiers, and why Rome glorified the simple farmer over the urbanite.

literally met one this week, he tried to faith heal me but it didn't do anything, says he believes in it because he saw videos of niggers on youtube pretending they were in pain or that their legs didn't match

This happened when christians abandoned Gods greatest stamp of approval on western civilization, The KJV, for new translations literally authorized by Rupert (((Murdoch))).

Think about it, sometime in the past 50 years they somehow convinced everyone to abandon the only Bible in history, which even atheists will tell you is the greatest written english work, in order to read some modern literal zondervan version.

And then we wonder why people are spittig on western civilization en masse. Its because 50 years ago the (((churches))) spit on Gods greatest endorsement of western culture, the kjv.

Pic related is the trash they put in versions today and nobody bats an eye. God help us.

When you go down the KJV rabbit hole theres no going back. Massive redpill for me.

One of those things is not like the others

We need a redpill reformation

There are two different things that the Powers have made people think is one thing:
advancement in human thought and civilization.
The fact is, "civilization" as we know it is nothing more than an elaborate ploy to
-create tons of people
-so that they can send tons of people to college
-so that they can both a)create new luxury goods for them to enjoy and b)discover the secrets of eternal life
-so that once they have what they want, they can cull the population
-so that they can live out the rest of their retirement on a paradisaical, sparsely-populated nature reserve
-which they would deserve, by their own reasoning, because the rest of us are all plebs anyway.


Matthew 16:24

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

It might be bigger in the States, but the statistics say they are beating everybody.
New colonies are popping up all the time.
I wonder how much of that has to do with the decline of the N. American small farm culture?
Lots of land, for cheap, if you don't mind being rural.
Don't mind being rural.
It's better, and better for you.


wait a second.
they are all over canada, but since when are they grwoing in the states?? only colony i knew was in north dakota and they didnt like it in the us. they moved to canada after some of their ppl got killed there during drafts for ww1?

>We go to infinite happiness and literally everyone who isn't us goes to infinite torment because mangod lovehates you
How convincing. Here's a fun activity: Pick out every Abrahamic or Marxist ideology on this graph, then compare it with every ideology *not* founded by Jews. Your spiritual philosophy is a fucking heroin addiction.

Those are not Christians

Yeah. I mad. These are the people destroying Christianity and they think they are saving it. They are communists, straight up communists. I don't believe they are telling the truth about believing in God.

How the fuck is forcing the church to become marxist relativists going to boost Christianity? First day at church people are told, just be gay or whatever, we're cool, they will just be like, ok, and walk straight back out. There is no point going to church if the lifestyle and ideology is the same as the worldly outside. And how the fuck is importing non-Christian replacements going to help? It's literally killing the church. God uses immigration as retribution against degenerates and infidels. Satan will institute globalism in the end times. They must know they are the agents of evil from reading the Bible.

God I wish we could still burn heretics. They don't know God. All they do is undermine God and subvert his teachings. They are the brainwashed minions of satan. If you're not Christian and don't like Christisnity, don't lie about it. At least pagans and atheists are honest about what they are. These people are just insidious infiltrators and traitors.

>i want to be part of a religion that wants to lynch me and condemn me to eternal damnation
what do they mean

Not just Hutterites...
Amish, Mennos, various radicalized sects...
They are all over.
Anabaptists, man.
They are winning.

Fucking retards. If you want to be gay, just leave the fucking church and go be gay. It's not that hard to understand.

How important is reading your bible to Christians?
Can you read it front to back once and then just use it to follow along at church?

>How important is reading your bible to Christians?

Making them cool, when they start killing degenerates again

>meet the latest people to subvert Christianity
This ends with fire.


only orthodox or non-denom self study christianity is allowed.

at least, until cathocucks get a new pope. they've been terrible lately. when's the crusade enabling pope coming? i'm 99% sure most strong able bodied men would gather to rome for the reclamation of europe and constantinople.

what would governments even do when men of God congregate to remove kebab and niggers?

my advantage was that i speak german. i could communicate perfect since day 1. even learned their dialect real quick.

But it's just one book. You can't just keep reading the same thing over and over again until you die, can you?

>People trying to make Christianity cool again
I think you mean infiltrating Christianity to subvert it with Marxist ideology.
Christianity is still the biggest religion in the world iirc. It doesn't need more Marxism. It needs to regain control of civilization from the Marxists, by force if required.
Time to sell that coat and buy a sword. The Roman Empire has resurrected itself and it needs to go.

More like ruining Christianity.

Give up on this shit.
Get born again.
Become one with the order of Creation.
Serve the God freeing the world from slavery.
Be fruitful and multiply.

Get in the water.

Correct, but what happens when you've torn it all down and rebuilt a pure Christian society? It happened before, it was called the Protestant Reformation. Christianity self-destructed as early as 200 years after that, because the Catholic Church hid all their scripture and dogma for a reason - Because self-destruction is the entire spiritual core of Christianity, and destroying itself over and over is exactly what it was (((designed))) to do.

as long as we get to burn witches and heretics alive in front of their faggot families again im good.

This was predicted years ago.

You're just witnessing another repetition of this.

They are the only people on the continent who still act like humans.
There are many offshoots of the origina AnBap idea in N. America.
They definitely do not get tons of press, because I think they are very threatening to the normies.
There was a rash of "Bad Amish" shows on the TV that I think were trying to innoculate the Americans against the Gospel.

No one is asking anyone to be Amish, of course.
More, be human.
Be restored.

>there are Ana Baptists on Sup Forums

lol are you guys seriously looking for converts here of all places ?

>hurr durr what was the reformation/protestantism
fuck off fedora tipper

Doesn´t need to be cool. And even though it´s anime&manga, and pretty edgy, Hellsins Alexander Anderson is pretty bad ass.

Isn't accusing the pope of heresy a heresy in and of itself since he's infallible?

Protestants were blood-thirsty thugs, political opportunists, and murderers of the brethren.
There are real-world examples of how following the Gospel works to preserve humanity.
Look at these communities and tell me they aren't doing better than most every other body.
They are healthy, stable, and thriving.
They work with their hands, love their Brethren, and have comfortable, rich lives.
You tell me how this is better than the two-working-parent daycare/TV culture that is the United States ideal.

the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

2 Timothy

28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. 29 I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. 30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.


Of course.
This is a haven for the most subversive and motivated people on the internet.
That's what the church needs, not pew-warming worldly types who show up to be seen by men.
We need radicals.

they are late to the party

pope francis is doing this already


Congratulations, you've found out why Protestantism is idiotic. Because Christ's Church on Earth is holier than the Bible, because it itself assembled the Bible and determined what was and wasn't the Word of God. Saying the Catholic Church contradicts itself is just the same as saying the Bible contradicts itself. It doesn't happen.


Catechism 56 would like a word with you, senpai.

>saying Israel might follow other gods?
>they are the people of hashem.
>doesn't happen

Wait two hundred years after you've achieved your society. It probably won't even take that long for the pendulum to snap back, depending on how your purity spiral goes. Then wait another few hundred years for society to destroy itself again and come back to you, although substantially weaker and (((more vulnerable))) than before. And so on.

>that credit sequence at the end of hellsing ultimate ep.8 that goes from church hymns to violent jap rock

My people invented your ideology.
And, by the way, I am an annihilation.