What the FUCK is your problem?
Unemployed members of Sup Forums
Spent a shit a ton of money for a degree that is meaningless. Went to Korea and taught. Came back and couldn't find shit. Now I'm going back again.
What's your fucking problem asshole?
NO WONDER you harp on your whiteness - it's your only asset.
Bon voyage kid!
I might as well be. 23 years old and I'm making $13 an hour + $50 in tips as a chef at an artisan pizzeria. I make more than enough to get by right now but I still feel like a fucking loser every time I clock in.
I am crazy ivan. I am born to madness, not to work
To anyone who is unemployed, it's not your fault
>I know, I'll just assume this guy is white to enforce my own beliefs
Buenos dias nigger-kun
I'm lazy and lack confidence
Stop making this thread over and over again.
Getting a woman is not possible for me, in return I'm no longer productive for society. Also people have been oppressing me and taking away my chances to build up anything so they pay reparations in form of welfare.
just ask WOPKE for a job - the only thing it will cost is your pride
Dysthymia, existential issues, too comfortable on welfare. I get rent paid + 485€ every month with no effort. That's about the same amount I would get as a cashier.
I start my new job Monday
Already started on a 3 month online certification program as well
What's the point, the traditional family and life has been murdered.
No jobs
>hurr durr businesses make profit arbitrarily
>businesses don't make money by trading things that people want
fuck off wagie, go shill somewhere else
More or less the same, but without the foreign teaching.
I quit my frivolous shit job to re-skill and now I am going to start serving to pay the bills while I learn
I somehow managed to get a degree but I have such social anxiety that the idea of interacting with people regularly scares me. I haven't been able to muster up the courage to job seek. I also don't have any real desire for anything and I'm just waiting to die cause nothing really gives me joy and I don't want to bother anyone by existing.
t. antifa trying to get working class support
i won the lottery
Fight through that shit,. your early 20’s aren’t a time when you get to work a dream job. People don’t start taking you seriously at that age unless you have nepotism or some other ‘in’.
Just make your money, try to be friendly and smile, show up on time and don’t be a whiny bitch. Those qualities will take you far in a few years. Plenty of older folks, some in their 30’s that are NEET or grinding it out in a factory for 16$ an hour- just enough to pay for the spine procedure when they fuck their shit up toting heavy boxes around. You don’t have it that bad.
I applied for network engineer position 2 weeks ago. Spent 5+ hours across two days writing a cover letter, filling out the application, revising my CV, and researching aspects of the job posting.
It's been 2 weeks and I haven't even gotten a phone call, email, or any aknowledgement that a human even bothered to recognize my existence.
This happens about 60% of the time I apply anywhere and it makes me want to kill myself and it makes the next application 10x harder to fill out
Walmart employee here. Seen some shit. Going to work soon.
>implying people's wants aren't completely arbitrary when society's organized around satisfying them
he probably is, but that pic is NatSoc's sentiment as well
They messed that up pretty good by admitting their end goal is white genocide/replacement
Even the smallest of creatures may move mountains, user.
I've been sick for 7 years 18-25.
Now i have to start from zero and do something with my life
Always call 2-3 days after sending the application and ask if they have received it. Often this can earn you the job if you're otherwise qualified.
>Went to Korea and taught
>Now I'm going back again.
farewell mr. Rodman
This is America, get a fucking job, accept some responsibility and clean your room while you are at it
Getting adequate hydration and spending time out in the sun and supplementing vitamin D is a good start.
if you want water or electricity and you have none but someone else does, you'll trade money for it. there is literally nothing wrong with this. things you think are problems aren't because they're valued at nothing because nobody demands it.
I'm a bit of a retard,so if I get disability welfare I can make far more then I would in some shitty job.I Do a couple of days work a week off the cards,and I am learning skills at a college twice a week,just in case my welfare stops.Better then stacking shelves all day for some welfare assisted supermarket,that treats it's employees like shit,and pays slave wages.
there's no fucking work in this country, especially not for FUCKING A WHITE MALE
Being white is all I have.....
wow you guys are poor LMFAO
you deserve to be treated like shit you fucking leech
The hospital I worked at is closing in 4 days, I was layed off 2 days ago, that's my problem
I would like to meet aids skillrex in a remote area, clasp my hands around his throat and choke the life out of him.
>muh universal healthcare
What did you study in college?
Medfag here, well medfag sales. What do you did there? You’re in a recession proof industry and should have only limited difficulty finding work elsewhere.
wagie wagie come home ragie
There's nothing wrong with that because those are needs, not wants.
A society organized around satisfying needs is just civilization.
>things you think are problems aren't because they're valued at nothing because nobody demands it.
What does that mean?
how and why the fuck does a hospital close? where’s all the patients?
I haven't finished college yet.
Who says we're unemployed?
btfo and get back into Mommy's Basement.
I won't pick up any kind of work until this state has crashed. It's morally wrong to pay taxes to the German government.
>why arent you (((employed))) goy?
Enjoy hell.
I'm not smart enough to get rich and I refuse to be a slave.
I had to do two years of internships that came out to 5$ an hour to get a position that pays 22$ an hour. I don’t own a home or have gf meanwhile betas are in good position getting hoes and having children. Feels weird
checked, confirmed he got cucked at work today
Orderly, normally you would be right about having limited difficulty finding work elsewhere however I was one of a handful of workers who was not eligible for re-deployment and the state I live in doesn't have enough jobs in the sector currently to home all the people who were/are eligible. its a huge complicated headfuck
Retired at 32. Now I'm technically a NEET I guess. Wife still chooses to work and she pulls in like $110k a year.
i fucked up in life.
trying to better myself, but it may be too late.
Look at all the neeties getting butthurt over being what Hitler would have put into concentration camps.
What was your job?
Employed here. I would like a complimentary doctor-assisted suicide, please. I've more than paid my dues, and I hate this place. I never asked to exist in the first place. This life has been like someone chloroforming me, dragging me into their home and taking a shit on my face, waiting for my reaction when I wake up, then telling me I should be grateful.
You're not a NEET, and thus not a loser.
>in shape
>self respecting
This is all that matters. You could have a high paying job and still be an ignorant, fat cuck.
dispersed across remaining hospitals in the state (which includes the one built to replace the one I worked at)
You have to go where the work is. Fuck staying in a stagnant area, living life on auto pilot until something better comes along.
School, and I just got an overnight stocking job at Kroger, I spent the better part of the year looking for a job that would pay more than $8.50 an hour, was hoping for over 10 actually... Finally gave in and went to retail. Fucking, life.
You are bettering yourself every hour you spend here.
There is not enough time in one life for even half the memes. If you can work all day every day on memes and still never finish, imagine how spiritually bankrupt wagecucks are! This is just them lashing out, they realize you are better than them, all they have is their money and their money god. You have the wealth of memes user, never forget.
If you think there are no jobs, you're fucking wrong. Mike Rowe's organization will not only train you in a trade as long as you can demonstrate work ethic, they'll get you good job afterward. Stop thinking you're gonna find some shitty desk job or make a podcast and go big, fucking idiots. Become a pipefitter and stop being such a faggot, and you'll have independence and an income to support a family.
I'm super employable(have good degree/grades, and diverse skill set), but I have a weak network and I'm still in school. I get serious anxiety when ever I start filling out job applications. It's extremely irrational. I feel like I have a phobia of applying to jobs or some shit. Really wish I had money so I could hire someone to get a job for me. Idk I suck.
You still have enough self-awareness to browse Sup Forums, it's not too late
>working my life away for some kike
No thankyou
>This is America, get a fucking job, accept some responsibility and clean your room while you are at it
Word up
What's the point of having a job if you dont look like that guy
Nobody will ever love you, and work is hell cause everyone will treat u like crap
Just get welfare and vegitate on porn/snacks/computer games until you off yourself
I got a really specific degree a live in a small town that doesn't have any more jobs available for me. So I plan on moving to a big city in January. also I don't get along in most work environments. hence the degree.
I had the same problem. Copy paste job qualifications in resume or cv. Then hide the text. It works most of the time.
>there's no fucking work in this country, especially not for FUCKING A WHITE MALE
So says the subject of the Queen.
And yeah, reverse discrim is for fucking real down here.
>3/4 of my country are unemployed
>Economic/polítical crysis
>Autism (for real)
>Too much time unemployed
>Diversity quotas favouring the darkers.
Because I'm almost handicapped, aspie and I'm in school atm
I quit my last job. They were absolute cunts to work for, paid shit, I was in all seriousness becoming suicidal working for them. So said fuck you, quit, moved to a new city, and I'm starting over. Haven't hit anything yet, but good lead. Hoping to get a shit job to pay the bills this week though.
What's your fucking problem.
What James Fields could have been.
Ultimately I will be ok, I finish my study at the end of the year and my family is well off that me being unemployed for a short stint isn't an issue
All that self stroking over your skill set amounts to jack shit if you get in your own way. My prescription is to go out and apply for a few jobs that you have no interest in, just to acclimate yourself with the process. Then force yourself to get out and interact with people, you never know what will come along.
I was about to set up an interview for a really nice job then I sperged out and didn't leave my name. I've done this like 3 times already. I don't expect to survive in any work environment with this social anxiety
Thanks Mr Noseberg
> Spent 5+ hours across two days writing a cover letter, filling out the application, revising my CV, and researching aspects of the job posting.
Way too fucking long dude. I'm recently unemployed after quitting my last job, and it's a fucking numbers game. I only alter my resume in very specific situations, otherwise it's the same one. I spend about an hour start/finish on a cover letter, and bang - off you go. Don't waste time researching anything beyond cover letter shit until you get word about an interview.
age? i gotta apply there this weekend and am not happy about it
i cant even get replies for comfy warehouse overnight shifts
i even have forklift ticket from previous construction jobs
why even live?
Good on you, brother.
When I was unemployed my problem was welfare, it may sound hypocritical but I wish I never had the opportunity to go on the dole. There's absolutely no incentive to be a better person when you're enabled in that way and thats why theres so many fucking retarded, permanently unemployed bogans around.
Quote from Jayne Cobb from the show Firefly.
>My daddy said if you can't find a job you ain't lookin' hard enough.
This is sound advice even back here in the real world.
i work an okay job, with okay benefits in nyc. It makes me want to kill myself. 9 hour days, 3 hours on busses and trains, maybe an hour in the gym. all work no play makes me want to kill his browned subway riders
You people still can't meme
> phyletism
> heresy
t. jew
Nation is the church.
I have had a well paying white collar job I've been in for 3 years now.
I'm thinking of growing my hair long. I know I will survive this job, but if I move - will I be able to keep climbing up the ladder with a metalhead haircut (wearing a suit etc)?
Thoughts? Stories?
>Graduated height of the great "recession" in 2008
>Have been contributing to my 401k since 2009
>Market up over 300%
feels fucking good, at this rate I can retire within the decade.
This. I know a lot of people that are idiots and had their 6 figure job handed to them by HR flumpkins. The world suffers because of them, not because of hard working people doing lower paying jobs correctly.
I'm rich, sorry i don't have your normie problems lel.
a good friend of mine is on unemployment and he's loving it. He got fired from his job, and now he's taking care of his house and getting paid for it.
i wont suck jew nigger cock for the make believe state
My wife is a corporate lawer makin 100k a month. Im stayhome dad. Im actually quite busy during a day.
Ahh the fruits of the great society program. I don't believe you could compete with this mans level of not giving a single fuck.