>Tfw born racemixed
>Destined to die in hell
How the fuck do i escape this? I hate my mother so fuckigNG MUCH FUCK YOU I HATE YOU AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>Tfw born racemixed
>Destined to die in hell
How the fuck do i escape this? I hate my mother so fuckigNG MUCH FUCK YOU I HATE YOU AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
You're not going to go to hell just cause you're race mixed man. Embrace it man. Pursue your career you've always wanted. Marry whoever you want. Just be alright, be successful, don't let assholes get you down.
What's wrong with being racemixed?
You're healthier because of your diverse genes. People on this board freak out about "lowering the IQ" but that depends on the people procreating, my IQ is 130. Why is two stupid white people breeding somehow superior?
Race doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things OP. Don't be so brainwashed by the fat stormfaggots here that probably aren't even full white.
How can you be so afraid of an imaginary hell, and at the same time spend so much effort creating a real one for yourself?
Doesn't the bible condemn racemixing and talk about how people who are racemixed cannot enter heaven?
Land of the brave, home of the free!
What's it like to be white?
Asking for a friend......
>Tfw we will be whiter than europe in 5 years still
Thanks for the bumps
Marry a pure white woman
Have you descants marry pure whites
have grandchildren marry pure whites
now over 85% white
basically white in America
Please someone show me the proof of this so I can get on living nihilistically
t. Conflicted mutt
I really have no reason to defend whites but I know you guys are the progenitors of better civilisations and societies. But if I’m not off sky daddys gangsters paradise I’m just gonna do whatever I want. Please source this claim.
I don't think so man. And if that's the case, God is just testing us to see if we will pass his test and pursue peace and love rather than fear and violence. Now, obviously I want a 100% white europe, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't marry a white american girl if you want to. You'll be alright man.
In humans "diverse" genes of diferent races isnt actually good. You mixed raced animals tend to be less healthy.
Also you become rootless and struggle to find an identity within any comunity. Trully disgusting
Meh. Being racemixed is overrated.
Would you really want to go to a heaven that would cast you out over something you had no control over?
I don't know the passage but if it is a sin it is likely the sin of the parents, not the child that results. So, I guess your parents will go to hell but not you. At least not for being mixed, but probably for some other reason consider there are a million small things that will land you in hell.
I was thinking of just culling myself or suicidebombing niggers or commies in the name of leftism.
I want a aryan family but i guess i'll go for the racemixed meme with some woman then teach my children not to racemix like said.
How do I become an Amerigoblin?! I kinda like the idea.
Mixed between what races?
In not belonging to any community you see how samey and disgusting the human race is overall, it's the true redpill. I have no biases that keep me from seeing truth.
I’ve just never heard of this heaven against racemixing stuff would like a little source.
What kind of mix though?
Mulatto, hapa, mestizo?
just don't be a nigger
my mother married my father, a useless deadbeat piece of shit
we have to be better than our parents, user
Most of your country are mixed too, don't worry.
I don't know if peruvian/american counts as mulatto. The "White" part of me is swiss, german, irish, and italian.
The other is 100% peruvian father.
>Brazilian talking about whiteness
>tfw italian/german/polish mix
Italians don't like me because I'm german, and germans don't like me because I'm italian. It never ends.
Fuck the ugliest negress you can find, convince her to move to america, afterwards kill yourself and hopefully you will be reborn as the kid.
k lol
>tfw not relevant enough to be disliked
>tfw brown eyes black hair.
>Will never truly be part of either side of my race.
nice larp distress no sympathy 4 u pls kys
Unless you're half nigger I wouldn't worry about it.
feel u user, we are doomed(im not black, half white half arab)
>tfw white
Feels good man.
Polish girls are cute but they're all smelly. Like old pierogis.
If you don't have brown eyes you're a subhuman.
Just don't start believing that you'll be discovered.
All the seats of power have already been filled.
Nobody up here gives a fuck about your nationality.
You are race mixed, therefore NOT human. Only humans have souls. so don't worry, your soul CAN'T go to hell. Because you don't have one.
>not clapping when the plane lands
Fuck you kikes, kys.
Relax nigger, you can't choose what skin you're born with nor would you go to hell over something you can't control. You were born with a privilege, you can redpill people and if they dare call you racist, you say you're not white and if the libtard calling you racist is white, you call them racist back
Be glad
Amerimutts like you can be Main Characters in TV Shows now.
Le 56% Stranger Things
How can someone be his age and look like a baby
reddit has too leave. that is pure propaganda. the healthy genes from 1 aspect on either side did not activate due to your impurity. now your children may have a chance to get the good genes from either side, but your more likely to be mentally ill too prevent that from happening. race mixing isnt very good 1st gen
Aah, birth defect.
This thread and this one 147962893 are both nigger race mixing shill threads. And most of the flags are american.
fucking shit
better to be racemixed than to be a product of incest.
white people are gross.
Brazil being brown doesn't make America any less mixed, my Arab friend.
Same for you, Juan.
Le 56% white and 44% stranger things face.
White people invented the "Call me daddy!" sex meme. They got some fucked up fetishes. Makes me proud to be of the orientation of buying used panties from a dispenser rather than the sibling fetish that seems to be trending right now.
t. kike
Holy shit
Hybrid vigor comes from separate sub-species, like Bos taurus(Angus cow) mixing with Bos indicus (Brahma cow).
It isn't with same species, as breeders of designer dog breeds are figuring out the hard way when their labradoodle still gets hip dysplasia
brundle already solved your problem
Have you ever seen king of the hill?
It's a lot like king of the hill.
>Le 56% white and 44% stranger things face.
Yeah I agree
When I find a qt3.14 aryan waifu, I'm gonna to make her call me her god.
only America is destineted to die,Europe and Russia still have 100% white posts such as: Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, Latvia etc.
Ideas man was goat
Reminder that europoor women are using migrant camps as public brothels. America will soon be the whitest country left on earth.
Bible doesn't say anything about race mixing. Just marry a qt with American values and keep your values American.
It might be ok to be white, but it's not ok to fuck women of the same race thinking bout your mom.
Yeesh, gotta wipe all this whiteness off my skin.
Sickle cell disease
>born in latvia
>russian father
>tfw will never be aryan
Do the world a favor and don't reproduce.
I myself am doing this.
yfw you realize white privilege at the cost of white guilt ain't worth it.
No, don't marry a white woman if you're not white. My dad is a Native American and my mom is white, both my older siblings are brown and I'm white skinned with dark brown hair and eyes. That's 2/3 brown offspring and a huwhite third one. Marry another mongrel or don't reprodue, or even better, marry a darkie to partially demelanate their progeny. I see beutiful looking happy smiley white people all around me alongside frowny pants shitkins and I can't imagine tainting their family's gene pool.
Enjoy your life to the fullest, just don't procreate.
Forgot picture.
Most of us are at least a little racemixed. For a mate find the best match for your dominant race or species and move to their homeland, unless it's Europe. If you're part white and part something else, move to Latin America. That's what it's for.
Enjoy this while it lasts, but be aware that it's basic D&C direct from one of the goon discords.
Last but not least:
It's not ok to be white when white means lack of cultural dignity.
>Enjoy this while it lasts, but be aware that it's basic D&C direct from one of the goon discords.
>goons indoctrinating themselves with our meme water
Also fastfood. Don't forget the fastfood. Don't consume anything that doesn't contain a shit ton of trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup, and aspartam.
it's all good for you. Only an unpatriotic Muslim socialist would claim otherwise.
>I myself am doing this.
Literally cucked by random nerds on Sup Forums
pink wojaks are only used for when the price of bitcoin is crashing.
never seen king of the hill, i tell ya hwite
That's the most american video I've seen.
Holy shit... That's the most Murican thing I've ever seen.
Hi /biz/
Moon mission imminent
I just watched that while listening to the Tron: Legacy soundtrack.
Never felt so confused.
thanks for reminding me this album exists
So where does that leave you, what is your faith going to be?
Will you marry a white woman user?!?
Comfort levels exceeding maximum threshold.
Bypassing comfy limiter.
Comfy now set to infinity.
Oh yea...
The OT condemned the Israelites from marrying pagan Canaanite women because they led the men to paganism. It had no problem with it if the Canaanites who married with Israelite men actually repented and followed God in the case of Rahab marrying into the Israelites after the fall of Jericho.
When your children fall from your grasp into this God forsaken world, remember this post.
Genetics are inferior to ideology